The University of Michigan
Department of Mathematics
Introductory Course
Professional Development Program

Tentative Schedule for 1995 Professional Development Program

This schedule is quite preliminary!

The day-by-day schedule given below is followed by an expanded description of the individual program items.

Monday, August 28

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Tuesday, August 29

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Wednesday, August 30

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Thursday, August 31

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Friday, September 1

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Description of Program Elements

Monday, August 28

Philosophy of the Course--Showing of a seven-minute videotape outlining Michigan Calculus followed by a discussion of the philosophy of the course.

Nature of Student Population--A general discussion of the student population that takes precalculus and calculus at the University of Michigan.

The First Day of Class: Developing a Classroom Climate--Two instructors demonstrate their first day of class, followed by a discussion of what is important to get accomplished, including creating an atmosphere for learning.

Teaching for Understanding--Discussion of important aspects of teaching for understanding. Participants view a 10-minute segment of math class (that includes an explanation of a concept) and critique it using an observation sheet.

Introduction to the TI82 Calculator--This will cover both the basics of calculator observation and the place of the calculator in the reformed precalculus and calculus classroom.

Tuesday, August 29

Five-Minute Practice in Teaching for Understanding--Participants are videotaped teaching a lesson to 5 or 6 of their peers. They get feedback from self analysis, peers and the videotape.

To Lecture or Not To Lecture--Discussion of how lecturing fits into the course.

Getting Students to Think--Discussion of interactive lecturing, asking questions, and other methods for getting students to think (think-pair-share, writing, and so forth). Viewing and discussing of videotapes of actual classroom scenes where instructors are using methods for getting students to think.

Classroom Issues--Trigger tapes and case studies will be used to facilitate discussion on classroom issues (e.g., disruptive students, cheating, etc.)

Wednesday, August 30

Fifteen-Minute Lessons Using Active Learning Methods--Participants give 15 minute lessons using active learning methods. They receive feedback from peers.

Planning and Managing--Planning and anaging a class period and other managing issues (e.g., absences, grade complaints, late adds/drops).

Cooperative Learning--Discussion of why student-focused teaching is important. Viewing and discussing videotapes of actual classroom scenes where instructors are facilitating cooperative learning among students. Discussion of different ways to set up tasks, facilitate learning, and come to a closure.

Grades, Ethics, and Values--Discussion of ethical and value-oriented issues that arise in class, including some advice from experienced instructors on when and how to take action when academic irregularities have arisen.

Thursday, August 31

Cooperative Learning with Emphasis on Teaching Students to Work in Groups--Demonstration of the use of a fishbowl technique to help students learn how to work together in groups. Discussion of how to use it to help students learn to work in groups. Also other methods for getting students to work together will be discussed.

The Grading System/Grading Students' Work--Discussion of the grading system and how to communicate the grading system to students. Practice and feedback on grading students' work.

Homework Teams--Viewing and discussion of videotapes of homework teams in action. Discussion of how to form groups, when to form groups, developing and communicating ground rules, and how to deal with groups that are not working.

Friday, September 1

Fifteen minute question and answer session--Participants are given a chapter to study to be ready for questions. They each have 15 minutes in front of a small group of peers answering questions (that students might ask) on that chapter.

The First Week of Class--Videotapes of classroom scenes during the first week are viewed and discussed. Discussions include how to develop an atmosphere for learning, communicating ground rules, etc.

Last modified Mon 8 May 1995 17:19 EDT

Bob Megginson
Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan