Math 105: Calculus I

Syllabus and Course Info, Spring 1998

MWF 10:00--10:50A.M, in Olin 111; MW 11:00--11:50A.M., in Olin 132

Final: 10:30A.M., Thursday, 14 May

Administrative info.
Office: Olin 109A
Office Hours: Tu 11:00--Noon,
W 2:00--4:00PM
Th 11:00--Noon
+ whenever I'm around and available
Phone: 465--2208
Math/CS WWW:
This page:
Grades: http://brillig/~glarose/classes/calc/gradesI/
(username for the grade page is your last name; password is your student ID number)

Text: Calculus, by Hughes Hallett et al.. We will cover most of chapters 1--6 this semester.

Luck is not chance, it is toil. Fortune's expensive smile is earned.
Emily Dickinson

Goals: Essential to learning mathematics is developing a conceptual understanding of the material being studied, which is distinct from but underlies the mechanical skills that are so characteristic of some math (e.g., algebra). Are goals, therefore, are:

Expectations:: It may sound flippant to say ``Learning is fun, and learning requires work, so the hard work in this class will be fun,'' but there is a kernel of truth in the statement, and I therefore expect you to work hard at accomplishing, understanding, and enjoying the assignments for the course. In return, you may expect me to work as hard and much as I can to help you learn as much as possible and enjoy doing so.

Course Organization & Rationale:

  1. I will not be lecturing for the full duration of any class period. Any learning is done actively, not passively---no matter how good a lecturer I might or might not be, my talking at you will not teach anything unless you are actively thinking through the material. We will therefore be spending at least half of every regular class period working on in-class worksheets or homework.
  2. Working in groups with others has been shown to facilitate learning, and allow people to accomplish far more than they might on their own. Additionally , in any profession, you will have to work productively with others. We will therefore be doing group work in class and on assignments (in particular, on projects). It is therefore essential (not optional!) that you put forth effort to contribute to your group and get as much as possible from the experience.
  3. Explaining mathematics in writing is also well documented as enhancing learning, and is as essential to ones survival in the ``real-world'' as is being able to work with others. We will therefore have written assignments throughout the semester, including the much-loved projects.
  4. The three written projects we do in the semester are designed to accomplish four things: develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, require you to explore the mathematics we study in greater depth, allow you to apply the course material to real-world applications, and both learn by and enhance your skills at writing precise, mathematical prose.


32% Assessment Opportunities
24% Comprehensive Final
18% Projects
14% Homework, Labs & In-class work
7% Portfolios/Journals
5% Reading Homework


``You have to respect someone who can spell Tuesday,'' [Rabbit said,] ``even if they can't spell it right.''
A.A. Milne


Administrative Info

``But I don't want to go among mad people,'' remarked Alice.
Lewis Carrol

Gavin's S98 Calc I Syllabus
Last modified: Mon Jan 19 18:54:55 EST 1998
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