UM Undergraduate Math Club
Fall 2017

Unless otherwise indicated, the Math Club meets from 4:10 until 5 (pm) on Thursdays in the 2nd floor Nesbitt Common Room (East Hall 2851). As always, Pizza and Pop are free.

Schedule of Talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

September 14, 4:10-5 pm
Dohyeong Kim
Thue-Mahler equations and modular forms
September 21, 4:10-5 pm
Harry Richman
Descartes' rule of signs and beyond
September 28, 4:10-5 pm
Sergey Fomin
Pentagramma Mirificum
October 5, 4:10-5 pm
Jonathan Gerhard
The Critical Group of a Graph
October 12, 4:10-5 pm
Robert Walker
Polynomial Roots modulo Prime Perfect Squares
October 19, 4:10-5 pm
Oliver Pechenik
Orbits of plane partitions
October 26, 4:10-5 pm
Martin Ulirsch
Tropical moduli spaces
November 2, 4:10-5 pm
Martin Strauss
Slide rules rule!
November 9, 4:10-5 pm
Valia Gazaki
Using modular arithmetic and elliptic curves in cryptography
November 16, 4:10-5 pm
Thomas Bothner
The story of the alternating sign matrix conjecture
November 23, 4:10-5 pm
[No Meeting]
November 30, 4:10-5 pm
Steven J. Miller, Williams College
Cookie Monster meets the Fibonacci Numbers; mmmmmm - theorems!
December 7, 4:10-5 pm
Ian Tobasco
Wrinkles and crumples and origami, oh my!

Winter 2017 Schedule

Current Schedule

Winter 2018 Schedule

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