Opportunities in Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling
General Websites
  • SIAM brochure on Careers in the Mathematical Sciences
  • SIAM Internship and Career Information
  • SIAM Fellowship and Research Opportunities
  • Pathways To Science
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, fellowships for grad students and postdocs
    Programs for Students (all levels)
  • Simons Foundation, Flatiron Institute
    Graduate Fellowships
  • Frontera Computational Science Fellowships, UT-Austin
  • ACM SIGHPC Computational & Data Science Fellowships
  • Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships
  • NSF
  • DOE Computational Science
  • DOE Office of Science
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Hertz Foundation
  • Microsoft Graduate Fellowship Program
  • National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships
  • Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity (GFSD)
  • IBM Ph.D. Fellowship
  • ACM/IEEE-CS High Performance Computing Ph.D. Fellowship
  • SMART, Department of Defense
    Programs for Grad Students
  • URA-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
  • SIAM summer workshops
  • Data Science Boot Camp, Erdös Institute
  • Summer Givens Associates, Summer W.J. Cody Associates, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago
  • NSF Graduate Internship Program, various national labs
  • Math-to-Industry Boot Camp, IMA - Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota
  • Grad Student Math Modeling Camp, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Brookhaven National Lab
  • Industrial Math/Stat Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students, North Carolina State University
  • DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program, Department of Energy
  • various programs, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • internships, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
  • Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science, NCAR, Boulder
  • Summer School on Computational Materials Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Massachusetts
  • Student Program in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Summer Programs, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
  • Summer Programs, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Banff, Alberta, Canada
  • Opportunities at NCAR for postdocs, grad students and undergrads, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder
  • NCAR - Advanced Study Program, Boulder Colorado
  • Summer Internships, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Computational Chemistry and Materials Science Summer Institute, LLNL
  • Lincoln Laboratory
  • SIAM Student Travel Awards
  • NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
    Programs for Undergrads
  • REU: dynamic bifurcations of patterns, Boston University
  • REU at University of Central Florida, Applied and Computational Math
  • SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program
  • Livermore Lab/SIAM Undergraduate Fellows program
  • REU at Tufts University, applied and pure math
  • XSEDE EMPOWER , computational science
  • Summer REU in Complex Systems, University of Minnesota
  • REU: Advanced Computational Research, Michigan State University
  • REU: Data Science and HPC, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Undergraduate Summer School: Scientific Computing on Curved Surfaces, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
  • computational science training University of Texas at Austin
  • summer programs, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
  • REU programs, American Mathematical Society
  • REU in applied mathematics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
  • Summer Research Experience, National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Pathways to Science, over 650 paid summer research internships for undergraduates
  • REU in biological systems, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • REU in Fluid Dynamics, University of Alabama
  • REU, North Carolina State University, Raleigh
  • Google Summer of Code
  • summer internships, NASA
  • DOE Scholars Program, Department of Energy
  • DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships, Department of Energy
  • Education Programs, Department of Homeland Security
  • various programs, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Research Internship
  • Summer Internships, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque/Livermore
  • Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science, NCAR, Boulder
  • Computational Science Program, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago
  • Summer School, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Summer Student Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California
  • Summer Internship in Bioinformatics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
  • Research in Industrial Projects for Students, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA
  • Lincoln Laboratory
  • Summer Internships, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation
  • Student Summer Contract Program, Department of Defense
  • Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program, Office of Naval Research
  • Army Educational Outreach Program, U.S. Army
    Programs for Undergrad or Grad Students
  • SMART, Department of Defense
  • Blue Waters Student Internship Program
  • XSEDE Scholars Program
  • Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop, Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Programs for Grad Students or Postdocs
  • Computing Sciences Summer Student Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Extreme Scale Computing Training Program, Argonne National Lab
  • XSEDE International HPC Summer School, New York City
    Undergrad Scholarships
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • SMART, Department of Defense
    Postdoc Fellowships and Programs
  • Insight Data Science Fellows Program
  • Linus Pauling Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Lawrence Fellowship, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • DOE Scholars Program, Department of Energy
  • Junior Research Fellowships, Imperial College, London
  • NCAR Advanced Study Program, Boulder, Colorado
  • NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Goldstine Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences, IBM Watson Research Center, New York
  • Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago
  • Argonne Postdoc Positions, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago
  • Alvarez Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational Science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships in Computational Science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • John von Neumann Postdoc Fellowship, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Postdoc Positions, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Postdoctoral Program, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
  • Michigan Society of Fellows
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • Postgraduate Research Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateships, homepage (all participating agencies)
  • National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateships, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • SAMSI Postdoctoral Positions, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, North Carolina
  • PIMS Postdoctoral Fellowships, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
  • SIAM - Travel Support for Post-doc/Early Career Attendees
    Internships and Permanent Positions
  • National Energy Technology Laboratory
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Department of Energy
  • Boeing
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Institute for Defense Analysis
  • Lincoln Laboratory
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • Department of Defense
    Other Online Resources
  • Academic Resource Management
  • DOE Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists, all levels (K-12, undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty)