Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 1.3
- The Search for Solution Formulas : what are two levels on which solutions to ODEs can be pursued?
- First-Order Linear Equations : when is a first-order ODE linear? what is normal linear form?
- antidifferentiation and solutions : what is the Antiderivative Theorem? on what calculus is it based?
- normal linear form : what is the driving term for a linear ODE? when is a linear ODE undriven?
- the integrating factor approach : how do we solve a differential equation using an integrating factor?
- General Solutions and IVPs :
- solutions : what is a general solution to a differential equation?
- IVPs : how does the constant in a general solution work for solving an IVP?
- Existence and Uniqueness : what can we say about the existence and uniqueness of solutions to first-order, linear differential equations?
Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 1.3
Last Modified: Sun Jan 24 17:05:20 1999
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