Pisa Course Outline 1 March 06 Title: Dispersive behavior of hyperbolic partial differential equations. Outline. One of the central themes of the theory of partial differential equations is to create a dictionary which reads properties of the equations from properties of the characteristic variety. For hyperbolic differential equations, dispersive behavior in the sense that solutions spread out and decay, is read from the curvature of the characteristic variety. In this short course several results of this sort will be presented. The main estimates concern constant coefficient linear systems with proofs using Fourier analysis. No special expertise in hyperbolic equations required. 1. Rates of decay for some model problems. Group velocity and stationary phase. 2. The characterisation of nondispersive systems as those reducable to scalar trasnport equations. 3. Homogeneous systems all of whose solutions (compactly supported in x) tend to zero as t tends to infinity are those whose variety contains no hyperplanes. 4. The fact (P. Brenner) that symmetric systems whose solution operator is an L^p multiplier fall under heading 2. 5. Strichartz estimates. Application to the nopnlinear Klein-Gordon equation.