UM Math CAS Support: Mathematica

Resources supporting Mathematica. Currently slanted towards support of commands for calculus and differential equations.

Mathematica error message diagnosis

In the following table, Maroon error messages are symptomatic: they are what you may see the computer or Mathematica do. Blue error messages are the messages that Mathematica returns. Green error messages are non-error messages that Mathematica may return as people work with Mathematica.

Error Reason Solution
Mathematica runs one calculation interminably Loop error or large calculation Check that any Do loops have the correct iteration and definitions. Abort calculation, try running it with a loop of only one or two iterations; check that the output is numerical by looking at what the loop is producing. e.g., check y[i]; check that the iterator (i) starts at the correct value.
Expression... has no closing "]" Parenthesis or bracket matching error. Check that all opening and closing parentheses, brackets and braces balance and are used in the correct contexts.
f[x] is not a machine-size real number f(x) is not properly defined Check that function definition line has been correctly executed, or for errors in the definition (esp. that it is defined with an underscore: f[x_] := stuff). See if f[1] evaluates correctly. Execute f[x] to see if f[x] is correct. Clear[f] and redefine f(x). See also below.
LHSum[...] returns the command line entered. Needs["Local`calculus`"] command not run correctly Run Remove[LHSum], then (re)run the Needs command. If this doesn't work, quit and restart the kernel.
From LHSum: Cos[2x][x] is not a machine-size real number Incorrect entry of function in LHSum command. Check that command is entered as LHSum[f, {...}], not LHSum[f[x], {...}] or LHSum[Cos[2x], {...}].
Limit specification {x,0,3}... is not of the form {x,xmin,xmax} Incorrect limit list, or dropped comma in command Check that first entry after the function(s) is of the form {x,0,3}; Check for commas between all arguments in the command; Check that multiple functions in a plot command are enclosed by braces: {Sin[x], Cos[x]} not a machine-size real number Incorrect use of brackets or braces Check that brackets are used for function arguments: Sin[x] not Sin(x); Check that all multiplication of variables has spaces or *: Sin[a*x], not Sin[ax].
Sin x is not a machine-size real number Incorrect use of brackets or braces Check that brackets are used for function arguments: Sin[x] not Sin(x).
4[x] is not a machine-size real number Incorrect use of square brackets Check for square brackets [ ] used in place of parentheses ( ) for grouping terms, as in 4(x) or 3(x-1).
NDSolve: The first argument must have both an equation and an initial condition.; {z'[t] == -.2 z[t], 5} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table Use of "=" instead of "==" Clear variable used in assignment; correct use of "==" in equations and "=" for assignment.
ODESolve[...] returns the command line entered. Needs["Local`diffeq`"] command not run correctly Run Remove[ODESolve], then (re)run the Needs command. If this doesn't work, quit and restart the kernel.
PlotVectorField[...] returns the command line entered. Needs["Graphics`PlotField`"] command not run correctly Run Remove[PlotVectorField], then (re)run the Needs command. If this doesn't work, quit and restart the kernel.
Show: An error was encountered in combining the graphics objects in Show[*Graphics*,p2] Graphic p2 not properly defined (Re)run plot command used to generate p2.
Possible spelling error: new symbol name "xSin" is similar to existing symbol "Sin" Missing space or * Check that there is a space or * sign between variables and functions: x*Sin[x], not xSin[x]; Check that Mathematica's internal functions are capitalized: Sin[x], not sin[x]
Tag Times in... is Protected Incorrect use of "=" Check that "==" is used in equations, "=" for assignment, and ":=" in function definitions.
Unknown Graphics primative Red encountered Needs["Graphics`Colors`"] not run correctly Run command Remove[Red] (and other colors that have been used), then re-execute the Needs["Graphics`Colors`"] command. If this doesn't work, quit and restart the kernel, then run the Needs command.
"[4-x]" is incomplete; more input is needed Incorrect use of brackets and parentheses. Check that all opening and closing parentheses, brackets and braces balance and are used in the correct contexts.

Mathematica Rules

Function Definitions
In Mathematica, there are two rules of assignments needed for functions:
  1. to define a variable to be substitutable for, use an underscore:
    rather than
    In the first case, f[3] will substitute 3 into the right-hand side of the definition; in the second, it returns a different item, "f[3]" that is unrelated to the function definition.
  2. to allow subsequent modification of a parameter in a function definition, use :=:
    rather than
    In the first case, if we later define a=3, this change will be made when we go to evaluate f[8] (or what-have-you); in the second, a retains whatever value it has when the function definition is made and will not reflect any subsequent definitions of a.

Lists in Mathematica
Braces { } are used in Mathematica to define lists, and double square brackets [[ ]] are used to reference list items. For example, if
somelist = { {a,b}, {c,d}, {e,f} }
then somelist[[1]] returns {a,b}, and somelist[[3]] returns {e,f}. By extension, somelist[[2]][[2]] returns d.

Substitution and Rules in Mathematica
The substitution operator /. may be used to apply the (list of) rule(s) on its right to the expression on its left:
a + 5b /. b -> a
returns 6a, and
a + 5b + 2c /. {b->a, c->2a}
returns 10a. Thus
result = f[x] + Sin[x] /. x->Pi/4
assigns the output f[Pi/4] + Sin[Pi/4] to result.

Use of Parentheses, Brackets and Braces
In Mathematica, Parentheses ( ), Brackets [ ] and Braces { } have reserved meanings:
  1. ( ): used to group algebraic terms--e.g., (4-x)(1+x) or 5/(3 - 2x)
  2. [ ]: used for function arguments--e.g., Sin[x], Plot[3x, {x,0,5}]
  3. { }: used for lists of objects--e.g., {x,0,5}, {{0,0},{1,1},{2,4},{3,9}}

UM Math CAS Support: Mathematica
Last Modified: Wed Nov 1 14:04:29 EST 2000
©2000 Gavin LaRose/UM Math Dept
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