Information about Summer REUs
An REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) is an
excellent way to get some grit under your nails in
mathematical research. Information about REUs around
the country may be found at the NSF's
web page; at this
AMS web page; or at this SIAM
page (scroll down to undergraduate). Note
that deadlines fall in February and March. Also
note that UCLA's RIPS (Research
in Industrial Projects for Students) program is
available to graduating seniors and foreign students
attending US universities.
Here are some research programs that were brought to my
attention in one way or another -- not all of them are on
the AMS and NSF web pages discussed above:
- (12/27: not yet for 1213) There is a program in
dynamical systems to be held in Germany --
applications due March 31.
- MIT's Lincoln
Laboratory hires loads of undergraduate
students into its summer research program.
- Professor Jun Zhang from
Psychology is interested in having advanced undergraduates
work with him this summer to apply mathematics to
cognitive and information science. If you are an
expert in Algebra (Lattice theory, pseudo-complementation,
relative complement, Stone lattice,Heyting algebra,
intuitionist logic, etc.), Analysis (Frames, reproducing
kernel, approximation theory, sampling, measure theory,
l1-space (sparsity-inducing
norm), Banach algebra, etc,),Geometry (Affine
geometry, Kahler geometry, symplectic geometry,
Lagrange submanifold, etc.) or Number Theory (valuation
p-adic analysis, ultrametric spaces,
semi-ring, max-plus algebra, etc.), then please contact Professor Zhang immediately.
Los Alamos National Laboratories in
New Mexico is sponsoring an undergraduate
research program. It appears the application process
closes around the beginning of March.
- 8 Summer
Institutes for Training in Biostatistics will
happen this summer. Statistics is quickly emerging
as the thing
to do (even in 2009, but more so now).
Applications are due at the end of February.
- Carnegie Mellon hosts a Summer
Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute;
applications due March 1.
- NASA has internships and fellowships --
it looks like deadlines fall on March 1.
- The Rose
Hulman REU would like for you to apply. Applications are
due February 24.
- (12/27: not yet for 1213) The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
Applications are
due March 18th at 4PM.
North Carolina State sent me
about a dozen e-mails about their REU; they must be
proud. (December 8)
- Miami
University (Oxford, Ohio) is hosting their Summer Undergraduate
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.
They are particularly interested in having participants
from traditionally underrepresented groups attend.
(December 15)
- Awesome!
An REU for everyone, regardless of citizenship:
2013 PRiME: Purdue Research in Mathematics Experience
will conduct research in number theory from June 10 to
August 2. Applications
are due April 26.
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due from September 1
to October 15. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
Information about Summer Internships
- NASA has internships and fellowships --
it looks like deadlines fall on March 15.
- An excellent opportunity for third year students: The Graduate
School of Science of the University of Tokyo will
offer summer research internship opportunities through UTRIP
(the University-of-Tokyo Research Internship Program). You
do not need to know any Japanese. Apply here
by March 1.
- Up to 8 Summer
Institutes for Training in Biostatistics will
happen this summer. Statistics is quickly emerging
as the thing
to do (even in 2009, but more so now).
Applications are due at the end of February.
The NYC Turing Fellows
Program seeks to match top computer science students
with outstanding summer internships at leading New York
City startups. If you are interested, then apply by
February 8; however, applications are looked at beginning
January first.
- (12/27: not yet for 1213) Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers students
stipends to write code for open source projects. If you
would like to work on exciting open source projects this
summer, then apply
by the end of March.
Michigan's Institute for
Social Research has a summer
internship program that often has positions for
people interested in learning data analysis skills. Aim to
have your application in by mid-December.
- Internship
opportunities at the National Security Agency. Applications
are due from September 1 to October 15. This includes The
Director's Summer Program, Cryptologic Mathematics
for Exceptional Undergraduate Mathematicians.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships.
- The ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
- The University of Minnesota has a stub
of a list.
- The AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- Interested in spending your
summer in Europe? Check out the CIBER Summer
Internship program.
If you have (lots of) experience in the life sciences,
the Pasteur Foundation
may be your ticket abroad. (December
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security Agency. Applications
are due from September 1 to October 15. This includes The
Director's Summer Program, Cryptologic Mathematics
for Exceptional Undergraduate Mathematicians.
- Applications are now being accepted for the Department
of Energy's Summer 2013 Term of The Science
Undergraduate Laboratory Internships. While the
deadline for applying is January 10, 2013; earlier is
better. (January 10)
- Interested in spending your
summer in Europe? Check out the CIBER Summer
Internship program.
Applications due February 1.
- It is never to early
to fish
for a summer internship. Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors
who are interested in working in Mathematical Biology
may wish to apply to participate in a Summer
Cancer Research Experience for Undergraduates funded
by the National Cancer
Institute’s Integrative
Cancer Biology Program (NCI ICBP). The ICBP
focuses on the development and implementation of
computational models of processes relevant to cancer
prevention, diagnostics and therapeutics by bringing
clinical and basic cancer researchers together with
researchers from mathematics, physics, information
technology, imaging sciences, and computer science to
work on key questions in cancer biology. Apply here
after December 3, but before January 22, 2013.
- The Columbia
Business School is looking for exceptional students
to participate in its Summer
Research Internship program. Applications are due at
the end of March.
- The ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
- The AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- We have only blurry
Math T-shirt photos from the NSA. If you want to
change this, please consider applying for one of their summer
internships. The deadline is tomorrow.
Information about Summer Programs
- Toronto's Fields
Institute will be hosting the Fields-Mitacs
Undergraduate Summer Research Program in July
and August of 2012. Students, who need not be Canadian citizens,
will work on research projects in groups of three or four.
Some projects will be related to the Fields Thematic
Program on Inverse Problems and Imaging, the Focus
Program on Geometry, Mechanics and Dynamics, and the
Legacy of Jerry Marsden, and the Thematic
Program on Forcing and its Application. You have
until April 30th to apply.
- PIMS (the Pacific
Institute for the Mathematical Sciences) together with Simon Fraser University is
offering the PIMS-SFU Summer School for Undergraduates in
Algebraic Graph Theory. This program for Canadian and International
students provides excellent math
T-shirt photo opportunities, as well as an intense
introduction to the mathematics linking graphs and
algebra. Applications
are due March 30.
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate Summer School will offer a
week long Introduction
to Topological Invariants in Low Dimensions from
May 21 to May 26. The Program is pitched at beginners and
requires only the completion of 215 and 217. All expenses
paid! Apply by
March 31. I remind you that we have no pictures of a Math
T-shirt with Touchdown
- The Statistical and Applied mathematical Sciences
Institute (SAMSI) is
sponsoring several workshops to
introduce undergraduate students to research in applied
mathematics and statistics
- For female students in their third year of study, George
Washington University and the NSA are hosting a Summer Program for
Women in Mathematics(applications due March 1).
- Next May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein)
is hosting a Women and
Mathematics program on 21st-Century
Geometry; applications are due February 20.
- For female students in their first or second year of
study, Carleton College is hosting the Summer
Mathematics Program for Women Undergraduates (applications
due February 7).
- Los Alamos National
Laboratories in New Mexico is sponsoring an undergraduate
research program. It appears the application process
closes January 10. (January 10)
- An excellent opportunity for those who are in or who
have recently completed linear algebra (with proofs):
Cornell is again running its Summer Math
Institute (SMI) from June 8 – August 3, 2013. This
program is a kind of hybrid between research and course
work -- and its director, Ravi
Ramakrishna, is awesome. Apply
by February 15.
- For female students in their third year of study, George
Washington University is hosting a Summer Program for
Women in Mathematics (applications due March 1).
- Next May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein)
is hosting a Women and
Mathematics program on 21st-Century
Geometry; applications are due February 20.
- For female students in their first or second year of
study, Carleton College is hosting the Summer
Mathematics Program for Women Undergraduates (applications
due February 15).
- In
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein) is hosting
Women and Mathematics program on Combinatorics
and Graph Theory; applications are due February
- First and Second Year students: The International
Summer School for Young Mathematicians will take
place July 2-12 at Jacobs University in Bremen.
This is a fantastic
opportunity to take some photos
of your math T-shirt as well as learn mathematics
with your peers from around the world. Applications
are due March 20.
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate Summer School will offer a
week long Motivic
Invariants and Singularities from May 20 to May
25. The Program is pitched at beginners. All expenses
paid! Apply by
March 31.
Information about Math Camps
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example:
- The School of
Education (SOE) is again offering undergraduate
Michigan students with an interest in teaching and service
a chance to serve in its Elementary
Mathematics Laboratory (EML) summer program. SOE
reports that they have had excellent students from
mathematics in past year, and would be happy to take some
more. Information about the program follows my signature.
Information about Math Camps
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example:
Information about Summer REUs
An REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) is an
excellent way to get some grit under your nails in
mathematical research. Information about REUs around
the country may be found at the NSF's
web page; at this
AMS web page; or at this SIAM
page (scroll down to undergraduate). Note
that deadlines fall in February and March. Also
note that UCLA's RIPS (Research
in Industrial Projects for Students) program is
available to graduating seniors and foreign students
attending US universities.
Here are some research programs that were brought to my
attention in one way or another -- not all of them are on
the AMS and NSF web pages discussed above:
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The
NSF maintains a listing of the REU's
it funds, and they are in many areas
other than math.
- Here is yet another listing of
research opportunities.
- The Chicago
Center for the Theory of Computing and Allied Areas
is now accepting applications to its 2014 summer REU in
the Theory of Computing and Machine Learning. For details,
including support and application instructions, please
consult the program
website. The application deadline is April 24.
- Complexity
is everywhere! Boise State University will host an
interdisciplinary undergraduate research program, Complexity Across
Disciplines, this summer. If you are interested, apply by
March 1.
- Former Michigander Moon
Duchin is running a 6-week
research cluster on random groups in Boston. The
idea is to throw together a few undergrads, a few grads,
and a few postdocs/faculty to learn about random groups
from scratch and do some concentrated work, both research
and experiment. Apply by March 1.
- The
Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics is
running 8 programs at 8 different campuses. Apply soon or
risk being overlooked.
- The Institute for
Mathematics and its Applications and the Macalester
College Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and
Computer Science will host an REU
in applied mathematics. Applications are due
February 21.
- Carnegie Mellon
University and the University
of Pittsburgh are offering REUs in the fields of
psychology, education, computer science, human-computer
interfaces, and language technologies. The application
is due February 17.
- An excellent opportunity for third year students: The Graduate
School of Science of the University of Tokyo will
offer summer research internship opportunities through UTRIP
(the University-of-Tokyo Research Internship Program). You
do not need to know any Japanese. Apply here
by March 3 (Japanese Standard Time).
- The Division of
Applied Mathematics at Brown University is hosting
an REU where participants will work on group projects that
involve applications, dynamical systems, and probability
theory. Applications
are due 21 February.
- Eight
Summer Institutes for Training in Biostats will
happen in the summer of 2014. Get paid to learn the one
word graduates need to know (even in 2009, but
more so now). It looks like up to 25 people are
accepted into each program on a first-come-first-serve
basis, so apply today.
Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers students
stipends to write code for open source projects. If you
would like to work on exciting open source projects this
summer, then plan to apply between March 10 and March 21.
- Sophomores, Juniors,
or Seniors who are interested in working in Mathematical
Biology may wish to apply to participate in a Summer
Cancer Research Experience for Undergraduates funded
by the National Cancer
Institute’s Integrative
Cancer Biology Program (NCI ICBP). The ICBP
focuses on the development and implementation of
computational models of processes relevant to cancer
prevention, diagnostics and therapeutics by bringing
clinical and basic cancer researchers together with
researchers from mathematics, physics, information
technology, imaging sciences, and computer science to
work on key questions in cancer biology. Apply here
after December 2, but before January 21, 2014.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
Applications are
due January 17th at 5 PM.
- MIT's Lincoln
Laboratory hires loads of undergraduate
students into its summer research program.
- Carnegie Mellon hosts a Summer
Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute;
applications due March 1.
- Miami
University (Oxford, Ohio) is hosting their Summer Undergraduate
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.
They are particularly interested in having participants
from traditionally underrepresented groups attend.
Applications are due March 1.
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kupcinet-Getz
International Science School accepts outstanding
undergraduate students to participate in summer research
projects in mathematics and computer science, physics,
chemistry and life sciences. It is an enrichment program
designated for undergraduate students from all over the world, who are
majoring in the Sciences, to experience science first hand
by becoming part of a research group at the Weizmann Institute.
Applications due December 31.
- Hope College is now
accepting applications for its 8-week Mathematics
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program from
June 2 to July 25, 2014. Hope College faculty members have
a long history of REU success; so apply before February 28
if you are interested in one of their projects.
- The School of
Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota
wants you to APPLY! (by January 21) for their REU
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate
Summer Research Program at Brown University
is designed for a select group of 12-14 undergraduate
scholars. Applications for the 2014
Summer@ICERM are due February 7, 2014.
- The Institute
for Broadening Participation is a National Science
Foundation/National Security Association funded group that
serves as a clearing house for information on education
and career training activities in the STEM disciplines. To
search through their vast listings, please visit
- The Institute for
Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in
Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for
students, including international students, in math and
related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real
world research projects proposed by a sponsor from
industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications
is February 12, 2014 .
- MIT's Lincoln
Laboratory hires loads of undergraduate
students into its summer research program.
Information about Summer Internships
- SIAM has
a list
of contact information for internships.
- The ASA maintains
a very long list
of internships in the statistical sciences.
- The AMS maintains
a listing
of internships and co-ops.
- Indeed has an ever
changing list
of internships.
- A very quick internet search for math internships
returned the following opportunities:
- In finance/business/economics:
- In industry:
- In government:
Opportunities are there -- you need to grab them!
- I have heard nothing but good things about 826michigan from
math people who decided to intern there. If you are a
creative, hardworking individual then consider applying
for an (unpaid) internship with 826michigan.
- The News
Corp data science and data engineering team is
seeking interns for the summer of 2014. News Corp is the
parent company of many major newspapers including the Wall
Street Journal. They therefore have masses of interesting
data sets that capture user behavior, the content and text
itself, video, and content creation -- kind of like the
NSA, I guess. They're looking for interns with skills and
interest in data visualization, natural language
processing, topic-modeling, experimental design, machine
learning, statistical modeling, building data pipelines,
and the unique opportunities in the digital journalism
space. The team is led by Rachel
Schutt, SVP of Data Science, and Simon
Smith, SVP of platforms. Please send a resume and
cover letter to Katie
- The Center for
Advancing Transportation Leadership and Safety
(ATLAS Center) is now accepting applications for a 10-week
summer internship program from June 2 to August 8, 2014 at
the Texas A&M Transportation Institute in College
Station, Texas. They need people with strong math skills.
Five junior-level undergraduate students will be selected
to participate and the internship will include active
involvement on safety-related research projects with
faculty at Texas A&M University. The application may
be found
- Tomorrow
is the deadline for applying for the Weiser Center's
s summer
grants for research and internships in Europe and
- An excellent opportunity for third year students: The Graduate
School of Science of the University of Tokyo will
offer summer research internship opportunities through UTRIP
(the University-of-Tokyo Research Internship Program). You
do not need to know any Japanese. Apply here
by midnight on March 3 (Japanese Standard Time).
- Have you scored an unpaid internship for the spring and
summer terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships (up to $5000) for spring and summer terms to
qualified LSA sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid. The application deadline is March 3.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some
cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer
Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and
Eurasia. The application deadline for these grants,
which range from $500 to $1500, is March 15. An information
sessions will be held on Valentine's Day at noon.
- The Columbia
Business School is looking for exceptional students
to participate in its Summer
Research Internship program. Applications are due at
the beginning of February.
- The New York Federal Reserve has a number of interesting
summer positions including openings in the 2014
Summer Analyst program. Deadline January 10.
- RWTH Aachen University (Germany) is hosting UROP
International, a research internship program for
students from North American Universities. The application
deadline is January 31.
- The American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Mass
Media Science & Engineering Fellowship seeks to
increase communication skills in student scientists by
placing advanced undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate
science, engineering, and mathematics students at media
sites nationwide to work as science reporters for ten
weeks. Deadline is January 15, 2014.
- Intern in
Michigan is a free web-based system that connects
employers and students to internship opportunities based
on skills, interests and requirements.
- MindSumo
connects college students to companies via real world
challenges for college students to solve. Students prove
their skills, win cash prizes, and connect with companies
that use MindSumo to actively recruit for jobs and
internships. They are anxious to include Michigan
students, and give them the chance to solve challenges for
innovative companies. Anxiety
can be debilitating, so if you can help them out, please
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. The NASA LARSS program
is a year-round, research-based program located at NASA
Langley Research Center. More NASA opportunities may be
found here.
- The United
Launch Alliance 2014 Summer Internship positions
have been posted -- opportunities for (junior and above)
Math major internships vary from launch vehicle/support
equipment testing and data analysis to detailed analysis
in support of existing ground, flight, test, or processing
hardware for both launch vehicles and ground support
equipment or systems. Early applications are highly
encouraged. Paid internships will start in May/June 2014
and last for 10 weeks in Denver.
- Applications are now being accepted for the Department
of Energy's Summer 2014 Term of The Science
Undergraduate Laboratory Internships. While the
deadline for applying is January 10, 2014; earlier is
- Interested in Chemistry and spending a summer in France?
Then please check out the UF Chemistry
International Research Experience for Undergraduates.
Applications are due January 15.
- Interested in Chemistry? Then check out the Ole
Miss Physical Chemistry Program 2014 Research
Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Applications are due
February 23.
Information about Summer Programs
- First and Second Year students: The International Summer School
for Young Mathematicians will take place August 23
to 30 at École Normale Supérieure in Lyon France. This is
a fantastic
opportunity to take some photos
of your math T-shirt as well as learn mathematics
with your peers from around the world. Applications are
due April 13.
- The Summer School for Undergraduate Students, "Train
Tracks, Diffeomorphisms of Surfaces and Automorphisms of
Free Groups" will be held at the University of Utah
from July 7 - 18. The program has extended its application
deadline to March 21.
- The PIMS
Undergraduate Workshop on Supersymmetry will be held
at the Pacific
Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at the
University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, on
May 25-31, 2014. In physics, supersymmetry is a pairing
between different types of particles. One may study
supersymmetry mathematically by using graph theory and
abstract algebra. If you are interested, apply
by March 1.
- The Edge Program
invites women who will be attending math graduate school
in the fall to join them in sunny California for the month
of June. The goal of the program is to strengthen the
ability of women students to successfully complete
graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with
particular emphasis on women from underrepresented groups.
Applications are available at
and are due March 3.
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate Summer School is now taking
applications for their week long school on Partial
Differential Equations: Basic Theory from June 2 to
June 6. The Program is pitched at beginners.
- The
and Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University is an intense summer research program for
math and biology undergraduates who are preparing for
graduate school. If you are interested, please apply by
March first.
- Next
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein ) is hosting
Women and Mathematics program on Random Matrix Theory;
applications are due February 20.
- For
female students in their first or second year of study,
Carleton College is hosting the Summer Mathematics Program for
Women Undergraduates (applications
due February 14).
- For
female students in their third year of study, George
Washington University is hosting a Summer Program for Women in
Mathematics (applications, which are not
yet available, are due February 28).
Undergraduate School is an intensive one month
program for all students of mathematics. This year, the
program will introduce multiple zeta values and their
applications in combinatorics, number theory, quantum
field theory, and crime
fighting. Applications are due December 2 if you
wish to take the course for credit, and March 31
- Los Alamos National
Laboratories in New Mexico is sponsoring an undergraduate
research program. It appears the application process
closes January 10. (January 10)
- The University of Utah is offering a summer
undergraduate course on
Train Tracks, Diffeomorphisms of Surfaces and
Automorphisms of Free Groups in wonderful Salt Lake
City. Applications
are due February 20.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from the Michigan
of the East. You could change this by attending the
Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard
School of Public Health. Apply
by February 15.
- Reminder: The School
of Education (SOE) is again offering undergraduate
Michigan students with an interest in teaching and service
a chance to serve in its Elementary
Mathematics Laboratory (EML) summer program. SOE
reports that they have had excellent students from
mathematics in past years, and they would be happy to take
some more.
- UM Dearborn Math
may have one or two openings remaining in their summer
research program on "Decomposing a function into symmetric
pieces: Fourier Series and Self-Similarity". Student
participants are expected to have completed Calculus 2, as
well as Linear Algebra. To apply, please complete this
form and email it to Yunus Zeytuncu or Hyejin Kim.
- First and Second Year students: The International
Summer School for Young Mathematicians will take
place July 2-12 at Jacobs University in Bremen.
This is a fantastic
opportunity to take some photos
of your math T-shirt as well as learn mathematics
with your peers from around the world. Applications
are due March 14.
- Interested in Machine Learning? If so, the Information
Characterization & Exploitation Laboratory at
Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Florida is
offering a 10 week REU this summer. If you are interested,
apply here.
- Are you interested in helping to develop
sustainability-focused math and statistics curricular
materials to be used in courses aimed at current and
future middle school math teachers? This is a paid opportunity for math and/or
statistics majors. Sound good? It gets even better: the
job includes field trips to exciting locations such as the
UM Biostation. If you are interested, please email Professor Nina White
describing interest and qualifications as well as the name
and email of one reference within the Math or Stats
- The PIMS
Undergraduate Summer School on Rigorous Computing will
be held at the Pacific
Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at Simon
Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, on June 7 to June
27, 2015. If you are interested, apply
by February 28.
- Are you interested in helping to develop
sustainability-focused math and statistics curricular
materials to be used in courses aimed at current and
future middle school math teachers? This is a paid opportunity for math and/or
statistics majors. Sound good? It gets even better: the
job includes field trips to exciting locations such as the
UM Biostation. If you are interested, please email Professor Nina White
describing interest and qualifications as well as the name
and email of one reference within the Math or Stats
- Interested in earning $4,150 plus free room and board
this summer? The Newnan
Advising Center is hiring Academic
Peer Advisors for Summer Orientation, May
26 – August 7th. We have not a single math T-shirt photo
from the Newnan center, so turn your applications
into Rob
Gordon, 1255 Angell Hall by 4PM on February
- Are you interested in helping to develop
sustainability-focused math and statistics curricular
materials for current and future middle school math
teachers? This is a paid opportunity for math and/or
statistics majors. Sound good? It gets even better: the
job includes field trips to exciting locations such as the
UM Biostation. If you are interested, please email Professor Nina White
describing interest and qualifications as well as the name
and email of one reference within the Math or Stats
- The Edge Program
invites women who will be attending math graduate school
in the fall to join them in Washington, D.C. for the month
of June. The goal of the program is to strengthen the
ability of women students to successfully complete
graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with
particular emphasis on women from underrepresented groups.
Applications are available at
and are due March 2.
- Boise State University will host an interdisciplinary
undergraduate research program, Complexity Across
Disciplines, this summer. If you are interested, apply by
March 1.
- The Second
Chicago Summer School in Analysis will be held from
June 16 to July 3, 2015. The school is intended for
advanced undergraduates and will consist of week long
minicourses on the following topics: partial differential
equations, solitons and integrable systems,
pseudodifferential operators, Fourier series, percolation
and growth models, differentiability of functions and
measures, stochastic differential equations. Visit their
web page for more information.
- Have you scored an unpaid internship for the spring and
summer terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have demonstrated
financial need as determined by the Office of Financial
Aid. The first application deadline is tomorrow, Friday
the 13th.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some
cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer
Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and
Eurasia. The application deadline for these grants
is March 15.
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate Summer School will offer a
week long school on Boundaries
and Dynamics from May 19 to the 22nd. Visit their
webpage for more information.
- The Johns Hopkins University
Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is seeking instructors
and teaching assistants for its summer programs. CTY
offers challenging academic programs for highly talented
elementary, middle, and high school students from across
the country and around the world. Apply
- Epsilon camp,
a non-profit educational intervention for "math geeks," is
looking for counselors. The camp will be held at
Washington University in St. Louis, a surprisingly
beautiful campus. Apply here.
- Bhramar
Mukherjee from the departments of Biostatistics and
Epidemiology is running a summer institute on Big
Data, Human Health and Statistics. The deadline for
your application
is March 15.
- The University's Michigan
Math and Science Scholars summer program is
looking to hire counselors for the weeks of June 21 to
July 31. This is a good way to support yourself while
spending the summer in Ann Arbor taking math
T-shirt photos; many counselors double as
undergraduate instructors in the courses or work at their
REUs. Applications (search
for Job ID 105001)are due Friday the 13th of February.
- For those of you who like to plan your Math
T-shirt photo opportunities in advance: Michigan's Semester in Detroit
program is taking applications
until Monday, February 16, for the Spring 2015 term. This
is something I definitely would have taken advantage of as
an undergraduate; be sure to check
it out.
- In
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein ) is hosting
Women and Mathematics program on Aspects of
Algebraic Geometry -- Math Club's Wei Ho
is one of the lecturers! Applications are due February
- UConn encourages you to apply to the summer mathematics
at the University of Connecticut. Application
information may be found here.
- Canada's Fields
Institute is hosting the Fields
Undergraduate Summer Research Program in July and
August. This program is open to everyone -- even Canadians!
- An excellent opportunity for second and third year
students: The
Graduate School of Science of the University of Tokyo
will offer summer research internship opportunities
through UTRIP
(the University-of-Tokyo Research Internship Program). You
do not need to know any Japanese. Apply here
by March 3.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln asks that I remind you to apply to
their Summer
Research Program. They offer many
different opportunities, and applications are due
February 2.
- The
Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics is
running 8 programs at 8 different campuses
- The
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus is hosting an
REU program in Physics and Astronomy this summer (2015).
They ask that you please check out their program.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this
AMS web page. The NSF maintains
a listing of
the REUs it funds, and they are in many areas
other than math. Finally, here is yet another listing of
research opportunities.
- The Division of
Applied Mathematics at Brown University is hosting
an REU where participants will work on group projects that
involve applications, dynamical systems, and probability
theory. Applications
are due 13 February.
- Interested in Elementary and/or Secondary Math
Education? Then check out Illinois
State's Research Experience for Pre-service and
In-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers.
Applications are due February 20.
- Interested in Chemistry? Then check out the Ole
Miss Physical Chemistry Program 2015 Research
Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Applications are due
February 23.
- Interested in Physics? Then check out the College
of William and Mary's Summer Research Experience for
Undergraduates. Applications are due February 1.
- Interested in Biostatistics and/or Computational
Biology? Then check out Harvard's
Summer Program in Biostatistics and Computational
Biology. Applications are due February 1.
- The Mathematical
and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) wrote
asking that I remind you that their application is due
January 31.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 13th at 5 PM.
- The San
Diego State University REU in Mathematics is taking
applications through March 6.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example:
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate
Summer School is now taking
applications for their week long school on
Boundaries and Dynamics from May 19 to May 22. The Program
is pitched at beginners.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
Applications are
due February 13th at 5 PM.
- Next
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein ) is hosting
Women and Mathematics program on Aspects of
Algebraic Geometry; applications are due February
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kupcinet-Getz
International Science School accepts outstanding
undergraduate students to participate in summer research
projects in mathematics and computer science, physics,
chemistry and life sciences. It is an enrichment program
designated for undergraduate students from all over the world, who are
majoring in the Sciences, to experience science first hand
by becoming part of a research group at the Weizmann Institute.
Applications due January 15.
- The School of
Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota
wants you to APPLY! (by January 20) for their REU
- The
Statistical and Applied mathematical Sciences Institute
(SAMSI) is sponsoring
several workshops to
introduce undergraduate students to research in applied
mathematics and statistics. Applications for the February workshop are
due January 9.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University hosts an intense summer
research program for math and biology undergraduates
who are preparing for graduate school. If you are
interested, please apply by
January 31.
- Miami
University (Oxford, Ohio) is hosting their Summer Undergraduate
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.
They are particularly interested in having participants
from traditionally underrepresented groups attend.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities, and applications are due
February 2.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is yet another listing of
research opportunities.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate
Summer Research Program at Brown University
is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
scholars. Applications are due February 13, 2015.
- Juniors: Carnegie Melon's IT Lab offers a pretty sweet
summer internship deal. In particular, students who
have successfully completed the IT Lab and later enroll in
a full-time master’s program at Heinz College are awarded
a scholarship ranging from one-half tuition to full
tuition and an annual stipend of up to $6,000 per year for
the duration of their graduate studies. Applications
are due December 1.
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many
opportunities NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click on either the “First Time
Student Users Register” or “Current Student User Login”
buttons on the right hand side of the page.
- The Institute for
Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the
Research in
Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program.
RIPS provides opportunities for exceptional students in
math and related disciplines to work in teams on real
world research projects proposed by a sponsor from
industry or a national lab. Michigan Math alumna Wei
Qian participated last year. The program is open to
all undergraduates -- including international students and
graduating seniors. The application deadline is February
12, 2015.
- The Mathematical
and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) is a
summer research experience for undergraduates held at
Arizona State University. At MTBI, undergraduates in math,
biology, and related fields are prepared for the rigors of
graduate school as they work to produce student-selected,
graduate-level research. This summer, MTBI will be held
from June 3rd to July 25th, 2015. Applications are due
January 31.
- Are you thinking about doing research or an internship
abroad? Then you may want to check out Wednesday's panel
discussion of funding options for overseas
internships and research opportunities. The
discussion will happen on October 1st from noon to 1 in
room 1636 of the
Social Work Building.
- The Institute
for Broadening Participation is a National Science
Foundation/National Security Association funded group that
serves as a clearing house for information on education
activities, career training opportunities, and summer
internships/REUs in the STEM disciplines. To search
through their vast listings, please visit
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due from September 1
to October 15. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
Information about Summer REUs
An REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) is an excellent
way to get some grit under your nails in mathematical
research. Information about REUs around the country may be
found at the NSF's
web page; at this
AMS web page; or at this SIAM
page (scroll down to undergraduate). Note that
deadlines fall in February and March. Also note
that UCLA's RIPS (Research
in Industrial Projects for Students) program is available
to graduating seniors and foreign students attending US
Here are some programs (research or otherwise) that were
brought to my attention in one way or another -- not all of them
are on the AMS and NSF web pages discussed above:
If you're still looking for something to do this summer, Professor
Stephen Salant is hiring a
research assistant to work part-time this summer writing
MATLAB code to model strategic interactions between
pharmaceutical producers.
REU will focus on the theory and applications of machine
learning and will be held at Florida Institute of
Technology from May 9 to July 15. Applications are due by
March 31.
- Applications for City
Internships' immersive career training programs in
London, Los Angeles, and New York will close by April. Places
are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so interested
students should apply soon.
- Sage Corps has summer internships available in tech start ups in great
locations for Math T-shirt photos, such as Dublin, Buenos
Aires, and Hong Kong. Applications close March 31.
- The Duke Talent
Identification Program (TIP) is hiring undergraduates to
serve as teaching
assistants for its Summer Studies Programs for gifted middle and high school students. The three-week
programs are held at a variety of excellent locations for
T-shirt photos in the southeast United States in June and
July. Find out more about the courses that are taught here and more
about the position here.
- The UM School of
Public Health is hosting the Big Data Summer
Institute, an interdisciplinary training and research
program exploring the intersection of big data, statistics,
and human health, from June 13 to July 22. The application deadline is March 15.
- Interested in material science? Then check out the
REU at New York University's Materials Research Science
and Engineering Center. The application deadline is February 28.
- Applications to be a counselor at Boston University's Program
in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS), a six-week
summer camp for high school students, are due by March 15.
Counselors not only work closely with mathematically-gifted
and motivated high school students, but also attend advanced
lectures and put on seminars of their own on topics of common
- Interested in earning $4,150 plus housing this summer? The Newnan Advising
Center is hiring Academic
Peer Advisors for Summer Orientation, May 23 – August 5.
There is an information session on February 25, 5:30 - 7:00,
in G239/G243 Angell Hall, and applications are due on February 26.
- The Edge Program invites women who will be attending math graduate school in
the fall to join them at Purdue University, June 6 - July 2.
The goal of the program is to strengthen the ability of women
students to successfully complete graduate programs in the
mathematical sciences, with particular emphasis on women from
underrepresented groups. Applications are due March 4.
- Wolfram,
the developer of Mathematica,
will host a three
week summer school at Bentley University, June 19 - July
8. Participants will learn how to apply Wolfram technology and
work on individual research projects. Applications are being
accepted now.
- As part of its Thematic
Program on Model Theory, the Center for Mathematics at
Notre Dame is hosting a summer
school for undergraduates, June 6 - 10. Apply by April
- Are you a junior considering pursuing a graduate degree in
IT, data analytics, or cyber
security? Carnegie Mellon University's IT
Lab: Summer Security Intensive is a paid summer
fellowship offering courses in security policy and technology
implementation that runs from June 9 to July 30. Applications are due by March 1.
- The global investment and technology development firm, the D. E. Shaw group,
is hosting the D.
E. Shaw Discovery Fellowship 2016, May 24 - 26 at its
New York City headquarters. This is an opportunity for females
who are completing their sophomore year to learn about a
career in finance and interact with employees of the firm. Apply by
March 15.
- Breakthrough
Collaborative has summer
teaching internships at many
locations across the United States. Applications are due by February 23.
- A reminder that the Department of
Mathematics at Boise State University is hosting an REU, Complexity
Across Disciplines, which focuses on mathematics research motivated by applications in search optimization, information
security, or genome biology. Applications are due by March 1.
- Have you scored an internship for the spring and summer
terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have demonstrated
financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid.
Decisions are made on a rolling basis and applications (for a domestic
internship or an international
internship) must be submitted by April 17.
- HookLogic, which has an
office right here in Ann Arbor, is looking for summer interns.
If you are interested, send your resume to Rob Streeter.
- The UM School of
Public Health is hosting the Big Data Summer
Institute, an interdisciplinary training and research
program in biostatistics. The application deadline is March 15.
- The University's Michigan
Math and Science Scholars summer program for high
school students is looking to hire counselors for the weeks of
June 17 to July 30. Apply
- Michigan's Semester in
Detroit program is taking applications until February 26 for the Spring 2015 term. Check
it out.
- In May
the Institute for
Advance Study in Princeton, NJ is
hosting a Women and
Mathematics program on Curves, Loops, and
Words in Geometry. Applications are due February 20.
- Sage Corps thought you might be interested in its summer
internship program that places interns in a tech startup
- As a reminder, many application deadlines for summer
REUs are approaching fast. In particular, the application deadline for the Michigan
REU is February 5.
- The Department of
Mathematics at Boise State University is hosting an REU, Complexity
Across Disciplines, which focuses on mathematics research motivated by applications in search optimization, information
security, or genome biology. Applications are due by March 1.
- The summer school course, Introduction
to Algebraic Geometry, will be held at the University of
Utah, May 16 - 27. The course is geared toward advanced
undergraduate students, and eligible, accepted students will
have all their costs covered. The application deadline is March 1.
- The Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, CA is
hosting a summer program for undergraduate students on the
topic of Sandpile
Groups from June 11 to July 24. While there, you could
take a Math
T-shirt photo with the beautiful Helaman Ferguson sculpture, The
Eightfold Way. For full consideration, submit your application by February 15.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln asks that I remind you to apply to
their Summer
Research Program. They offer many
different opportunities, and the priority deadline for
applications is Monday, February 1.
- Canada's Fields
Institute is hosting the Fields
Undergraduate Summer Research Program in July and
August. This program is open to everyone -- even Canadians! Apply by February 29.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business School is accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program. Apply by March 1.
- Along with the lists of REUs mentioned in previous
missives (e.g. at
the AMS and at
the NSF), you might find this
site useful while researching potential REUs. It
includes brief descriptions and information about dates (like
application deadlines).
- The University
of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program encourages
you to consider its wide-ranging
programs. The priority deadline is February 1.
- Brown University is hosting an Undergraduate
Summer Research Program in Dynamics and Stochastics. Funding
will also be available for a limited number of students who
are not US citizens or permanent residents. Applications
are due February 15.
- Interested in math education? Then check out Illinois
State's REU in Secondary Mathematics Education.
Applications are due February 19.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications. Applications are
due February 5 at 5 PM.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) would like to
remind you that applications for its summer program are due January 31.
- The Federal Reserve
Bank of New York is accepting applications for its Summer
Analyst Internship. The deadline is tomorrow, January
- City Internships is hosting four
different competitions. Winners receive a full
scholarship to their 2016 summer Global
Internship Program in London, New York, or Los Angeles.
If you're interested in learning more about the program, City
Internships is hosting a webinar
series. The next one is Tuesday, January 19, at 1:30.
- Interested in Elementary and/or Secondary Math Education?
Then check out this listing of summer
REUs in Math Education.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical sciences,
and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this
AMS web page. The NSF maintains
a listing of
the REUs it funds, and they are in many areas
other than math.
- The Department of
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at The
University of Texas at Arlington asks that I let you
know they are loaded with cash and are seeking highly
qualified applicants for their doctoral program.
- Interested in Physics? Then check out the College
of William and Mary's Summer Research Experience for
Undergraduates. Applications are due February 1.
- Interested in Biostatistics and/or Computational Biology?
Then check out Harvard's
Summer Program in Biostatistics and Computational Biology.
Applications are due February 1.
- The Mathematical
and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) wrote asking
that I remind you that their application is now open.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example:
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate
Summer School is now taking
applications for their week long school on Model Theory
from June 6 to June 10. The Program is pitched at beginners.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
- Next May
the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein ) is hosting a Women and Mathematics program on Curves, Loops, and
Words in Geometry; applications are due February 19.
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kupcinet-Getz International
Science School accepts outstanding undergraduate
students to participate in summer research projects in
mathematics and computer science, physics, chemistry and life
sciences. It is an enrichment program designated for
undergraduate students from all over
the world, who are majoring in the Sciences, to
experience science first hand by becoming part of a research
group at the Weizmann
Institute. Applications due January 15.
- The School of Physics
and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota wants you
to APPLY! (by February 15) for their REU program.
- The
Statistical and Applied mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI)
is sponsoring several workshops to introduce
undergraduate students to research in applied mathematics
and statistics. Applications for the February workshop are due
January 8.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University hosts an intense summer
research program for math and biology undergraduates who
are preparing for graduate school. If you are interested,
please apply by January 31.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs it
- Here is another listing of research opportunities.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Department of Homeland Security sponsors a 10-week summer
internship program for students majoring in homeland
security related science, technology, engineering and
mathematics disciplines. The program provides students
with quality research experiences at federal research
facilities located across the country and allows students the
opportunity to establish connections with DHS professionals. Applications are due December 16.
- Park
City is hosting an undergraduate summer school on the
topic of "The
Mathematics of Data." Applications are
due January 15.
- Interested in an internship in eastern Europe next summer?
Then check out these opportunities
for LSA students. Application deadline is December 1.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from the Michigan
of the East. You could change this by attending the Summer
Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard School
of Public Health. Apply
by February 16.
- Your fellow student of Mathematics Jennifer Johnson
participated in the University
of Wisconsin's Integrated Biological Sciences Summer
Research Program last summer and highly recommends the
experience. Inexplicably, we have no Math
T-shirt photos from UofW's Madison campus.
- Boston University is another good place for Math
T-shirt photos. Their Graduate Program in Computational
Neuroscience would like for you, a student of
mathematics, to apply for September 2016 admission.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate
Summer Research Program at Brown University
is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
scholars. Applications are due February 15, 2016.
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many opportunities
NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click on either the “First Time Student
Users Register” or “Current Student User Login” buttons on the
right hand side of the page. Applications for next summer open
on November 10.
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security Agency. Applications
are due from September 1 to October 31. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
- UM Dearborn has been funded for an REU in mathematical analysis and applications. The program will start on May 22 and end on July 14. Student participants will receive a stipend of $4,000, housing and meal allowance, and travel funding to present at conferences. Apply here.
- Dr. Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos of the Information Characterization & Exploitation (ICE) Laboratory at Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) in Melbourne, Florida would like for you to apply for his REU in Machine Learning. The program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and is offered by the Information Characterization & Exploitation (ICE) Laboratory at Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) in Melbourne, Florida.
- Someone at UofW-Stevens Point (second to Fort Hays State University in the exciting 1984 NAIA tournament) wants me to remind you: If you are interested in pursuing a career in sports and athletics that will use your math talents, then check out the Great Lakes Analytics in Sports Conference, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on July 13.
- First and Second Year students: The International Summer School for Young Mathematicians will take place July 1 to 7 at Jacobs University in the Northern German city of Bremen. This is a fantastic opportunity to take some photos of your math T-shirt as well as learn mathematics with your peers from around the world. Applications are due March 27.
- Have you scored an internship for the summer
term, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid. Decisions are made on a rolling basis and
applications must be submitted by June 13. See this page for more information.
- The organizers would like for me to remind you: Notre Dame's Undergraduate
Summer School is now taking
applications for their week long school on Kähler
Geometry from June 12 to June 16. The Program is pitched at
- Moon Duchin, former Michigan Math faculty member and now at Tufts, is running a summer research cluster on polygonal billiards. She really wants undergraduates to be involved, so check out the program to see if you might be a good fit for you. No residency restrictions.
- The Edge Program invites women who will be attending math graduate school in the fall to join them in sunny California for the month of June. The goal of the program is to strengthen the ability of women students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with particular emphasis on women from underrepresented groups. Applications are due March 3.
- Interested in earning $4,150 this summer?
The Newnan
Advising Center is hiring Academic
Peer Advisors for Summer Orientation. Applications are due on February 24.
- Have you scored an internship for the spring and summer
terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid. Decisions are made on a rolling basis.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and Eurasia. The application deadline for these grants is February 15.
- Are you a junior considering pursuing a graduate degree
in IT, data analytics, or cyber
security? Carnegie Mellon University's IT
Lab: Summer Security Intensive is a paid summer
fellowship offering courses in security policy and
technology implementation that runs from June 8 to July
29. Applications are due by March 1.
- Not to be outdone by the IT lab, the Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology from June 5 to June 23. Tuition and housing are provided to participating students. Applications are due March 10.
- Breakthrough
Collaborative has summer
teaching internships at many
locations across the United States. Applications are due by February 23.
- A reminder that the Department of
Mathematics at Boise State University is hosting an
REU, Complexity
Across Disciplines, which focuses on mathematics research motivated by applications in search optimization,
information security, or genome biology. Applications are due by March 1.
- Interested in pursuing a career in sports and athletics that will use your math talents? Then check out The Great Lakes Analytics in Sports Conference, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on July 13.
- Sage
Corps thought you might be interested in its summer
internship program that places interns in a tech
startup abroad.
- Columbia Business School is seeking outstanding applicants for its 2017 Summer Research Internship program. They have had good luck with students of math from Michigan. The highly selective program provides an intellectually stimulating environment and exposes students to the world of business research. The Application Deadline is 11:59pm EST on March 1, 2017; but the earlier you apply the better.
- Florida Institute of Technology wants you to apply for their 2017 summer REU on PDEs and Dynamical Systems. An application portal and more information about the REU may be found here.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due Friday at 5 PM.
- Michigan's Semester
in Detroit program is taking applications for the Fall 2017 term. Check
it out.
- In
May the Institute
for Advance Study in Princeton, NJ is
hosting a Women and
Mathematics program on Geometry and Randomness in Group Theory. Applications are due February
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 3 at 5 PM.
- The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics is running 6 programs at 6 different campuses. Apply soon or risk being overlooked.
- The Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, CA
is hosting a summer program for undergraduate students on
the topic of Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations from June 24 to August 6. While there, you
could take a Math
T-shirt photo with the beautiful Helaman Ferguson sculpture, The
Eightfold Way. For full consideration, submit your application by February 15.
- Canada's Fields
Institute is hosting the Fields
Undergraduate Summer Research Program in July and
August. This program is open to everyone -- even Canadians! Apply by February 28.
- The 2017 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 5 to July 14. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- Up to ten U-M undergraduates will be selected to undertake research projects at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Pune this summer. See this flier or this web page for more information. Applications are due February 6.
- Wolfram,
the developer of Mathematica,
will host a three
week summer school at Bentley University, June 18 -
July 7. Participants will learn how to apply Wolfram
technology and work on individual research projects.
Applications are being accepted now.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business
School is accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program. Apply by March 1.
- City Internships is hosting four
different competitions. Winners receive a full
scholarship to their 2017 summer Global
Internship Program in London, New York, Los
Angeles, Washington, D.C., Miami, or San Francisco.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning now. For example:
- The University
of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program encourages you to consider its wide-ranging
programs. The priority deadline is February 1.
- Along with the lists of REUs mentioned in previous
missives (e.g. at
the AMS and at
the NSF), you might find this
site useful while researching potential REUs. It
includes brief descriptions and information about dates
(like application deadlines).
- Brown University is hosting an Undergraduate
Summer Research Program in Topological Data Analysis. Funding will also be available for a limited number of
students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Applications are due February 17.
- Interested in Chemistry? Then check out the Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Program 2017 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Applications are due February 24.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 3 at 5 PM.
- The Mathematical
and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) would like
to remind you that applications for its summer
program are due January 31.
- Interested in Elementary and/or Secondary Math
Education? Then check out this listing of summer
REUs in Math Education.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this
AMS web page. The NSF maintains
a listing of
the REUs it funds, and there are many in areas
other than math.
- Interested in Biostatistics and/or Computational
Biology? Then check out Harvard's
Summer Program in Biostatistics and Computational
Biology. Applications are due February 1.
- The Mathematical
and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) wrote
asking that I remind you that their application is now
- San Diego State University would like for you to apply to its Summer 2017 Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates. program in number theory and fluid dynamics. Applications are due March 3.
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate
Summer School is now taking
applications for their week long school on Kähler
Geometry from June 12 to June 16. The Program is pitched at
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
- Next
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein ) is hosting
a Women and Mathematics program on Geometry and Randomness in Group Theory; applications are due
February 17.
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kupcinet-Getz
International Science School accepts outstanding
undergraduate students to participate in summer research
projects in mathematics and computer science, physics,
chemistry and life sciences. It is an enrichment program
designated for undergraduate students from all over the world, who are
majoring in the Sciences, to experience science first hand
by becoming part of a research group at the Weizmann Institute.
Applications due December 24.
- The School of
Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota wants you to APPLY! (by January 30) for their REU
- The
Statistical and Applied mathematical Sciences Institute
(SAMSI) is sponsoring
several workshops to
introduce undergraduate students to research in applied
mathematics and statistics. Applications for the February workshop are
due January 10.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University hosts an intense summer
research program for math and biology undergraduates
who are preparing for graduate school. If you are
interested, please apply by
January 31.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- Park
City is hosting an undergraduate summer school on
the topic of Random Matrices. Apply here by February 1.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is Valentine's Day, 2017.
- The Department of Homeland Security sponsors a 10-week summer
internship program for students majoring in homeland
security related science, technology, engineering and
mathematics disciplines. The program provides
students with quality research experiences at federal
research facilities located across the country and allows
students the opportunity to establish connections with DHS
professionals. Applications are due December 7.
- The University of Minnesota - Twin Cities wants you to join their REU in astronomy and physics. Details are here.
- The Columbia Business School has been very pleased with the mathematics students who have participated in their summer internship programs, and would like to see more of you. They will be on campus Monday Nov. 14, 2016 from 6:00 to 7:00PM in Blau Room (Ross). Math majors are very welcome.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from the Michigan
of the East. You could change this by attending the Summer
Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard
School of Public Health. Apply
by February 1.
- Mathematics alumna Jennifer Johnson
participated in the University
of Wisconsin's Integrated Biological Sciences Summer
Research Program in 2014 and highly recommends
the experience. Inexplicably, we have no Math
T-shirt photos from UofW's Madison campus.
- Boston University is another good place for Math
T-shirt photos. Their Graduate Program in Computational
Neuroscience would like for you, a student of
mathematics, to apply for September 2017 admission.
- Michigan's School of Public Health will again be running its Big Data Summer Institute from June 5 to July 14 next summer. This is a 6-week mentored summer research program focused on Big Data and related computational and statistical problems. Applications will be taken beginning December 15.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate
Summer Research Program at Brown University
is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
scholars. Applications are due February 17.
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many
opportunities NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click around to discover all the available opportunities.
- Michigan's School of Public Health will again be running its Big Data Summer Institute from June 5 to July 14 next summer. This is a 6-week mentored summer research program focused on Big Data and related computational and statistical problems. Applications will be taken beginning December 15.
- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs sponsors a 10-week summer internship program for students majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Applications are due December 7.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from Lansing. MSU will host a 10-week NSF summer REU in computational and data science May 21 to July 28, 2017. Research areas include: computational chemistry, computational biology, computational physics, computational mathematics, bioinformatics, big data science, and computational electromagnetics. Applications accepted from October 1 through February 28.
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due from September 1
to October 31. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
- We have very few Math T-shirt photos from South Campus. Here is an opportunity to fix this and make some good money. The Academic
Success Program is hiring tutors for Spring/Summer and next
academic year. They are looking for professional and
personable people who can explain mathematical concepts in
a variety of methods to a diverse group of learners. They
need tutors for MATH 105, 115, 116, 214, 215, 216, 217, and 417. More information can be found here.
If you're interested, apply
here. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Lubrano.
- Have you scored an internship for the summer
term, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid.
- We have very few Math T-shirt photos from South Campus. Here is an opportunity to fix this and make some good money. The Academic
Success Program is hiring tutors for Spring/Summer and next
academic year. They are looking for professional and
personable people who can explain mathematical concepts in
a variety of methods to a diverse group of learners. They
need tutors for MATH 105, 115, 116, 214, 215, 216, 217, and 417. More information can be found here.
If you're interested, apply
here. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Lubrano.
- Have you scored an internship for the summer
term, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid.
- As part of the 2018 Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, the Institute for Social Research will offer a two- and one-half week program focused on advancing the University’s Diversity, Equity and, Inclusion goals. Most specifically, we will focus on recruitment of students from the University of Michigan and around the country who are considering graduate school in quantitative social science fields. Interested applicants should complete the 2018 Summer Institute Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Recruitment and Education Opportunity application.
- Have you scored an internship for the summer
term, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid.
- Interested in earning $4,150 this summer?
The Newnan
Advising Center is hiring Academic
Peer Advisors for Summer Orientation. Applications are due tomorrow -- so don't avoid getting started.
- I've been asked to remind you that the 2018 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 7 to July 27. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience. Applications are due during break -- March 1st.
- The 2018 SAE CyberAuto Challenge™ is a five-day (July 22 to 27) practicum-based workshop where teams comprised equally of students and professionals, including automotive engineers, government engineers, and ethical “white-hat” hackers, work on real cars to find real answers to the challenges posed by cybersecurity in automobiles. If you want to hack a car, check it out.
- The Edge Program invites women who will be attending math graduate school in the fall to join them in Texas for the month of June. The goal of the program is to strengthen the ability of women students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with particular emphasis on women from underrepresented groups. Applications are due March 3.
- Have you scored an internship for the spring and summer
terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid. Decisions are made on a rolling basis.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and Eurasia. The application deadline for these grants is February 15.
- Are you a junior considering pursuing a graduate degree
in IT, data analytics, or cyber
security? Carnegie Mellon University's IT
Lab: Summer Security Intensive is a paid summer
fellowship offering courses in security policy and
technology implementation that runs from June 7 to July
28. Applications are due by March 1.
- Not to be outdone by the IT lab, the Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology from June 11 to June 29. Tuition and housing are provided to participating students. Applications are due March 16.
- Breakthrough
Collaborative has summer
teaching internships at many
locations across the United States. Applications are due by February 22.
- A reminder that the Department of
Mathematics at Boise State University is hosting an
REU, Complexity
Across Disciplines, which focuses on mathematics research motivated by applications in search optimization,
information security, or genome biology. Applications are due by March 1.
- Are you interested in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences? Then perhaps the 2018 Summer Research Initiative (SRI) at the University of Maryland, College Park is for you. The application deadline is February 10, 2018.
- The famous UCLA RIPS program is a fantastic summer research opportunity for undergraduates. Applications are due soon.
- Interested in pursuing a career in sports and athletics that will use your math talents? Then check out The Great Lakes Analytics in Sports Conference, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on June 21.
- Sage
Corps thought you might be interested in its summer
internship program that places interns in a tech
startup abroad.
- Columbia Business School is seeking outstanding applicants for its 2018 Summer
Research Internship program. They have had good luck with students of math from Michigan. The highly selective program provides an intellectually stimulating environment and exposes students to the world of business research. The Application Deadline is 11:59pm EST on March 1; but the earlier you apply the better.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 8 at 5 PM.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this
AMS web page. The NSF maintains
a listing of
the REUs it funds, and there are many in areas
other than math.
- Along with the lists of REUs mentioned in previous
missives, you might find this
site useful while researching potential REUs. It
includes brief descriptions and information about dates
(like application deadlines).
- The 2018 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 7 to July 27. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- Up to ten U-M undergraduates will be selected to undertake research projects at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Pune this summer. See this web page for more information. Applications are due February 9.
- Wolfram,
the developer of Mathematica,
will host a three
week summer school at Bentley University, June 18 -
July 7. Participants will learn how to apply Wolfram
technology and work on individual research projects.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business
School is accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program. Apply by March 1.
- Ruthi Hortsch asks that I let you now that BEAM is not just in New York; it has branched out to LA, and counselor positions are available.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 8 at 5 PM.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this
AMS web page. The NSF maintains
a listing of
the REUs it funds, and there are many in areas
other than math.
- Along with the lists of REUs mentioned in previous
missives, you might find this
site useful while researching potential REUs. It
includes brief descriptions and information about dates
(like application deadlines).
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning now. For example:
- The University
of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program encourages you to consider its wide-ranging
- Along with the lists of REUs mentioned in previous
missives (e.g. at
the AMS and at
the NSF), you might find this
site useful while researching potential REUs. It
includes brief descriptions and information about dates
(like application deadlines).
- Brown University is hosting an Undergraduate
Summer Research Program in Low Dimensional Topology and Geometry. Funding will also be available for a limited number of
students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Applications are due February 16.
- Interested in Chemistry? Then check out the Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Program 2018 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Applications are due February 26.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 8 at 5 PM.
- The Mathematical
and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) would like
to remind you that applications for its summer
program are due January 31.
- An excellent opportunity for third year students: The Graduate School of Science of the University of Tokyo will offer summer research internship opportunities through UTRIP (the University-of-Tokyo Research Internship Program). You do not need to know any Japanese. Apply here by January 26.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this
AMS web page. The NSF maintains
a listing of
the REUs it funds, and there are many in areas
other than math.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example, the following camps need counselors:
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate
Summer School will hold a week long school on Geometric Aspects of Representation Theory from June 11 to June 15. The Program is pitched at
- San Diego State University's Summer 2018 Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates is now open for applications. They have one project in applied mathematics (HIV modeling), and one in statistics (machine learning).
For a detailed program description and application instructions/materials, please see the program website.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
- Next
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein ) is hosting
a Women and Mathematics program on Cryptography.
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kupcinet-Getz
International Science School accepts outstanding
undergraduate students to participate in summer research
projects in mathematics and computer science, physics,
chemistry and life sciences. It is an enrichment program
designated for undergraduate students from all over the world, who are
majoring in the Sciences, to experience science first hand
by becoming part of a research group at the Weizmann Institute.
- The School of
Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota wants you to APPLY! (by January 30) for their REU
- The
Statistical and Applied mathematical Sciences Institute
(SAMSI) is sponsoring
several workshops to
introduce undergraduate students to research in applied
mathematics and statistics.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University hosts an intense summer
research program for math and biology undergraduates
who are preparing for graduate school.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- Park
City is hosting an undergraduate summer school on
the topic of Harmonic Analysis. Apply here by February 15.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is February 12.
- The University of Minnesota - Twin Cities wants you to join their REU in astronomy and physics. Details are here. (It looks like they've not updated things from last year too much, yet.)
- Continuing the math club cryptography theme: Hester Graves, a graduate of Michigan's Math PhD Program, will be visiting the Math Department later today (11/9) between 2:30-4 PM to discuss career and summer opportunities at the Center for Computing Sciences. Please stop by at the Math Department Conference Room East Hall (2074) to talk to her.
- The Columbia Business School has been very pleased with the mathematics students who have participated in their summer internship programs, and would like to see more of you.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from the Michigan
of the East. You could change this by attending the Summer
Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard
School of Public Health. Apply
by February 1.
- Mathematics alumna Jennifer Johnson
participated in the University
of Wisconsin's Integrated Biological Sciences Summer
Research Program in 2014 and highly recommends
the experience. Inexplicably, we have no Math
T-shirt photos from UofW's Madison campus.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate
Summer Research Program at Brown University
is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many
opportunities NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click around to discover all the available opportunities. (Note: some parts of the page have not been updated for 2018, but I was able to find opportunities for students of mathematics in 2018.)
- Michigan's School of Public Health will again be running its Big Data Summer Institute from June 17 to July 27 next summer. This is a 6-week mentored summer research program focused on Big Data and related computational and statistical problems. Applications will be taken beginning December 15.
- The Howard Hughes'Medical Institute has a beautiful facility called the Janelia Research Campus. Every summer, they run the Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program. The program is now accepting applications for its summer 2018 program. At Janelia you will work in a highly collaborative setting alongside biologists, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and chemists.
- The Duke Math Department wants you to apply to their PhD program.
- The Information and Decisions department at the Wharton School of Business wants you to apply to their PhD program.
- The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center hosts a summer internship (called SURP) that is designed to provide biomedical research experience and mentorship for undergraduate students of rising senior status. More information may be found here.
- MSU will host a 10-week NSF summer REU in computational and data science May 21 to July 27, 2018. Research areas include: computational chemistry, computational biology, computational physics, computational mathematics, bioinformatics, big data science, and computational electromagnetics. Applications accepted from October 1 through February 28. We have no Math T-shirt pictures from Lansing.
- Interested in doing research next summer? Unsure of where to start? Then plan to attend WIM's REU/Research Panel to learn about different research opportunities for undergrads in math and related fields on Tuesday, November 28th from 7-8pm (location TBD).
- HSE University (Moscow) invites students interested in fundamental mathematics to apply to their three week Research Experience for Undergraduates in Mathematics program. Participants will work on research projects under supervision of distinguished mathematicians.
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due around this time of year. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
- U(M)'s Shared Service Center is looking for an intern to support their Business Analytics Team. The team typically solves various data problems and uses Tableau to create dashboards to help us visualize data. The intern will get hands on experience with helping to solve business problems / developing business intelligence solutions for an internal customer.
- Michigan's Science Learning Center is hiring undergraduate drop-in Math tutors for the Spring and Summer 2018 terms. They are looking for enthusiastic students with effective communication and interpersonal skills, who are confident in tutoring ALL of the following Math courses: Math 105, 115, 116, 215, and 216. The math tutoring will take place in the SLC Help Room Monday through Friday from 11am-4pm. The job will entail working 5-10 hours (possibly more) per week. Prior experience as a Math Tutor at the UM Department of Mathematics Math Lab is desirable, but not required. If you are interested in interviewing for a SLC Math tutor position, please apply via this link.
- As part of the 2019 Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, the Institute for Social Research will offer a two- and one-half week program focused on advancing the University’s Diversity, Equity and, Inclusion goals. Most specifically, they will focus on recruitment of students from the University of Michigan and around the country who are considering graduate school in quantitative social science fields. Interested applicants should complete the 2019 Summer Institute Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Recruitment and Education Opportunity application.
- Have you scored an internship for the summer
term, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid.
- Sophomores
Juniors: the D. E. Shaw Discovery Fellowship 2019 and D. E. Shaw Latitude Fellowship 2019 will be taking place in New York City this May. Participants will have the opportunity to apply their analytical skills in discussions with investment professionals, attend lectures given by senior leaders and outside speakers, and interact with a cross-section of D.E. Shaw's employees. Participants will receive a stipend, accommodations, and travel to and from New York City. Apply by March 17.
- The 2019 SAE CyberAuto Challenge™ is a five-day (July 21 to 26) practicum-based workshop where teams comprised equally of students and professionals, including automotive engineers, government engineers, and ethical “white-hat” hackers, work on real cars to find real answers to the challenges posed by cybersecurity in automobiles. If you want to hack a car, check it out.
- The Open Source Economics Laboratory (OSE Lab) at the University of Chicago is now accepting applications for the 2019 OSE Lab six-week summer boot camp in computational economics, July 1 to August 9, 2019. They have funding for 25 student positions. Students can get more information here. The application deadline is Mar. 15.
- The 2019 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute asks that I remind you that the institute will run from June 17 to July 26. The application is open until March 1. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- The Edge Program invites women who will be attending math graduate school in the fall to join them in California for the month of June. The goal of the program is to strengthen the ability of women students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with particular emphasis on women from underrepresented groups. Applications are due March 1.
- Have you scored an internship for the spring and summer
terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid. Decisions are made on a rolling basis.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and Eurasia. The application deadline for these grants is February 15.
- The Newnan Advising Center is hiring Academic Peer Advisors for Summer Orientation,
May 20 – August 2. We have not a single
math T-shirt photo from the Newnan center, so turn in your applications by March 1. An optional Information Session will be held on Thursday February 20 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm in G243 Angell Hall.
- Are you a junior considering pursuing a graduate degree
in IT, data analytics, or cyber
security? Carnegie Mellon University's IT
Lab: Summer Security Intensive is a paid summer
fellowship offering courses in security policy and
technology implementation. Applications are due by April 1.
- Not to be outdone by the IT lab, the Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology. Tuition and housing are provided to participating students. Applications are due March 15.
- Breakthrough
Collaborative has summer
teaching internships at many
locations across the United States. Applications are due by February 21.
- A reminder that the Department of
Mathematics at Boise State University is hosting an
REU, Complexity
Across Disciplines, which focuses on mathematics research motivated by applications in search optimization,
information security, or genome biology. Applications are due by March 1.
- Summer research opportunities are available at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Jefferson, Arkansas. Selected individuals will train alongside NCTR investigators who conduct FDA mission-critical, translational research, that provides a scientifically sound basis for FDA regulatory decisions, and that reduces risks associated with FDA-regulated products. Apply here.
- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Robotics Internship Program is a 10-week summer internship program for students majoring in a field related to robotics, manufacturing, or engineering. The program provides opportunities to intern at federal national laboratories and private sector organizations throughout the United States. Apply here. For questions please email
- Are you interested in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences? Then perhaps the 2019 Summer Research Initiative (SRI) at the University of Maryland, College Park is for you. The application deadline is February 10.
- The famous UCLA RIPS program is a fantastic summer research opportunity for undergraduates. Applications are due soon.
- Sage
Corps thought you might be interested in its summer
internship program that places interns in a tech
startup abroad.
- Columbia Business School is seeking outstanding applicants for its 2019 Summer
Research Internship program. They have had good luck with students of math from Michigan. The highly selective program provides an intellectually stimulating environment and exposes students to the world of business research. The Application Deadline is 11:59pm EST on March 1; but the earlier you apply the better.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 8 at 5 PM.
- The Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology. Tuition and housing are provided to participating students. Applications are due March 15, 2019
- The Michigan Math and Science Scholars camp is still looking for summer counselors; this is an excellent way to support yourself and stay in beautiful Ann Arbor. Applications are now being accepted.
- The Voting Rights Data Institute will run from June 17 to July 26 in Boston. Apply by February 1.
- Illinois State University is running an REU for present and future secondary math teachers. The application is due February 26.
- The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics may be running programs at different campuses in 2019. For sure, they are running one at Boston University. Apply soon or risk being overlooked.
- The Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, CA
is hosting a summer program for undergraduate students on
the topic of Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics. While there, you
could take a Math
T-shirt photo with the beautiful Helaman Ferguson sculpture, The
Eightfold Way. For full consideration, submit your application by February 15.
- The Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program welcomes carefully selected undergraduate students from around the world for a rich mathematical research experience in July and August. Applications are due January 22.
- The 2019 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 17 to July 26. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- Up to ten U-M undergraduates will be selected to undertake research projects at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Pune this summer. See this web page for more information. Applications are due mid February.
- Wolfram,
the developer of Mathematica,
will host a three
week summer school at Bentley University, June 23 -
July 12. Participants will learn how to apply Wolfram
technology and work on individual research projects.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business
School is accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program. Apply by March 1.
- Ruthi Hortsch asked that I let you now that BEAM is not just in New York; it has branched out to LA, and counselor positions are available.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 8 at 5 PM.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln really wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- If you are in the Honors Program, then please note that you may apply for an Honors Summer 2019 Fellowship until January 27.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page. The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds, and there are many in areas
other than math.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- Along with the lists of REUs mentioned in previous
missives, you might find this
site useful while researching potential REUs. It
includes brief descriptions and information about dates
(like application deadlines).
- MSRI in Berkeley is a math center with an amazing view. If you'd like to visit, then check out their 2019 undergraduate program in Applied Combinatorics.
- Carnegie Melon is "hosting" a Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute.
- Interested in Elementary and/or Secondary Math
Education? Then check out ISU's 2019 REU.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- The Mathematical
and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) wrote
asking that I remind you that their application is now
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example, the following camps need counselors:
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate
Summer School will hold a week long school on Geometric Aspects of Representation Theory from June 11 to June 15. The Program is pitched at
- Next
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein) is hosting
a Women and Mathematics program on Topics in Geometric Analysis.
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kinetic-Getz
International Science School accepts outstanding
undergraduate students to participate in summer research
projects in mathematics and computer science, physics,
chemistry and life sciences. It is an enrichment program
designated for undergraduate students from all over the world, who are
majoring in the Sciences, to experience science first hand
by becoming part of a research group at the Weizmann Institute.
- The School of
Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota wants you to APPLY for their REU
- The
Statistical and Applied mathematical Sciences Institute
(SAMSI) is sponsoring
several workshops to
introduce undergraduate students to research in applied
mathematics and statistics.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University hosts an intense summer
research program for math and biology undergraduates
who are preparing for graduate school.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications. Applications are
due February 8 at 5 PM.
- Park
City is hosting an undergraduate summer school on
the topics of Gauge Theory, Gravitation, and Geometry and/or Low-dimensional Topology. Apply here by January 31.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is February 12.
- The University of Minnesota - Twin Cities wants you to join their REU in astronomy and physics. Details are here. (It looks like they've again not updated things too much from last year.)
- Interested in doing math or math related research this summer? Unsure of where to start? Then you should check out WIM's REU Panel to learn about different opportunities and hear from peers with experience. Time: November 15 at 5pm. Location: Nesbitt room of East Hall.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
Applications are
due February 8 at 5 PM.
- The Detroit Community Based Research Program is a social justice focused summer fellowship program run through the University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program that places students with community based organizations in full-time summer research positions. Students work with community organizations on projects addressing social and environmental justice, food insecurity, human rights, public health, youth development, and more! Applications are now being accepted.
- The Columbia Business School has been very pleased with the mathematics students who have participated in their summer internship programs (or this link:, and would like to see more of you.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from the Michigan
of the East. You could change this by attending the Summer
Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard
School of Public Health. Apply
by February 1.
- Mathematics alumna Jennifer Johnson
participated in the University
of Wisconsin's Integrated Biological Sciences Summer
Research Program in 2014 and highly recommends
the experience. Inexplicably, we have no Math
T-shirt photos from UofW's Madison campus.
- The Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California wants students of mathematics to know about its ten-week summer internship opportunity in the Marine Physical Laboratory.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate
Summer Research Program at Brown University
is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
scholars. Apply by February 15.
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many
opportunities NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click around to discover all the available opportunities.
- Michigan's School of Public Health will again be running its Big Data Summer Institute from June 17 to July 27 next summer. This is a 6-week mentored summer research program focused on Big Data and related computational and statistical problems. Applications will be taken beginning December 15.
- City Internships would like for you to know that they have launched their application process for 2019 and beyond.
- The Howard Hughes' Medical Institute has a beautiful facility called the Janelia Research Campus. Every summer, they run the Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program. The program is now accepting applications for its summer 2019 program. At Janelia you will work in a highly collaborative setting alongside biologists, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and chemists.
- The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center hosts a summer internship (called SURP) that is designed to provide biomedical research experience and mentorship for undergraduate students of rising senior status. More information may be found here.
- The Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Computational Biology & Medicine (comprised of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University, and Weill Cornell Medicine) would like for you to know about their 2019 computational biology summer program for current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors interested in pursuing research at the interface of computer science and cancer biology.
- The NY Federal Reserve is now accepting applications for their Undergraduate Summer Analyst position at It is recommended that candidates apply by October 15th. They now have a flier.
- HSE University (Moscow) invites students interested in fundamental mathematics to apply to their three week Research Experience for Undergraduates in Mathematics program. Participants will work on research projects under supervision of distinguished mathematicians.
- The NY Federal Reserve is now accepting applications for their Undergraduate Summer Analyst position at It is recommended that candidates apply soon.
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due around this time of year. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
- Cornerstone Research, a leading economic and financial consulting firm, invites you to learn more about their summer (and full time) analyst positions. They will hold a Meet & Greet on September 25th from 10:00 AM to noon in the Ross Winter Garden. They will be at the Fall Career Expo on September 25th from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Michigan League. For Juniors, they will host a Coffee/Ice Cream Chats for Summer Analysts on September 26th, 2018 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Amer’s Deli on State; you must sign up here. When you are ready to apply, please submit your application through the Career Center website via Handshake. Their resume drop will close on October 1st at 11:59 PM for Summer Analysts. Contact Michigan alum Jason Charous if you have any questions.
- Michigan's Science Learning Center is hiring undergraduate drop-in Math tutors for the Spring and Summer 2018 terms. If you are interested in interviewing for a SLC Math tutor position, please apply via this link.
- Interested in traveling abroad this summer? Join Gotoco in China to gain a TEFL certificate and useful work experience in teaching, education and activity leadership. No prior experience in China, Chinese or teaching is required—just a passion for education and travel. Apply here. [I think it goes without saying, but I say it anyway: If the coronavirus remains a threat, this program will not run.]
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at Math-Path 2020 are now being taken.
- The 2020 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute asks that I remind you that the institute will run from June 15 to July 24. The application is open until March 1. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- The Edge Program invites women who will be attending math graduate school in the fall to join them in Providence for the month of June. The goal of the program is to strengthen the ability of women students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with particular emphasis on women from underrepresented groups. Applications are due March 13.
- Learn about the Institute for Social Research's Summer Institute program on Survey Research Techniques & Big Data. Join Brady West, James Lepkowski, and Raphael Nishimura Wednesday, February 19 from 11:30am - 1:00pm at the ISR (1430 Thompson 1430). RSVP here.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln really wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- The Michigan
REU has extended its deadline and is accepting applications until February 8 at 11:58 pm.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at MMSS, the summer camp run out of the math department, are now being accepted.
- As part of the 2020 Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, the Institute for Social Research will offer a two- and one-half week program focused on advancing the University’s Diversity, Equity and, Inclusion goals. Most specifically, they will focus on recruitment of students from the University of Michigan and around the country who are considering graduate school in quantitative social science fields. Interested applicants should complete the 2020 Summer Institute Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Recruitment and Education Opportunity application.
- Have you scored an internship for the spring and summer
terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid. Decisions are made on a rolling basis.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and Eurasia. The application deadline for these grants is February 15.
- Are you a junior considering pursuing a graduate degree
in IT, data analytics, or cyber
security? Carnegie Mellon University's IT
Lab: Summer Security Intensive is a paid summer
fellowship offering courses in security policy and
technology implementation. Applications are due by April 1.
- Not to be outdone by the IT lab, the Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology. Tuition and housing are provided to participating students. Applications are due March 13.
- Breakthrough
Collaborative has summer
teaching internships at many
locations across the United States.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities (though I am not sure how up to date it is).
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Michigan
REU is accepting applications until February 3.
- Summer research opportunities are available at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Jefferson, Arkansas. Selected individuals will train alongside NCTR investigators who conduct FDA mission-critical, translational research, that provides a scientifically sound basis for FDA regulatory decisions, and that reduces risks associated with FDA-regulated products. Read about the program here.
- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Robotics Internship Program is a 10-week summer internship program for students majoring in a field related to robotics, manufacturing, or engineering. The program provides opportunities to intern at federal national laboratories and private sector organizations throughout the United States. Read about the program here.
- Are you interested in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences? Then perhaps the 2020 Summer Research Initiative (SRI) at the University of Maryland, College Park is for you. The application deadline is February 10.
- The famous UCLA RIPS program is a fantastic summer research opportunity for undergraduates. Applications are due soon.
- Sage
Corps thought you might be interested in its summer
internship program that places interns in a tech
startup abroad.
- City Internships thought you might be interested in its internship programs.
- Alum-sourced opportunities for internships in security consulting, arts & museums, coding, medicine, operations, community outreach, and so much more are available through the LSA Opportunity Hub. Apply here.
- Alum-sourced opportunities for internships in security consulting, arts & museums, coding, medicine, operations, community outreach, and so much more are available through the LSA Opportunity Hub. Apply here.
- Harvard Business School's Program for Research in Markets and Organizations (PRIMO) is a highly selective 10-week summer residential community of undergraduates participating in research affiliated with HBS faculty. Apply by February 11.
- The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is accepting applications for their Undergraduate Summer School on Diversity in Mathematics.
- The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) in Providence is running a summer program on Fast Learning Algorithms for Numerical Computation and Data Analysis.
- The Office of New Student Programs is hiring Summer Orientation Leaders. It's a good way to make some extra money to support your research habit.
- The Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology. Tuition and housing are usually provided to participating students.
- Illinois State University hopes to run an REU for present and future secondary math teachers.
- The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics may be running programs at different campuses in 2020. For sure, they are running one at Boston University. Apply soon or risk being overlooked.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities (though I am not sure how up to date it is).
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is February 12. They have sites in LA, Sendai, Berlin, and Singapore.
- Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company is looking to hire a summer intern. Qualified students should submit their resume to Christy vonLinsowe for further consideration at
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example, the following camps need counselors:
- The Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program welcomes carefully selected undergraduate students from around the world for a rich mathematical research experience in July and August. Applications are due January 20.
- MSRI in Berkeley is a math center with an amazing view. If you'd like to visit, then check out their 2020 undergraduate program on branched covers of curves.
- UCLA's B.I.G. Summer Research Program in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology combines workshops in big data analysis with research experiences in diverse areas of quantitative and computational biosciences. Apply soon.
- The 2020 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 15 to July 24. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- Wolfram,
the developer of Mathematica,
will host a three
week summer school at Bentley University, June 28 -
July 17. Participants will learn how to apply Wolfram
technology and work on individual research projects.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business
School is accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln really wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- If you are in the Honors Program, then please note that you may apply for an Honors Summer 2020 Fellowship until January 26.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example, the following camps need counselors:
- Notre Dame's Undergraduate Summer School will hold a week long thematic program in p-adic L-functions and Eigenvarieties Theory from May 25 to May 29. The Program is pitched at
- Next
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein) is hosting
a Women and Mathematics program on the Mathematics of Machine Learning.
- The American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Mass
Media Science & Engineering Fellowship seeks to
increase communication skills in student scientists by
placing advanced undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate
science, engineering, and mathematics students at media
sites nationwide to work as science reporters for ten
- MSRI in Berkeley is a math center with an amazing view. If you'd like to visit, then check out their 2020 undergraduate program on branched covers of curves.
- The International Program for the Advancement of Neurotechnology Summer Undergraduate Research Experience is looking for qualified people -- maybe you have what the right stuff. If so, apply here.
- UCLA's B.I.G. Summer Research Program in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology combines workshops in big data analysis with research experiences in diverse areas of quantitative and computational biosciences. Apply soon.
- MSU's Advanced Computational Research Experience for Students (ACRES) is a paid 10-week internship in areas including computational chemistry, bioinformatics, computational biology, astrophysics, topological data analysis, machine learning, climate science, remote sensing and image processing.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University hosts an intense summer
research program for math and biology undergraduates
who are preparing for graduate school.
- The School of
Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota wants you to APPLY for their REU
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities (though I am not sure how up to date it is).
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Michigan
REU will begin accepting applications November 25. Applications are
due February 3 at 5 PM.
- Interested in doing math or math related research this summer? Unsure of where to start? Then you should check out WIM's REU Panel to learn about different opportunities and hear from peers with experience. Time: November 26 at 6:30pm. Location: East Hall 4088.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is February 12.
- The University of Minnesota - Twin Cities wants you to join their REU in astronomy and physics. Details are here.
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University, and Weill Cornell Medicine would like for you to know that applications will soon be accepted for the 2020 computational biology summer program sponsored by an R25 grant from the NCI and the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Computational Biology & Medicine. The application is now open.
- Interested in doing math or math related research this summer? Unsure of where to start? Then you should check out WIM's REU Panel to learn about different opportunities and hear from peers with experience. November 20th, from 6 to 7:30PM. Location to be determined.
- Gotoco (, set up by Oxford University students, provides English-speaking students with funded opportunities to participate in summer camps in China, where they can work towards a TEFL certificate, learn Mandarin, make new friends, explore the country, and have a unique summer experience.
- Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is now accepting applications for the Undergraduate Theoretical Physics Summer Program.
- U(M)'s Center for South Asian Studies (CSAS) is welcoming applications for its 2020 Summer in South Asia Fellowship. The fellowship provides $3,000. Students design their own program (volunteering with an NGO, doing an apprenticeship with a business, or pursue an independent project) , and a minimum of four weeks in India is required.
- The Detroit Community Based Research Program is a social justice focused summer fellowship program run through the University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program that places students with community based organizations in full-time summer research positions. Students work with community organizations on projects addressing social and environmental justice, food insecurity, human rights, public health, youth development, and more! Applications are now being accepted.
- The Columbia Business School has been very pleased with the mathematics students who have participated in their summer internship programs, and would like to see more of you.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from the Michigan
of the East. You could change this by attending the Summer
Program in Quantitative Sciences at the Harvard
School of Public Health.
- Mathematics alumna Jennifer Johnson
participated in the University
of Wisconsin's Integrated Biological Sciences Summer
Research Program in 2014 and highly recommends
the experience. Inexplicably, we have no Math
T-shirt photos from UofW's Madison campus.
- Do you have a passion for biology and math? Then check out UCLA’s B.I.G. Summer Research Program in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology.
- The Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California wants students of mathematics to know about its ten-week summer internship opportunity in the Marine Physical Laboratory.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate
Summer Research Program at Brown University
is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many
opportunities NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click around to discover all the available opportunities.
- Michigan's School of Public Health will again be running its Big Data Summer Institute next summer. This is a 6-week mentored summer research program focused on Big Data and related computational and statistical problems. Applications will be taken beginning December 1.
- City Internships would like for you to know that they have launched their application process for 2020 and beyond.
- The Howard Hughes' Medical Institute has a beautiful facility called the Janelia Research Campus. Every summer, they run the Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program. The program is now accepting applications for its summer 2020 program. At Janelia you will work in a highly collaborative setting alongside biologists, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and chemists.
- The NY Federal Reserve is now accepting applications for their Undergraduate Summer Analyst position. It is recommended that candidates apply by November 1.
- The Washington Center is looking for U.S. Citizens who are interested in interning at the Naval Research Laboratory this summer.
- The Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program (DCERP) is a social justice focused fellowship program run by the University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. In summer 2020, DCERP students will work full-time on research projects directed by Detroit non-profits that focus on community priorities such as environmental health, food security, early learning, youth development, human rights, public health, alternative energy, affordable housing and more! Apply here.
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University, and Weill Cornell Medicine would like for you to know that applications will soon be accepted for the 2020 computational biology summer program sponsored by an R25 grant from the NCI and the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Computational Biology & Medicine. The application opens November 1.
- U(M)'s School of Public Health's Big Data Summer Institute in Biostatistics (SIBS) program is a six week summer program, June 15-July 24, 2020. Application opens December 1, 2019. For more information, please contact Tara Smith or visit the BDSI website.
- The Center for Global and Intercultural Study at the University of Michigan and The College of Global Studies at Arcadia University will run an info session about STEM Summer Research programs abroad at Pierpont: East Room tomorrow (Friday, October 11) from noon to 1:30 PM.
This is a great opportunity for students to learn about our 6 CGIS STEM Summer Research programs in Brisbane, Australia; Dublin, Ireland; Aberdeen, Scotland; Glasgow, Scotland; Granada, Spain; and London, England partnered with Arcadia University.
- We have no Math T-shirt pictures from Lansing. MSU will host a 10-week NSF summer REU in computational and data science May 18 to July 24, 2020. Research areas include: computational chemistry, computational biology, computational physics, computational mathematics, bioinformatics, big data science, and computational electromagnetics. Applications accepted from October 31 through February 11.
- The NY Federal Reserve is now accepting applications for their Undergraduate Summer Analyst position at It is recommended that candidates apply soon.
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due around this time of year. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
- This summer there will be a research opportunity at Michigan focusing on the circular economy of microplastics. They are looking for student researchers on the autism spectrum. More information is here.
- The 2021 summer Polymath REU is open for applications from everyone who has experience writing mathematical proofs (e.g., 217). Each project will be guided by an active researcher with experience in undergraduate mentoring, and the program will run from June 21 to August 15, 2021. For more details, see, and apply by early April at For additional questions contact
- The 2021 summer on Random Structures in Optimizations and Related Applications will focus on a number of interesting mathematical subjects on randomized optimizations and their applications in data science and machine learning. The prerequisite is linear algebra and introductory probability theory at undergraduate level. Apply soon!
- Beautiful Park
City is hosting an undergraduate summer school on
the topics of Quadratic forms, Milnor K-theory and arithmetic. Apply by April 5.
- As part of the 2021 Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, the Institute for Social Research will offer a two-week program aimed at advanced undergraduates and focused on advancing the University’s Diversity, Equity and, Inclusion goals.
- The Hokkaido - Pisa - Tor Vergata Summer School in Mathematics 2021 will take place 30 August to 11 September. This is a fantastic opportunity to take some photos of your math t-shirt as well as learn mathematics with your peers from around the world. Applications are due July 15.
- Wolfram,
the developer of Mathematica,
will host a three
week summer school June 23 - July 12. Participants will learn how to apply Wolfram
technology and work on individual research projects.
- The Mathematical Summer Program in Paris will run virtually from July 5 to July 9. Apply by May 1.
- Interested in traveling abroad this summer? Join Gotoco in China to gain a TEFL certificate and useful work experience in teaching, education and activity leadership. No prior experience in China, Chinese or teaching is required—just a passion for education and travel. Apply here.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at Math-Path 2021are now being taken.
- The Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University is accepting applications for its 2021 REU Program in Computational Sciences.
- I've been asked to remind you: applications for teaching instructors/assistants at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth are now being accepted.
- I've also been asked to remind you about: UCLA's B.I.G. Summer Research Program in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology combines workshops in big data analysis with research experiences in diverse areas of quantitative and computational biosciences. Apply soon.
- The 2021 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute asks that I remind you that the institute will run from June 7 to July 30. The application is open until March 1. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- The Edge Program invites women who will be attending math graduate school in the fall to join them in Minnesota for four weeks this summer. The goal of the program is to strengthen the ability of women students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with particular emphasis on women from underrepresented groups. Applications are due March 12.
- Learn about the Institute for Social Research's will again run its Summer Institute program on Survey Research Techniques.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln really wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- Have you scored an internship for the spring and summer
terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA students.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and Eurasia. The application deadline for these grants is March 1.
- Are you a junior considering pursuing a graduate degree
in IT, data analytics, or cyber
security? Carnegie Mellon University's IT
Lab: Summer Security Intensive (scroll down!) is a paid summer
fellowship offering courses in security policy and
technology implementation. Applications are due by April 1.
- Not to be outdone by the IT lab, the Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology (scroll down!) Applications are due March 16.
- Breakthrough
Collaborative has summer
teaching internships at many
locations across the United States. Applications are due February 25.
- Korn Ferry is looking for your top actuarial students for a great summer 2021 paid internship.
- Summer research opportunities are available at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Jefferson, Arkansas. Selected individuals will train alongside NCTR investigators who conduct FDA mission-critical, translational research, that provides a scientifically sound basis for FDA regulatory decisions, and that reduces risks associated with FDA-regulated products. Apply here.
- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Robotics Internship Program is a 10-week summer internship program for students majoring in a field related to robotics, manufacturing, or engineering. The program provides opportunities to intern at federal national laboratories and private sector organizations throughout the United States. Apply here.
- Are you interested in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences? Then perhaps the 2021 Summer Research Initiative (SRI) at the University of Maryland, College Park is for you. The application deadline is February 11.
- The famous UCLA RIPS program is a fantastic summer research opportunity for undergraduates. Applications are due soon.
- City Internships thought you might be interested in its internship programs.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities (though I am not sure how up to date it is).
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications. Apply by February 3.
- Harvard Business School's Program for Research in Markets and Organizations (PRIMO) is a highly selective 10-week summer residential community of undergraduates participating in research affiliated with HBS faculty. Apply soon.
- The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) in Providence is running a summer program on Computational Polygonal Billiards.
- The Office of New Student Programs is hiring Summer Orientation Leaders. It's a good way to make some extra money to support your research habit.
- The Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology. Tuition and housing are usually provided to participating students; though this year will be entirely virtual.
- Illinois State University will run an REU for present and future secondary math teachers.
- Siddhi Krishna and Marissa Loving are co-leading a virtual REU during the summer of 2021 through the Georgia Tech School of Math. Their REU group will pursue a research project in Braids, Surfaces, and Low Dimensional Phenomena.
- The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics may be running programs at different campuses in 2020. For sure, they are running one at Boston University. Apply soon or risk being overlooked.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is February 21. They have sites in LA and Singapore.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example, the following camps need counselors:
- If you are in the Honors Program, then please note that you may apply for an Honors Summer 2021 Fellowship until February 19.
- Paid 10-week internship at MSU: Research areas include: computational chemistry, computational education research, computational genomics, computational neuroscience, computational mathematics, machine learning, climate modeling, remote sensing and image processing. Housing and subsistence support provided. Additionally, participants receive a stipend ($600 per week). Apply here:
- COMAP’s undergraduate contests in modeling, the MCM and the ICM, are international contests designed to provide students with the opportunity to work as team members to engage in and improve their modeling, problem-solving, and writing skills. Teams of up to three students from your institution apply mathematics to model and develop a solution to one of six real-world problems. This international contest is open to students of all disciplines and there is no limit on the number of teams any one institution can enter. Register for the contest at
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln really wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- MSRI in Berkeley is a math center with an amazing view. If you'd like to visit, then check out their 2021 program on Parking Functions.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate Summer Research Program at Brown University is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
- The Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program welcomes carefully selected undergraduate students from around the world for a rich mathematical research experience in July and August.
- The 2021 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 7 to July 30. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business
School will be accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program soon.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example, the following camps need counselors:
- The American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Mass
Media Science & Engineering Fellowship seeks to
increase communication skills in student scientists by
placing advanced undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate
science, engineering, and mathematics students at media
sites nationwide to work as science reporters for ten
- MSRI in Berkeley is a math center with an amazing view. If you'd like to visit, then check out their 2021 program on Parking Functions.
- The International Program for the Advancement of Neurotechnology Summer Undergraduate Research Experience is looking for qualified people -- maybe you have what the right stuff.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate Summer Research Program at Brown University is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
- UCLA's B.I.G. Summer Research Program in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology combines workshops in big data analysis with research experiences in diverse areas of quantitative and computational biosciences. Apply soon.
- MSU's Advanced Computational Research Experience for Students (ACRES) is a paid 10-week internship in areas including computational chemistry, bioinformatics, computational biology, astrophysics, topological data analysis, machine learning, climate science, remote sensing and image processing.
- The Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State
University hosts an intense summer
research program for math and biology undergraduates
who are preparing for graduate school.
- The Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program welcomes carefully selected undergraduate students from around the world for a rich mathematical research experience in July and August.
- The 2021 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 7 to July 30. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business
School will be accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program soon.
- Next
May the Institute for Advance Study (think Einstein) is hosting
a Women and Mathematics program on Representation Theory: Categories and Combinatorics.
- If you are in honors, then check out (a) the Honors Summer Fellows program and (b) their grant program to support current research projects.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs
it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is February 12.
- The David Harold Blackwell Summer Research Institute at UC Berkeley is a six-week competitive summer activity designed to provide research experience to talented undergraduate students. Students will conduct research in Applied Probability, Analysis, or Computer Science, under the supervision of faculty members who are experts in these areas.
- The Department of Energy is now accepting applications for their summer internship programs.
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University, and Weill Cornell Medicine would like for you to know that applications will soon be accepted for the 2021 computational biology summer program sponsored by an R25 grant from the NCI and the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Computational Biology & Medicine. The application is now open.
- While currently suspended, Gotoco (, set up by Oxford University students, provides English-speaking students with funded opportunities to participate in summer camps in China, where they can work towards a TEFL certificate, learn Mandarin, make new friends, explore the country, and have a unique summer experience.
- The Columbia Business School has been very pleased with the mathematics students who have participated in their summer internship programs, and would like to see more of you.
- Mathematics alumna Jennifer Johnson
participated in the University
of Wisconsin's Integrated Biological Sciences Summer
Research Program in 2014 and highly recommends
the experience. Inexplicably, we have no Math
T-shirt photos from UofW's Madison campus.
- The Quantitative Investment Strategies group at Goldman Sachs is looking for current juniors to apply for a summer analyst position within our client-facing team at our NYC headquarters. See here for more information.
- Do you have a passion for biology and math? Then check out UCLA’s B.I.G. Summer Research Program in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate Summer Research Program at Brown University is designed for a select group of 14-16 undergraduate
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many
opportunities NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click around to discover all the available opportunities.
- Michigan's School of Public Health will again be running its Big Data Summer Institute next summer. This is a 6-week mentored summer research program focused on Big Data and related computational and statistical problems. Applications will be taken beginning soonish.
- City Internships would like for you to know that they have launched their application process for 2021 and beyond.
- The Howard Hughes' Medical Institute has a beautiful facility called the Janelia Research Campus. Every summer, they run the Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program. The program is now accepting applications for its summer 2020 program. At Janelia you will work in a highly collaborative setting alongside biologists, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and chemists.
- The Washington Center arranges summer internships in D.C. Unfortunately, I don't think you get paid, but you can earn credit.
- The Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program (DCERP) is a social justice focused fellowship program run by the University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. In summer 2021, DCERP students will work full-time on research projects directed by Detroit non-profits that focus on community priorities such as environmental health, food security, early learning, youth development, human rights, public health, alternative energy, affordable housing and more!
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kinetic-Getz
International Science School accepts outstanding
undergraduate students from all over the world to participate in summer research
projects in mathematics and computer science, physics,
chemistry and life sciences. While it is not yet known if it will run in 2021, please keep it on your radar.
- The NY Federal Reserve is now accepting applications for their Undergraduate Summer Analyst position at It is recommended that candidates apply soon.
- Girls Who Invest (GWI) is a 10-week summer intensive program which offers a tuition-free introduction to asset management, access to career development resources, and an incredible community of women and partner firms who are making an impact in finance. A U(M) math student and GWI Alum will be hosting a U(M) virtual Campus Information Session on Tuesday September 15th at 3:00pm EST. Click here to register!
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due around this time of year. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.
- Michigan's Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP) is looking to hire Summer Bridge Scholars Program Course Assistants. The application form may be found here.
- This summer the Polymath program will run between June 20 - August 14, taking place entirely online. Each participant can decide what they want their level of involvement in the program to be. Applications can be submitted here.
- The annual Wolfram Summer School will be held July 3–22 at the Wolfram Research headquarters in Champaign, Illinois.
- Join the Math Corps at U(M)! The Math Corps helps to make the world a better place. It is a free summer camp for middle school students and high school mentors from the Ypsilanti area. We are looking to hire some college students to serve as College Instructors or College Assistants during our camp, which will run July 11 - Aug 12, 2022 (in person!). More info can be found in the application - apply by April 15!! Please email Sarah Koch with any questions.
- As part of the 2022 Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, the Institute for Social Research will offer a two- and one-half week program focused on advancing the University’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals.
- Have you scored an internship for the summer
term, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA
students who have
demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of
Financial Aid.
- SIAM has
a list of contact information for internships, the ASA maintains
a very long list of internships in the statistical
sciences, and the AMS maintains
a listing of internships and co-ops.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the
U.S. may be found at this
AMS web page. The NSF maintains
a listing of
the REUs it funds, and there are many in areas
other than math.
- There are various internships with the United States government available, but they don't make them easy to find. Go here and read the section titled "How do I know a job is open to Students & recent graduates?". Then follow instructions. Also try here.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University is accepting applications for its 2022 REU Program in Computational Sciences.
- The Newnan Advising Center is hiring Academic Peer Advisors for Summer Orientation May 16 – July 15. We have not a single
math T-shirt photo from the Newnan center, so check out their upcoming Information Sessions (today at 1pm and Wednesday February 23 at 9am).
- The Honors Program also hires Academic Peer Advisors every summer. Check out this page for more information.
- The International Center also hires Academic Peer Advisors for the summer. Here are last year's advisors. I'm not sure of their hiring process, so I suggest you contact the International Center if interested serving as a peer advisor.
- Google announces its 2022 Summer of Code. This is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. Contributors work with an open source organization on a 12 (or more!) week programming project under the guidance of mentors.
- Professor Ryan T. White of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) in Melbourne, Florida would like for you to apply for their REU on Statistical Models With Applications To Geoscience. There are some cool projects here.
- The Michigan Math and Science Scholars camp is still looking for summer counselors; this is an excellent way to support yourself and stay in beautiful Ann Arbor. Applications are now being accepted.
- The Institute for Social Research's will again run its Summer Institute program on Survey Research Techniques.
- I've been asked to remind you: The 2022 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 20 to July 29. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis.
- The University of
Nebraska-Lincoln really wants you to apply to their Summer Research
Program. They offer many
different opportunities.
- Have you scored an internship for the spring and summer
terms, but really need some cash to help make
ends meet? The LSA
Internship Scholarship for current students provides
scholarships for spring and summer terms to qualified LSA students.
- Have you scored an internship in Europe, but need some cash to make it happen? Then check out the Summer Grants for Research and Internships in Europe and Eurasia.
- Are you a junior considering pursuing a graduate degree
in IT, data analytics, or cyber
security? Carnegie Mellon University's IT
Lab: Summer Security Intensive (scroll down!) is a paid summer
fellowship offering courses in security policy and
technology implementation.
- Breakthrough
Collaborative has summer
teaching internships at many
locations across the United States.
- A brand new REU: Modern topics in pure and applied mathematics will be held at the University of Maryland in Summers 2022, 2023, and 2024. Application Deadline: February 25.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 3.
- The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics is running 6 programs at 6 different campuses. Apply soon or risk being overlooked.
- Summer research opportunities are available at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Jefferson, Arkansas. Selected individuals will train alongside NCTR investigators who conduct FDA mission-critical, translational research, that provides a scientifically sound basis for FDA regulatory decisions, and that reduces risks associated with FDA-regulated products. Apply here.
- Are you interested in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences? Then perhaps the 2022 Summer Research Initiative (SRI) at the University of Maryland, College Park is for you.
- I've been asked to remind you that the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab.
- Sage
Corps thought you might be interested in its summer
internship program that places interns in a tech
startup abroad.
- Columbia Business School is seeking outstanding applicants for its 2022 Summer
Research Internship program. They have had good luck with students of math from Michigan. The highly selective program provides an intellectually stimulating environment and exposes students to the world of business research.
- The Office of New Student Programs is hiring Summer Orientation Leaders. It's a good way to make some extra money to support your research habit.
- If you are in the Honors Program, then please note that you may apply for an Honors Summer 2022 Fellowship until February 11.
- Interested in Elementary and/or Secondary Math
Education? Then check out ISU's 2022 REU.
- Carnegie Melon is "hosting" a Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute.
- The 2022 Undergraduate Big Data Summer Institute will run from June 20 to July 29. The application is now open and they are being evaluated on a rolling basis. Math students who participated (and got paid!) in the past report that they enjoyed the experience.
- Wolfram,
the developer of Mathematica,
will host a three
week summer school on line from June 28 to July 7. Participants will learn how to apply Wolfram
technology and work on individual research projects.
- Interested in business research? The Columbia Business
School is accepting applications for its Summer
Research Internship program. Apply by March 1.
- The Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology. Tuition and housing are provided to participating students.
- The Michigan Math and Science Scholars camp is still looking for summer counselors; this is an excellent way to support yourself and stay in beautiful Ann Arbor. Applications are now being accepted.
- The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics may be running programs at different campuses in 2022. For sure, they are running one at Boston University. Apply soon or risk being overlooked.
- The Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, CA
is hosting a summer program for undergraduate students on
the topic of Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Biology. While there, you
could take a Math T-shirt photo with the beautiful Helaman Ferguson sculpture, The
Eightfold Way.
- The Michigan
REU continues to accept applications.
Applications are
due February 3.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. They have sites in LA and Singapore.
- Paid 10-week internship at MSU: Research areas may include: computational chemistry, computational education research, computational genomics, computational neuroscience, computational mathematics, machine learning, climate modeling, remote sensing and image processing. Housing and subsistence support provided. Additionally, participants receive a stipend. Apply here:
- Applications to the Program for Research in Markets and Organizations (PRIMO), a 10-week summer research opportunity with faculty at Harvard Business School, are now open!
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning now. For example:
- U(M)'s Undergraduate Research Committee is organizing a workshop for tonight at 7pm to discuss how undergraduates find research funding and programs for the spring/summer term. Please fill out this form if you plan on attending. Zoom location.
- The University
of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program encourages you to consider its wide-ranging
- Along with the lists of REUs mentioned in previous
missives (e.g. at
the AMS and at
the NSF), you might find this
site useful while researching potential REUs. It
includes brief descriptions and information about dates
(like application deadlines).
- There are various internships with the United States government available, but they don't make them easy to find. Go here and read the section titled "How do I know a job is open to Students & recent graduates?". Then follow instructions. Also try here.
- The Michigan
REU is now accepting applications.
- Applications
to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due
beginning in January. For example, the following camps need counselors:
- MSRI in Berkeley is a math center with an amazing view. If you'd like to visit, then check out their 2022 program on Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Biology.
- MSU's Advanced Computational Research Experience for Students (ACRES) is a paid 10-week internship in areas including computational chemistry, bioinformatics, computational biology, astrophysics, topological data analysis, machine learning, climate science, remote sensing and image processing.
- The Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program welcomes carefully selected undergraduate students from around the world for a rich mathematical research experience in July and August.
- Internship on the ocean: The Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL) at world-renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) seeks inquisitive motivated undergraduates with exceptional aptitude for quantitative science, majoring in engineering, physics, applied mathematics, chemistry, biology, geology or related majors. Check it out.
- Notre Dame will run a week long school on p-adic L-functions and Eigenvarieties from May 30 to June 3.
- San Diego State University Summer 2022 Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates will run June 12 -- August 6. They have one project in applied mathematics (practical identifiability), and one in number theory (numerical semigroups).
- Next May the Institute for Advanced Study (think Einstein) is hosting a Women and Mathematics program on The Mathematics of Machine Learning.
- Park City is hosting an undergraduate summer school on the topic of Number Theory Informed by Computation. Apply by January 31.
- If you are in honors, then check out (a) the Honors Summer Fellows program and (b) their grant program to support current research projects.
- The Perimeter Institute invites students to join its world-leading research community for a part-time 10-week online school in theoretical physics beginning in May 2022.
- The University of Nebraska-Lincoln wants you to apply to their Summer Research Program. They offer many different opportunities.
- A comprehensive list of mathematical REU programs in the U.S. may be found at this AMS web page.
- The NSF maintains a listing of the REUs it funds.
- Here is another listing of research opportunities.
- And here is yet another listing of research/internship opportunities.
- The Department of Homeland Security sponsors a summer internship program for students majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines.
- The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA runs the Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) program for students, including international students, in math and related disciplines who wish to work in teams on real world research projects proposed by a sponsor from industry or a national lab. The deadline for applications is February 14.
- The David Harold Blackwell Summer Research Institute at UC Berkeley is a six-week competitive summer activity designed to provide research experience to talented undergraduate students. Students will conduct research in Applied Probability, Analysis, or Theoretical Computer Science, under the supervision of faculty members who are experts in these areas.
- Goldman Sachs is looking for current sophomores and juniors to apply for a summer analyst position. See here for more information.
- Do you have a passion for biology and math? Then check out UCLA’s B.I.G. Summer Research Program in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology.
- Point 72 Academy (read about them here) invites you to apply for their summer investment analyst internship position.
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University, and Weill Cornell Medicine would like for you to know that applications will soon be accepted for the 2022 computational biology summer program sponsored by an R25 grant from the NCI and the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Computational Biology & Medicine. The application opens November 1.
- Brown University is a great location for Math
T-shirt pictures. The Undergraduate Summer Research Program at Brown University is designed for a select group of 18-22 undergraduate
- NASA is another excellent place to take Math
T-shirt photos. To learn about the many
opportunities NASA has available, visit their OSSI
NIFS page and click around to discover all the available opportunities.
- Michigan's School of Public Health will again be running its Big Data Summer Institute next summer. This is a 6-week mentored summer research program focused on Big Data and related computational and statistical problems. Applications will be taken beginning December 1.
- City Internships would like for you to know that they have launched their application process for 2022 and beyond.
- The Howard Hughes' Medical Institute has a beautiful facility called the Janelia Research Campus. Every summer, they run the Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program. The program is now accepting applications for its summer 2022 program. At Janelia you will work in a highly collaborative setting alongside biologists, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and chemists.
- Juniors: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is accepting applications for its Junior Summer Analyst Program. Candidates should apply by November 1st.
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University, and Weill Cornell Medicine would like for you to know that applications will soon be accepted for the 2022 computational biology summer program sponsored by an R25 grant from the NCI and the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Computational Biology & Medicine. The application opens November 1.
- The Washington Center arranges summer internships in D.C. Unfortunately, I don't think you get paid, but you can earn credit.
- The Detroit Community-Engaged Research Program (DCERP) is a social justice focused fellowship program run by the University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. In summer 2022, DCERP students will work full-time on research projects directed by Detroit non-profits that focus on community priorities such as environmental health, food security, early learning, youth development, human rights, public health, alternative energy, affordable housing and more!
- The Weizmann
Institute of Science's annual Kinetic-Getz
International Science School accepts outstanding
undergraduate students from all over the world to participate in summer research
projects in mathematics and computer science, physics,
chemistry and life sciences. While it is not yet known if it will run in 2022, please keep it on your radar.
- The NY Federal Reserve is now accepting applications for their Undergraduate Summer Analyst position at It is recommended that candidates apply soon.
- Girls Who Invest (GWI) is a 10-week summer intensive program which offers a tuition-free introduction to asset management, access to career development resources, and an incredible community of women and partner firms who are making an impact in finance. Apply here.
- There are many internship
opportunities at the National Security
Agency. Applications are due around this time of year. This includes The
Director's Summer Program.