Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 1.3
- The Search for Solution Formulas : what do we mean by ``solving a differential equation''?
- First-Order ODEs :
- Point : what is the order of an ODE?
- Point : when is an ODE linear? what is ``normal linear form''?
- Antiderivative Theorem : what is the Antiderivative Theorem? to what types of ODEs does it apply?
- Integrating Factors : what is done in example 1.3.2 to solve a linear ODE? how does the product rule come into the example?
- Point : what are the coefficient and driving terms in a first-order normal linear ODE? what do ``driven'' and ``undriven'' mean?
- Point : what is an integrating factor?
- Point : what steps allow the method of integrating factors work to solve a first-order linear ODE?
- Point : how does the method work for initial-value problems (IVPs)?
Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 1.3
Last Modified: Mon Jan 24 10:21:49 2000
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