Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 5.1--3
- First-Order Systems : what is a first-order system of differential equations?
- From Single ODEs : how do we convert a higher-order ODE into a system?
- Theory : what is the normal form for a system of n first-order differential equations? how many initial conditions are there for the corresponding IVP? what is the state-space for the system? a time-state curve?
- vectors : how is vector notation used to represent systems? what is the compact form that this leads to for the normal form of the system?
- linear systems : what is a linear system of first-order differential equations?
- Applications : what is the chemical law of mass balance?
- Properties of Systems : what are the state variable, rate function, and initial state for a first-order system? why is this chapter focused on properties of systems?
- the Fundamental Theorem : what is the fundamental theorem for systems? what are the four parts of it? what do they mean?
- Autonomous Systems : what is an autonomous system? what are two properties of the solutions to autonomous systems?
- equilibrium solutions : what are equilibrium solutions to a first-order system? how do we find them?
- direction fields : what is a direction field for a planar system of first-order ODEs? how is the solution related to this?
- nullclines : what is a nullcline for a system? how many of them are there?
- Models of Interacting Species :
- Basic Ideas : what is the balance law? how is it related to populations? what is the population law of mass action?
- Interaction : what are the seven types of interaction that may characterize interacting species? what differential equations do they give rise to?
Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 5.1--3
Last Modified: Wed Mar 31 03:03:53 1999
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