Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 2.4

  1. Introduction to Bifurcations : what are we examining about equilibrium solutions in this section?
    1. Bifurcations : what expectation might we have about changing equilibria? what ``odd'' behavior might we see?
      1. Point : what is bifurcation analysis?
      2. Point : what are the steps in bifurcation analysis?
    2. a side note : what are the steps in scaling time and population in example 2.4.1? why might we want to do this, anyway?
    3. Bifurcation Analysis : what do we do in the first part of our bifurcation analysis? in the second part?
      1. Point : what is a bifurcation diagram? what are the variables on the axes? why are some lines solid and some dotted?

Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 2.4
Last Modified: Mon Feb 21 11:53:12 2000
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