WeBWorK Info

This document is hopelessly out of date. For more information about WeBWorK, see http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/

An overview of how WeBWorK functions, and how it may or may not be ported to a Gateway test.

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WeBWorK is configured around classes which may have one or more problem set(s) of varying types. Each class has a list of students in the class. WeBWorK is designed to be a homework system, and for each problem set it generates a unique group of problems for each of the students in the class. Students may be given a set number of, or unlimited, attempts at the problems in any given set. The problems for each set are defined using a Perl-like syntax, which allows great latitude in their definition and in their variation between students.

All administration of WeBWorK (creation of classes and problems, scoring a problem set, management of the students in a class) is accomplished by an instructor (or instructors). Classes, problem sets, and problems are done by editing appropriate source files and using a set of supporting Perl scripts provided with WeBWorK. Grading of problem sets may be similarly accomplished, or may be done through the WeBWorK interface. The students interact with WeBWorK entirely through the Web interface, as shown in the students' view of WeBWorK.

There is no clear immediate translation from the problem set structure in WeBWorK to a Gateway test.

problem sets and problems

Problem sets all require a student log-in to start, and there is no provision for a proctored mode. Each problem is defined by a Perl-like (".pg") file which includes the rules by which the problem is generated and the type of problem it is (multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc.), and the problem set is defined to be a group of these problems. Within any given problem there may be multiple questions of different types; that is, there may be fill-in and multiple choice questions, etc., in a single problem, and the score for the problem can be a weighted sum of these different parts, or the problem can be set so that all must be correct for the problem to be right.

Table 1: question types
 multiple choice   matching
 multiple selection   fill in blanks
 true/false   matching
 math formula   random graph
 numerical   arithmetic expression

The types of problems that are available in WeBWorK are shown in table 1. A random graph problem generates the graphic that is shown in the problem 'on-the-fly' according to rules in the definition file. The type of problem may then be any of the other options. In addition, because the manner in which the problem is to be graded is defined in the problem definition file (which is in Perl), it is possible to define additional problem modes (e.g., "mod C" solutions wherein any solution "+C" would be accepted).

The solutions to the problems are not available to the students after they have a problem set graded. Students are, however, informed as to which problems are correct and which are not.

It is easy to generate hardcopies of problem sets, and it is in these that students may have access to the solutions of the problems. The instructor may mark the problem set as closed and make the solutions available, at which point the student has the option of generating a hardcopy of the problem set with the solution included.

Last Modified: Tue Oct 24 08:44:47 EDT 2000
Comments to glarose@umich.edu