Math 210-01: Linear Algebra: Reading Homework 2.3
- The Inverse of a Matrix : how is a multiplicative inverse defined in standard algebra?
- Invertibility : what do we mean by invertibility? what other word is used for this property?
- finding inverses : how do we find the inverse of a matrix? how is this related to augmented matrices and row-reduction?
- noninvertibility : how will we discover if a matrix has no inverse?
- determinants : what is the determinant of a 2x2 matrix?
- Properties of the inverse : what properties does the inverse of a matrix have?
- inverse of a product : what is the inverse of a product of matrices? how is this similar to the transpose of a product of matrices?
- cancellation : under what circumstances will cancellation work in matrix algebra?
- linear equations : what consequence does invertibility have for the solution of a system of linear equations?
Math 210-01: Linear Algebra: Reading Homework 2.3
Last Modified: Sun Jan 24 20:40:51 1999
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