Jeffrey C. Lagarias: Ergodic theory and symbolic dynamics papers
Papers concerned with the ergodic theory and symbolic dynamics of the
3x+1 problem can be found in the list of 3x+1 problem papers.
- Number Theory and Dynamical Systems ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
in: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Number Theory ,
(S. A. Burr, Ed.), Proc. Symp. Applied Math. No. 46, AMS: Providence
1992, pp. 35-72.
- The Quality of the Diophantine Approximations found by the
Jacobi-Perron Algorithm and Related Algorithms ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Monatshefte fu"r Math. 115 (1993), pp. 299-328.
- Asymmetric Tent Maps I. Eventually Periodic Points ,
J. C. Lagarias, H. A. Porta and K. B. Stolarsky,
J. London Math. Soc. 47 (1993), pp. 542-556.
- Asymmetric Tent Maps II. Purely Periodic Points ,
J. C. Lagarias, H. A. Porta and K. B. Stolarsky,
Illinois J. Math. 38 (1994), pp. 574-588.
- The Zeta Function of the Beta Transformation ,
Leopold Flatto, Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Bjorn Poonen
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 14 (1994),pp. 237-266.
- On the range of fractional parts {/xi (p/q)^n} ,
Leopold Flatto, Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Andrew D. Pollington,
Acta Arithmetica 70 (1995), pp. 125-147.
- The lap counting function for linear mod one transformations I.
explicit formulas and renormalizability ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 16 (1996), pp. 451-492.
- The lap counting function for linear mod one transformations II.
the Markov chain for generalized lap numbers ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 17 (1997), pp. 123-146.
- The lap counting function for linear mod one transformations III.
the period of a Markov chain ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 17 (1997), pp. 369-403.
- Number theory zeta functions and dynamical zeta functions ,
J. C. Lagarias,
in: Spectral Problems in Geometry and Arithmetic
(T. Branson, Ed.),
Contemporary Math.,Vol. 237, AMS:
Providence, R. I. 1999, pp. 45--86
The lap counting function and zeta function of the tent map ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Nonlinearity ,
13 (2000), 61--93
Cutting sequences for geodesic flow on the modular surface
and continued fractions ,
D. Grabiner and J. C. Lagarias,
Monatshefte Math. ,
133, No. 4 (2001), 295--339 >.
Repetitive Delone sets and quasicrystals ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Peter A. B. Pleasants,
Ergod. Th. Dyn. Sys.
23 (2003), 831--867 >.
Dynamics of a family of piecewise-linear area-preserving plane maps
I. Invariant circles ,
J. C. Lagarias and E. Rains,
preprint .
Dynamics of a family of piecewise-linear area-preserving plane maps
II. Cantor set spectra ,
J. C. Lagarias and E. Rains,
preprint .
Approximate Squaring ,
J. C. Lagarias and N. J. A. Sloane,
Experimental Math. to appear>.
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