Summer Math Opportunities


Legendary Summer Math Opportunities

Information about Summer REUs  

An REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) is an excellent way to get some grit under your nails in mathematical research.  Information about REUs around the country may be found at the NSF's web page; at this AMS web page; or at this SIAM page (scroll down to undergraduate).   Note that deadlines fall in February and March.   Also note that UCLA's RIPS (Research in Industrial Projects for Students) program is available to graduating seniors and foreign students attending US universities. 

Here are some research programs that were brought to my attention in one way or another -- not all of them are on the AMS and NSF web pages discussed above:  

Information about Summer Internships

Information about Summer Programs

Information about Math Camps

Applications to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due beginning in January. For example:


  • The School of Education (SOE) is again offering undergraduate Michigan students with an interest in teaching and service a chance to serve in its Elementary Mathematics Laboratory (EML) summer program. SOE reports that they have had excellent students from mathematics in past year, and would be happy to take some more. Information about the program follows my signature.

Information about Math Camps

Applications to serve as a counselor at various math camps are due beginning in January. For example:

Information about Summer REUs  

An REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) is an excellent way to get some grit under your nails in mathematical research.  Information about REUs around the country may be found at the NSF's web page; at this AMS web page; or at this SIAM page (scroll down to undergraduate).   Note that deadlines fall in February and March.   Also note that UCLA's RIPS (Research in Industrial Projects for Students) program is available to graduating seniors and foreign students attending US universities. 

Here are some research programs that were brought to my attention in one way or another -- not all of them are on the AMS and NSF web pages discussed above:  

Information about Summer Internships

Information about Summer Programs