date |
speaker |
affiliation |
title (click for an abstract |
Jan. 9, 2008 |
Danny Gillam |
Columbia |
The Crepant resolution conjecture for an involution of 3-flags |
Jonathan Wise |
Brown |
Enumerative geometry of hyperelliptic curves in CP2 |
Jan. 16, 2008 |
Gueorgui Todorov |
Utah |
Pluricanonical maps on threefolds |
Dawei Chen |
Harvard |
Mori's program for the Kontsevich moduli space |
Jan. 23, 2008 |
Jarod Alper |
Stanford |
Good moduli spaces for Artin stacks |
Chanyang Xu |
Princeton |
Degenerations of rationally connected varieties |
Jan 28 |
Joe Harris |
Harvard |
Jan. 30, 2008 |
Brian Conrad |
UMich |
Feb. 13, 2008 |
Bumsig Kim |
A compactification of the space of maps from curves |
Feb. 20, 2008 |
Amanda Knecht |
UMich |
Weak approximation and strong rational connectivity |
Mar. 4 – 7, 2008
Spring lectures in algebraic geometry |
Ravi Vakil |
Stanford |
Murphy's law in algebraic geometry: Badly-behaved moduli spaces
Reimagining universal covers and fundamental groups in algebraic and arithmetic geometry
A natural smooth compactification of the space of smooth genus 1 curves in projective space |
Mar. 12, 2008 |
Johannes Nicaise |
Lille |
Complex singularities and non-archimedean geometry |
Mar. 19, 2008 |
Harry Tamvakis |
Maryland |
A Giambelli formula for isotropic Grassmannians |
Mar. 26, 2008 |
Jim Borger |
ANU and Chicago |
Witt vectors, Lambda-rings, and absolute algebraic geometry |
Apr. 2, 2008 |
David Smyth |
Harvard |
New modular compactifications of M1,n |
Apr. 9, 2008 |
Alfred Chen |
NTU and Utah |
On birational geometry of threefolds with terminal singularities. |
Apr. 16, 2008 |
Paolo Cascini |
On the Minimal Model Program |
Apr. 21, 2008 |
Brian Jurgelewicz |
UMich students |
Around the McKay correspondence |
Shin-Yao Jow |
Mori dream spaces and the weak Lefschetz principle for Nef cones |
Eugene Eisenstein |
A characteristic zero perspective on some results ot S. Takagi |
Kevin Tucker |
Jumping numbers on algebraic surfaces with rational singularities |
Paul Johnson |
Hurwitz numbers: the big picture and a small proof |
Alan Stapledon |
Weighted Erhart theory and orbifold cohomology |
Apr. 23, 2008 |
David Rydh |
KTH, visiting UMich |
Families of cycles and the Chow scheme |