Notes on typography:

Square brackets [  ] around matrices, including column vectors, are generally omitted here.

The notation "V_k" is used to indicate "V" with subscript "k". For example, if there are three variables in a linear equations problem they will often be denoted x_1, x_2, x_3. The notation "a^3" is used to indicate "a" with the superscript 3. E.g., R^2 indicates the vector space of 2 by 1 real column vectors. We use "u.v" to indicate the dot product of the vectors u and v. In characteristic polynomial problems we use x instead of lambda.

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Summary of material for Exam 1 and practice problems     *     Summary of material for Exam 2 and practice problems     *     Summary of Material from 4.4 - 7.3, 9.1, and practice problems     *     Additional practice problems on spaces of matrices and polynomials (9.1)
Matlab Introduction     *     Uniqueness of the Reduced Row Echelon Form
Finding a basis for a kernel or image     *     More on kernels and images
Example of Finding QR Factorization     *     Determinants
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra     *     Similarity of Matrices over the Complex Numbers