Math 210-01: Linear Algebra: Reading Homework 2.2
- Properties of Matrix Operations : what is being developed in this section?
- Properties of Addition : what are the properties introduced? how does the associative property extend a binary operation?
- additive identity : what matrix is the identity under matrix addition?
- additive inverse : what matrix is the inverse under matrix addition?
- matrix equations : to what extent do standard algebraic solution techniques apply to matrix equations?
- Properties of Multiplication : how are the properties introduced for matrix multiplication different than those for matrix addition?
- commutivity : is matrix multiplication commutative?
- cancellation : does $AB = CB$ imply that $A=C$ (where $A$, $B$, and $C$ are matrices?
- multiplicative identity : what matrix is the identity under matrix multiplication?
- Transposes : what is the transpose of a matrix? explain
- symmetry : what do we mean when we say a matrix is symmetric?
- properties of the transpose : what properties does the transpose have? in particular, what happens to $(AB)^T$?
Math 210-01: Linear Algebra: Reading Homework 2.2
Last Modified: Sun Jan 24 20:59:49 1999
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