a ship is safe in harbor, but that is not what ships are built for--anonymous
Instructor Info.
- Instructor: Dr. Gavin LaRose
Office: Olin 109A
Office Hours: M,Tu,Th 2-4PM- (but come by anytime!)
- Phone: (465--)2208
E-mail: glarose@umich.edu
WWW: http://www.mathcs.nebrwesleyan.edu/~glarose
Math/CS WWW: http://www.mathcs.nebrwesleyan.edu/
This page: http://www.mathcs.nebrwesleyan.edu/~glarose/classes/linalg/
Grades: http://mathcs/~glarose/classes/linalg/grades/
(username for the grade page is your first initial and last name --e.g.,glarose
; password is your student ID number, e.g.,0412345
Text: Elementary Linear Algebra, 3rd ed., by Larson and Edwards.
This is an essential course from several viewpoints---it is traditionally one of the first ``proof'' courses in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum, and is also concerned with mathematics that have huge applications in numerical methods and mathematical modeling. We are therefore concerned with seeing the beauty of the mathematical constructs about which we learn, how they fit together and support each other, and with seeing the applications of the mathematics as well. There is a lot of substance behind all of this, and in exploring its interrelated theoretical and applied components is much of the fun of the course.
Goals: This is a first course in linear algebra, in which our course objectives include the learning of mathematical material, and the development of other related skills. In the first category, our objectives are for you at the end of the course to
In addition, we want you to have further developed those skills intrinsic to the study of math, and
- understand matrix notation and the use of linear algebra in the solution of systems of linear equations,
- understand the abstract mathematical constructs fundamental to linear algebra, including vector and inner product spaces, bases and linear (in)dependence, and
- understand the linear algebra behind and uses of linear transformations and eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- be able to think better in a logical manner and have improved problem solving skills,
- have developed additional skills with Mathematica and similar numerical tools,
- be better at writing---especially writing precisely about technical things, and
- leave the course having learned a lot, and having had fun learning it despite the work it entailed.
Quote 2:
"Cheshire Puss," [Alice] began..., "would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where---," said Alice
"then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.
"---so long as I get Somewhere," Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."
---Lewis Carrol
- Makeups: I do not give makeups or allow alternate times for TAFKATs except in cases of medical emergencies or if we have agreed to it (e.g., because of sports involvement) at least a week in advance.
- Late Work: An assignment is late if it is submitted after I have graded the work of the remainder of the class. I may give credit for late work, but this will be no more than 50% of that for the assignment and I reserve the right to give no credit at my discretion.
- Attendance: I do not take attendance. However, if you do not come to class you are unlikely to be doing the coursework and will be likely to fail the course.
- Letter Grades: I do not assign letter grades until the end of the semester. In general, any overall average in the 90s at that time is guaranteed some sort of ``A,'' etc. I may adjust the boundaries between grades down but not up if I see fit.
35% TAFKATs 25% Comprehensive Final 8-14% Homework and In-class Work 10-20% Projects (2-4) 8-12% Labs (about 7) 4% Reading Homework
- TAFKATs3: are tentatively scheduled for 19 February (Chp 1--2), 19 March (Chp 4,5), and 30 April (Chp 6,7).
- Homework: will be due approximately every class period. If you do not do the homework, you should not expect to do well in this class.
- Projects: are applied, real-world problems you will work on with a partner to produce a complete, written solution. Details of projects will be introduced when they are assigned. There will be between two and four (inclusive) projects.
- Labs: will appear approximately once per chapter. They will be completed in lab, and require a writeup elegantly formatted in Mathematica.
- Reading Homeworks: are short, daily homeworks which will serve to (1) get you to actually read the book, and (2) provide an idea of some of the things to look for in the reading. These will be graded on a 0--2 scale, and will not be accepted late. If you miss class for a legitimate reason you will be automatically given credit for the reading homework.
3: (those activities formerly known as tests)
NWU's ADA statement:
``NWU seeks to maintain a supportive academic environment for students with disabilities. To ensure their equal access to all educational programs, activities and services, Federal law requires that students with disabilities notify the University, provide documentation, and request reasonable accommodations. If you need accommodations in this course, please notify me so that I can verify that the required documentation is filed with the Academic Affairs Office and that your accommodation plan is in place.''Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity is one of the basic principles of a university community. Nebraska Wesleyan therefore both encourages and expects the highest standards of academic honesty from all students. The Student Code of Conduct states that ``cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty'' are subject to disciplinary action. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for additional information. Any student who violates these principles of academic integrity will fail this course.Another type of assessment
As part of an effort to assess the success of this course at meeting its goals (as indicated above), anonymous copies of student assignments may be retained by the instructor unless a student requests otherwise. Any retained copies have no bearing on the students' grade and will in general not be considered until after the close of the semester.
quote 3:
Fall down seven times, get up eight
--Buddhist Proverb
Gavin's Linear Algebra Syllabus
Last modified: Tue Jan 19 20:02:33 CST 1999
Comments to glarose@umich.edu