Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 2.5
- Approximate Solutions : what do we see in this section?
- Euler's Method : what idea characterizes Euler's method?
- Point : what are the ``partition'' and ``steps'' we use for Euler's method?
- Point : if we know that (t0,y0) is a point on a solution curve, how does Euler's method estimate (t0+h,y1)?
- Point : what is the ``Euler solution''?
- One-Step Methods : what is a one-step method?
- Error : what are the two types of error we consider in numerical methods?
- Point : what do we mean by the ``order'' of a one-step numerical method? what is the order of Euler's method?
- Other Methods : how is Heun's method different from Euler's method? how is Runge-Kutta different?
Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 2.5
Last Modified: Fri Feb 18 09:59:17 2000
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