Thomas Lam

I am Professor of Mathematics at the University of Michigan.

Address: Thomas Lam
Department of Mathematics University of Michigan
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

E-mail: tfylam[at]

Office Phone: (734)764-8295
Office Number: 2834


My field of interest is in algebraic combinatorics.
Here are some papers and preprints.
Here are slides and notes from some lectures.


Learning seminar in Algebraic combinatorics Fall 2023 (Positive geometries) and Winter 2024 (Toric varieties)
Learning seminar in Algebraic combinatorics Fall 2022 (Dimers) and Winter 2023 (Schubert polynomials)
Learning seminar in Algebraic combinatorics Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 (Clusters cohomology, knot homology, Macdonald polynomials)
Learning seminar on positive geometries Spring 2020 (MIT).


I am on the editorial board of Algebraic Combinatorics (ALCO).
I am an associate editor for the Journal of the American Mathematical Society.

Some recent and future meetings

2024 Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference
Combinatorial Coworkspace
Combinatorial algebraic geometry from physics
Amplituhedra, cluster algebras, and positive geometry
Special year on Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics
Combinatorics of Fundamental Physics

Current Teaching

Old Teaching

Math 669 Winter 2024 - Symmetric Functions
Math 538 Fall 2023 - Lie algebras
Math 565 Fall 2022 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Math 669 Winter 2022 - Combinatorics and Geometry of Amplitudes
Math 565 Fall 2021 - Combinatorics and Graph theory
Math 566 Winter 2021 - Combinatorial theory
Math 425 Section 010 Fall 2020 - Introduction to probability
Math 465 Winter 2018 - Introduction to Combinatorics (Course site on Canvas)
Math 465 Fall 2017 - Introduction to Combinatorics
Math 565 Fall 2017 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Math 565 Fall 2016 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Math 665 Fall 2016 - Schubert Calculus
Math 715 Winter 2015 - Quantum groups and crystal bases
Math 465 Fall 2014 - Introduction to Combinatorics
Math 566 Winter 2014 - Introduction to Algebraic Combinatorics
Math 665 Fall 2013 - Total positivity
Math 637 Winter 2012 - Lie groups
Math 216 Fall 2012 - Differential equations
Math 711 Fall 2011 - Introduction to geometric representation theory
Math 217 Winter 2011 - Linear Algebra
Math 665 Fall 2010 - Symmetric Functions
Math 215 Fall 2009
Math 412 Fall 2009

Old Teaching Webpages from MIT

Schubert Calculus Fall 2019
Algebraic Combinatorics Spring 2020

Old Teaching Webpages from Harvard
