Hanna Bennett

Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan
2074 East Hall
Ann Arbor, MI

Office: 1834 East Hall

Email: hbennett at umich.edu

I am a Lecturer III at the University of Michigan.

My teaching experience includes a number of courses, many taught in Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) style:
Coordinating Math 116 (Calculus II) and Co-coordintating Math 115 (Calculus I) at University of Michigan
Math content courses for pre-service elementary teachers (UM, University of Texas at Austin, both IBL)
Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry (UM, UT, IBL)
Linear Algebra (UM, IBL)
Elementary Mathematical Statistics (UT)
The Mathematics of Symmetry (UT, IBL)
an independent study in Geometric Group Theory
Both IBL and non-IBL calculus courses at The University of Chicago

I have a PhD from the University of Chicago in geometric group theory; my advisor was Benson Farb.