\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{webtest} \def\IMAGEDIR{relative/path/to/imagedir} \begin{document} \topic{Polynomials} \mode{Formula Mod C} \qu{Find $\int(5x^3+6x-5)\,dx$} \ans{(5/4)x^4+3x^2-5x} ... \topic{Trig Functions} \mode{Formula Mod C} \qu{Find $\int{\cos y\over (\sin y)^{1/3}}\,dy$} \ans{(3/2)(sin(y))^(2/3)} ... \end{document}
The testbank is configured using the latex2webtest
code distributed with eGrade. Given the webtest.sty
LaTeX file and a LaTeX testbank input file formatted as shown in
figure 1, running latex2webtest [filename]
the eGrade testbank file [filename].qu and image files for each of the
questions in the testbank. These are then moved to the appropriate
locations in the eGrade installation hierarchy (see the system setup): images will go in
, and the testbank in
Allowed modes and problem formats are given in the modes PDF file (18K).
The testbank: First, we add the testbank of questions for the gateway to those available to eGrade. This can be done by using the 'System Configuration Tool' to add the testbank, or by editing the config/system.conf file.
The class:
Each gateway exists in the context of a class, so for any gateway for
which there is not already a class defined, we add a class. From the
System Editor GUI obtained by entering eGrade and logging in
as the system administrator. In the system editor, we "Add
[Above|Below]" and define the class' instructor, etc., as prompted.
This creates the class directory structure in
and the file
Class.sys in the class
directory, with the "global" section of information defined. Note
that a class may be locked to
prevent students from adding themselves to it. The default that it is
unlocked, and students may add themselves by logging in.
The gateway test: The actual gateway test is an assignment in eGrade, so to create the gateway we add an assignment. This can be done using the Class Editor GUI by entering eGrade and logging in as the class instructor for the class that was just created. In the class editor, we "Add" a class, giving a name and testbank, and then specify the characteristics of the class. This adds an assignment entry to the Class.sys file.
allow 0 className "[class name" password [password] login [login name] email [email addr] SID 001 lastName [lname] MI [mi] firstName [fname]
To add students to a class it is easiest to start with a file giving the students one to a line. Each line should have comma, tab or space delimited fields specifing in order the students' last name, middle initial, first name, student ID number, login name, password, and, optionally, e-mail address. The login name and password are optional, but in their absence the system will generate them for each student. Then, from the eGrade GUI enter the Class Editor, select "GradeBook", then "Records", and then "Create", which will allow uploading of the file.
This creates a file in records/...classdir/Students/
each student, as shown in figure 2. I'm not sure what the
"allow" field is, but it appears to be the number of tests that the
student has taken.
Global proctors may be created by the system administrator using the
System Editor. Local proctors may be created by the
instructor of a class by using the Class Editor. Each
proctor is created by dint of a
proctor file appearing in the
directory of the eGrade install directory.
When a student goes to take a test, they step through a series of screens. This sequence is shown visually in the students' view of eGrade. (1) the eGrade front page takes them to (2) the student home page, where they select an action, e.g., doing an (3) assignment from the assignments page, where they select the class for which to do the assignment. Then for the class they (4) select the test in that class to take, and then (5) the mode (e.g., proctored) to take the test, after which they (6) log in. If a proctored login is required to start the test, this is prompted for (7)th. Because of the way data is structured in eGrade, it appears that there is no easy way to set up a cycle through, say, steps (6) and (7) to facilitate taking the test in a proctored setting... except by using shortcuts.
Shortcuts allow the creation of a link to skip some
of these steps. In particular, shortcuts can be created for specific
classes or groups of classes to go directly to taking a test,
accessing a student record, registering a student
for a class, the gradebook, the class editor, or the
proctor tools. Such a link has the form
To find the syntax of the link, log on to the class editor, select
"More", select "Shortcuts", etc. This allows a jump directly to step
(4) (if multiple tests are defined for the class) or (5) (if not) in
the preceding.
Proctor tools allow proctors to authorize students to start and have graded a proctored test from their workstation, rather than having to type their name and password at the student's computer. In addition, a proctor can lock out a student and prevent them from continuing a test using the tools.
Information on students' scores on tests is obtained by accessing the on-line "gradebook." This has a number of options for viewing data, including list: a list of all students taking the test, with their score and result; list by date: a list of students taking the test on a given day, with their score and result; statistics: a list of the minimum, median, maximum, first and third quartiles for the scores on the test, with the number of students taking it and number passing; and averages: the percent of students passing each section of the test. From the lists of data it is possible to select individual students to show their specific results on different tests, down to seeing what solutions they gave and what they missed.
In addition, there is an export feature which allows the exporting of data giving which test which students took, when, and how they did. It does not save data on which problems they missed or what solutions they gave.