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Gavin's Calc I Homework

Date Due Assignment
Thu 14 May, 10:30 Final
8 May
  • Final journal/portfolio: (1) Rework all Assessment Opportunity problems that you missed points on, as written problems: explain each of the steps in your solutions, as you do them, taking care to emphasize what you are doing and why you are doing it. (2) Include any other comments you may have.
6 May
4 May
  1. Sec 6.5, # 1-3 (do #3 with 7 seconds not 5), 4
1 May
  1. Read Sec 6.5
  2. Sec 6.4, # 2,5,7,10,11,13,16,17,39,41,45,46
29 April
Assessment Opportunity 4
Chapters 5 & 6 (Sec 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 6.1-6.3)
27 April
  1. Read Sec 6.4
  2. Sec 6.3, # 2-4,6,9,11,13
24 April no official class
22 April
  1. Read Sec 6.3
  2. Sec 6.2, # 1,3,4,7-9
20 April
  1. Read Sec 5.7, 6.2
  2. Sec 5.6, # 9,14
    Sec 6.1, # 1-6,9,13,16
17 April no class
15 April
  1. Read Sec 6.1
  2. Sec 5.5, # 8,9
    Sec 5.6, # 2,6-8,12
13 April
  1. Sec 5.5, # 5-7,10
    Sec 5.6, # 1,3
  2. Journal/Portfolio: If you scored less than 85 on the last Assessment Opportunity, pick an A.O. problem numbered 2 or higher and carefully rework it as a written problem. If you scored higher than that, pick a problem from section 5.5 numbered over 6. Written Problem means that you want to explain each step in your solution to say what you are doing and why you are doing it. Also add any other comments that you might have about anything in particular.
8 April
  1. Read Sec 5.6
  2. Sec 5.2, # 10,12,13,15
    Sec 5.5, # 1-4
6 April
  1. Read Sec 5.5
  2. Sec 5.1, # 5,7,13,15,17,24
    Sec 5.2, # 1,2,6 (for #6, don't determine your answer simply by graphing)
3 April
  1. Read Sec 5.2
  2. Sec 5.1, # 1-4,20
Homework from Chapters 3 & 4
Homework from Chapter 2
Homework from Chapter 1

Gavin's Calc I Homework
Last modified: Fri May 1 08:32:52 CDT 1998
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