Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 7.5

  1. Undriven Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients : what is a linear differential system with constant coefficients?
    1. Operators and Linear Systems : what is the operator L for linear systems? what properties does it have?
      1. Point : what does the solution to a system L[x] = F look like?
      2. Point : what solution form do we guess will solve x' = Ax?
      3. Point : what linear algebra problem does this require us to solve? what is the remaining question after we've done this? what is the answer to this question?
      4. Point : what is the solution to the linear system x' = Ax when A has nondeficient eigenspaces?
      5. Point : what is the solution to the linear system x' = Ax when A has a deficient eigenspace?

Math 224-01: Differential Equations: Reading Homework 7.5
Last Modified: Mon Apr 17 10:38:13 2000
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