Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 5.3

  1. Models of Interacting Species :
    1. Building Models : what are the variables in our population modeling? what rule do we use to develop the models?
      1. Mass Action : what law do we have for the interaction of two species?
    2. Interactions : what are the different types of interaction models? in particular, how does the interaction term change between the models?
      1. Point : what does a predation term look like?
      2. Point : what does an overcrowding term look like?
      3. Point : what does a harvesting term look like?
      4. Point : what does a cooperation term look like? how is this like the predation term?

Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 5.3
Last Modified: Thu Mar 30 16:24:23 2000
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