gateway tutorials

In conjunction with the on-line gateway testing being developed, we seek to implement a tutorial system that would allow students practicing the gateway to see not only when they make errors, but where their errors occurred and how to correct them. Such a system should ideally be multi-faceted, providing on-line practice problems interactively meshed with explanatory text (and, possibly, other media) and targeted exercises. A schematic for such a system is shown below


example and instructions

For an explanation of how the tutorial system works, see the access page or the on-line explanation. To enter the system, take a practice test by going to the gateway practice test selector page or, if you're not in a class using the on-line derivative gateway, by following this link. Alternately, you can go to the tutorial access page and enter either through a test or through other parts of the system.

UMich G/W Tutorials
Last Modified: Wed Mar 14 12:15:50 EST 2001
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©2001 Gavin LaRose, UM Math Dept.