Gavin's Calc II Home Page

Random useful info
My e-mail: glarose(at)umich(dot)edu
My office hours: Th 3-4pm (in the Math Lab), Tu 1:30–2:30pm, We 10–11am (EH 3832), or by appointment.
Class meetings: Tu,F 11:30am–1:00pm in Denn 621, Th 11:30am–1:00pm in Denn 613

Important Dates
Entrance Gateway Deadline: 1/28
Exam 1: 2/4, 6–7:30pm Location: MLB Aud 3
Integral Gateway Deadline: 2/22
Exam 2: 3/18, 6–7:30pm Location: MLB Aud 3
Final: Tue 4/22, 8–10am Location: MLB Aud 3
Review: Mon 4/21, 3–5pm, EH 3096

This page has (some very small amount of) information relevant to Math 116-028 taught at the University of Michigan in Winter 2008.

On-line student data form: go here
Course information sheet: coursehandout.pdf (PDF: 85K)
Course syllabus: Day-by-day (projected) syllabus
"Old" Midterm exams, et al.:
See the course home page.
Some Web-based Materials
A look at notation for improper integrals (section 7.7)
(if the equations at the end of that page don't display for you, you're probably using an old version of Internet Explorer, which can't handle transparent png files. try using Firefox or upgrading to IE7)
Some additional notes about improper integrals (PDF)
Review Materials:
Exam 1: integral review problems (PDF) | solns (PDF)
Exam 2: review problems (PDF) | solns (PDF) (not proofread carefully)
Final: some additional review problems (PDF)
Gateway Tests:
Nice job on the Entrance Gateway! We had a 100% pass rate!
The Integral Gateway is now done.
On-line Homework: The On-line (Individual) Homework is open.
system login.
Current Quizzes
Quiz1; Soln
Quiz2; Soln
Quiz3; Soln
Quiz4; Soln
Quiz5; Soln
Quiz6; Soln
Quiz7; Soln
Quiz8; Soln
Quiz9; Soln
Quiz10; Soln
  Old (Sample) Quizzes
Quiz1; Soln
Quiz2; Soln
Quiz3; Soln
Quiz4; Soln
Quiz5; Soln
Quiz6; Soln
Quiz7; Soln
Quiz8; Soln
Quiz9; Soln
Quiz10; Soln
  More Old Quizzes:
Quiz1; Soln
Quiz2; Soln
Quiz3; Soln
Quiz4; Soln
Quiz5; Soln
Quiz6; Soln
Quiz7; Soln
Quiz8; Soln
Quiz9; Soln
Quiz10; Soln
Gavin's CalcII Homepage
Last modified: Tue Apr 15 17:22:48 EDT 2008
Comments to:glarose(at)umich(dot)edu
©2006-08 Gavin LaRose, UM Math Dept.