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Gavin's Calc I Homework

Date Due Assignment
11 Dec
  1. Project 3
10 Dec
  1. Sec 4.8, # 2,6-8,10,12,18
9 Dec
  1. Sec 1.6, # 24, Sec 1.8, # 34, Chp 1 Rev, # 34, Sec 2.3, # 28, Sec 2.5, # 6, Sec 3.2, # 14 (no calculator use to do calculus), Sec 3.4, # 9
7 Dec
  1. Read Sec 4.8 (rhw)
  2. Portfolio: (1) Concept: Pick a concept from chapters 1--2 that you found particularly confusing and carefully explain it; (2) Problem(s): Pick a problem from a section related to that concept, choosing one that has multiple steps in its solution, and work it carefully as written problems -- explaining each step of your solution: what are you doing, and why are you doing it.; (3) Relation: Explain how the concept that you picked is related to a topic from chapter four or five. (and, if you like, (4) Communication Journal).
3 Dec
TAFKAT 4: section 5.3-Chp 6
2 Dec
  1. Sec 6.4, # 1,2-14 (evens only)
30 Nov
  1. Read Sec 6.4 (rhw)
23 Nov
  1. Sec 6.2, # 42,46,48,50,58,62
    Sec 6.3, # 2,6,8,12,14,16
20 Nov
  1. Read Sec 6.3 (rhw)
  2. Sec 6.2, # 2-20 (even), 24,28,32,34,38,40
18 Nov
  1. Read Sec 6.2 (rhw)
  2. Sec 6.1, # 2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18
16 Nov
  1. Read Sec 6.1 (rhw)
  2. Sec 5.5, # 10,12,17,19
    Sec 5.6, # 6,8,10
13 Nov
  1. Read Sec 5.6 (no reading homework)
  2. Sec 5.5, # 8,11,14,15,18
11 Nov
TAFKAT 3: Chp 4-section 5.2
9 Nov
  1. Sec 5.3, # 11,12,14,24,26
  2. Sec 5.5, # 2,4,6
6 Nov
  1. Read Sec 5.5 (rhw)
  2. Sec 4.7, # 16,20
    Sec 5.1, # 18,24,28,30
    Sec 5.3, # 2,4,6,10
4 Nov
  1. Read Sec 5.3 (rhw)
  2. Sec 4.7, # 2,4,6,14,18
    Sec 5.1, # 2,4,6,8,12
2 Nov
  1. Project 2
  2. Read Sec 5.1 (rhw)
30 Oct
  1. Read Sec 4.7 (rhw)
  2. Sec 4.6, # 2,4,6,10,12,16,22,24,30,36
28 Oct
  1. Read Sec 4.6 (rhw)
  2. Sec 4.4, # 22-30 (evens only), 44,46
    Sec 4.5, # 6-12 (evens only), 24,26,28,32
26 Oct
  1. Read Sec 4.5 (rhw)
  2. Sec 4.4, # 2-20 (evens only), 32,34,40,42
23 Oct
  1. Read Sec 4.4 (rhw)
  2. Sec 4.3, # 2,4-22 (evens only), 26,28,34
  3. TAFKAT Portfolio: (1) Concept: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: explain what it is and what it is useful for; (2) Problem(s): for each of the problems on the last TAFKAT that you missed more than 40% of the possible points, rework them carefully as written problems -- explaining each step of your solution: what are you doing, and why are you doing it. If you didn't miss this many points on any problem, pick a problem you found challenging from section 3.4; (3) Relation: Explain how the limits that we used in chapter 2 are related to the work we are doing in chapter 4. (and, if you like, (4) Communication Journal).
22 Oct
  1. Sec 4.2, # 2-20 (evens only), 32,34,36
21 Oct
  1. Read Sec 4.3 (rhw)
14 Oct
  1. Read Sec 4.2 (rhw)
  2. Sec 4.1, # 16-24 (evens only),30,34,38,40,52 (note:"definition" here means "with limits)
12 Oct
TAFKAT 2: Chp 2-3
9 Oct
  1. Sec 4.1, # 1,2,4-14 (evens only),26,28,36,46
7 Oct
  1. Read Sec 4.1 (rhw)
  2. Sec 3.4, # 8,10-13,14,16,18-20,24
  3. if you missed the communication journal for Friday, you may submit it today---an appropriate comment topic would be how it would be best to encourage use of the project discussion page. May be submitted by e-mail to

Homework for chapters 1-3

Gavin's Calc I Homework
Last Modified: Wed Dec 9 09:54:59 CST 1998
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