Gavin's Calc III Home Page

Random useful info
My e-mail: glarose(at)umich(dot)edu
My office hours: Tu 3-4pm (in the Math Lab), Mo,We 3:30-4:30 (EH 3832), or by appointment.
GSI: Alex Mueller
GSI's office hours: Mo 1-2pm, Computer Lab; We,Fr: 1-2pm, EH1828
Lecture room: Dennison 260
Lecture time: MWF 2pm-3pm
Lab rooms: see the course home page

Important Dates
Exam 1: Thu 10/22, 6-7:30pm
Exam 2: Thu 11/19, 6-7:30pm
Final: Thu 12/17, 10.30am-12.30pm

This page has (some very small amount of) information relevant to Math 215-080 taught at the University of Michigan in Fall 2009. Other vaguely related material is noted below.

Admin information, etc.:
Course information sheet: courseinfo.pdf (PDF: 76K)
Other information: see the course info on the course page.
Assignments, and such:
Written homework: see the course page
Web homework: login
Lab information: see the course lab page
Lecture materials:
Demos used in class:
13.1/Intro: [Maple | Web]
13.4: [Maple | Web]
14.1: [Maple | Web]
14.2: [Maple | Web]
14.3: [Maple | Web]
15.3, 15.4: [fox map from class 9/23, 9/25]
15.6 (1): [Maple | Web];
15.6 (2): [Maple | Web]
15.8: [Maple | Web]
16.6: [Maple | Web]
16.7: [Maple | Web]
17.6: [Maple | Web]
17.7 (1): [Maple | Web]
17.7 (2): [Maple | Web]
17.8 [Maple | Web]
Other on-line explanations:
projections (section 13.3)
dot and cross products (section 13.3, 13.4)
distances between points and lines or planes (section 13.5)
different equations of planes (section 13.5)
level curves (section 15.1)
differentials (section 15.4)
gradients and level surfaces (section 15.6)
the surface area element dS (section 17.6)
surface integrals and scaling factors (section 17.7)
flux (section 17.7)
the divergence theorem and flux integrals (section 17.9)
summary of vector calculus theorems (PDF: 70k)
vector calculus example problem (PDF: 43k)
Lecture outlines: [10/28]; [10/30]; [11/02]; [11/04]; [11/06]; [11/09]; [11/11]; [11/13]; [11/16]; [11/20]; [11/23]; [11/25]; [11/30]; [12/02]; [12/04]; [12/07]; [12/09] [12/11]; [12/14]
Things to know backwards and forwards for exam 2: back and forth (PDF)
Older resources (Lecture explanations):
the "odd jobs" function (class, 9/22)
components of acceleration (section 14.4)
lagrange multipliers (section 15.8)
setting up double integrals (sections 16.3 and 16.4)
setting up integrals in cylindrical coordinates (section 16.8)
setting up triple integrals (sections 16.7-16.8)
setting up triple integrals in spherical coordinates (section 16.8)
setting up misc integrals (from class 11/17; review)
using Green's Theorem (section 17.4)

Gavin's Calc III Home Page
Last modified: Wed Dec 9 12:59:14 EST 2009
Comments to: glarose(at)umich(dot)edu