Statistical and Dynamical Combinatorics

A Mathematical Conference, and celebration of Jim Propp's 2(4 choose 2)‑th Birthday


The conference on Statistical and Dynamical Combinatorics will take place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on June 26–29 2024 (Wednesday-Saturday). The conference will feature talks on sandpiles, dimers, dynamical combinatorics and a range of other topics that combine combinatorics, statistics and probability.

This will also serve as a celebration of Jim Propp's 2(4 choose 2)-th Birthday. Jim Propp is a professor at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Please fill out the REGISTRATION FORM to express your interest in attending.

Organizers: Henry Cohn (MIT/Microsoft), Gregg Musiker (U Minnesota), Tom Roby (U Connecticut), David Speyer (U Michigan).

Speakers: The following mathematicians have agreed to speak at the conference.

Mihai Ciucu Indiana University
David desJardins Institute for Defense Analyses
Emily Gunawan University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Sam Hopkins Howard University
Rick Kenyon Yale University
Greg Kuperberg University of California, Davis
Tri Lai University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Lionel Levine Cornell University
Olya Mandelshtam University of Waterloo
Robin Pemantle University of Pennsylvania
Dan Romik University of California, Davis
Marianna Russkikh Notre Dame University
Kyle Petersen De Paul University
Scott Sheffield MIT
Jessica Striker North Dakota State University
Bridget Tenner De Paul University
Julianna Tymoczko Smith College
Peter Winkler Dartmouth College
Benjamin Young University of Oregon

Here are titles and abstracts of their talks.

All talks will take place in Room 1-190 on the MIT campus. Break locations will be announced later.

Talks will be live-streamed via Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants prior to the conference starting. Please contact David Speyer for the link if you would like it.

Wednesdsay Thursday Friday Saturday
8:30am-9:00am Registration Coffee Coffee Coffee
9:00am-10:00am Lionel Levine Mihai Ciucu Richard Kenyon Peter Winkler
10:00am-11:00am Olya Mandelshtam Tri Lai Robin Pemantle Julianna Tymoczko
11:00am-11:30am Break Break Break Break
11:30am-12:30pm Emily Gunawan David desJardins Dan Romik Kyle Petersen
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break
2:00pm-3:00pm Jessica Striker Bridget Tenner Marianna Russkikh Greg Kuperberg
3:00pm-4:00pm Sam Hopkins Ben Young Scott Sheffield Open Problems
4:00pm-4:30pm Tea Tea Tea
4:30pm-5:30pm Panel: Mentoring
Undergraduate Research
Toasts and short
speeches in honor
of Jim Propp
Games and puzzles

T-shirt: We can print additional copies of the conference shirt. If you would like one, order it from this link by July 8.

Funding: We are funded by the National Science Foundation. We are co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Massachusetts at Lowell and the Simons Foundation. These funds will be available to support graduate students and young faculty in attending.