Syllabus generator: an application to generate web homework set
definitions and LaTeX day-by-day syllabi for introductory program
courses. Fill in data for course info, exam and special dates, and
the two homework schedules. Then click "build" to build the files for
the course. To view or download generated files, use the
view interface.
- Syllabi are generated for the day schedules selected.
Indicate the Sections with each schedule by entering the
section number, e.g.,
or 27
- The generator assumes that each book section is covered in class
on the day the web homework opens, plus OpenOffset
class days.
- For BookSection, enter Chap.Sec,
for chapter 5, section 4.
- For Web homework times, enter the time on
the due date that the homework whould be due, and the
time on the answer date the answers will be available to
- For Web homework schedules, O,
D and A dates are those that the
assignment opens, is due, and has answers
and solutions available.
- Enter dates as Mon/Day/Year, e.g.,
- Fetch Web homework problem lists,
and include those you like in the homework sets.
If you have already generated syllabus data, you may view and download
generated files through the
view interface.