ISchedAdmin: CrsSec Add

update crs-sec data  /  update instr  /  update sched times  /  sched page

Update from file

Update files must have comma-separated fields giving
(any "instr" field is ignored).

Update file:
should we have the uploaded file include "all" courses, and then use this to cross-index with instructors' submitted class schedules? If we do this, we need a way of indicating what classes we're scheduling here.
Update current term: (the current term is F04) update term to (e.g., F05, W05, etc.)
Note: If term is updated, all instructors will be unassigned from courses.

Add new CrsSec

Use this to add one section after having uploaded (and, possibly, scheduled) courses from file.

Course: (e.g., 105)   MeetDays: (e.g., MHF; use M,T,W,H and F)
Section: (e.g., 017)   StartTime: (e.g., 0830)
ClassNumber (e.g., 13466)   EndTime: (e.g., 1430)
UMMath ISchedAdmin: CrsSec Add
Last modified: Fri Dec 3 09:52:44 EST 2004
Comments to:glarose(at)umich(dot)edu
©2004 Gavin LaRose, UM Math Dept.