The Posets Package

Help Texts for the Vanilla Edition of posets 2.4

  For a detailed introduction to the package, consult the TeX document
  "A Maple Package for Posets."

  After loading the vanilla edition of posets, each package function may be
  accessed using the calling sequence posets[functionname](arguments). In
  order to use the abbreviated form functionname(arguments), run the command
  'withposets()'. If there is a conflict between the names of one of the
  package functions and a previously assigned name, a warning is printed.

  To use the abbreviated form for a subset of the procedures in the package
  (e.g., to avoid conflicts), run the command 'withposets(name1,name2,...)'.

  The functions &u, &+, and &* are neutral operators for disjoint union,
  ordinal sum, and Cartesian product. For general information on neutral
  operators, see the Maple help text for 'neutral'.

  This document provides help texts for each of the functions in posets:

FUNCTION:  antichains - list/count antichains in a partially ordered set
CALLING SEQUENCE:  antichains(P,<option>);
PARAMETERS:  P    = a poset
             X    = a set (the vertex set); or, a linear extension of P
             n    = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
         <option> = at most one of the following:
            (1) a range, such as 2..7
            (2) the name 'max'
            (3) a variable name, such as q

  Let P be a poset with vertex set X. An antichain in P is a subset A
  of X such that no pair x,y in A satisfies x < y in P. The number of
  antichains in P equals the number of order ideals of P.

  antichains(P,X) returns a list of all antichains in the poset P.
  antichains(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,2,...,n}.
  antichains(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The antichains are listed in a lexicographic order so that antichain A
  precedes antichain B if B contains the "last" vertex of the symmetric
  difference of A and B. Here, "last" is determined by some linear
  extension of P; i.e., a linear ordering of X such that if x < y in P,
  then x precedes y in the linear ordering. So for example, all antichains
  that contain the last vertex appear after all antichains that do not.

  In order to force the use of the lexordering induced by a particular
  linear extension of P, the vertex set X may be specified as a list in
  the desired order, rather than as a set.

  Optionally, if the last argument is a range a..b, then only those
  antichains whose sizes fit within this range are listed.

  Optionally, if the last argument is the name 'max', then only maximal
  antichains are listed.

  Optionally, if the last argument is a variable name, such as q, then
  the result is the generating series for antichains; i.e., the sum
  of q^nops(A) over all antichains A in P.

                                   yields           [{},{a},{b},{c}]
  antichains({[a,b]},[a,b,c]);     yields     [{},{a},{b},{c},{a,c},{b,c}]
  antichains({[a,b]},[c,a,b]);     yields     [{},{c},{a},{a,c},{b},{b,c}]
  P:=chain(2) &* chain(3);
  antichains(P,7,q);               yields           1+7*q+9*q^2+3*q^3
  antichains(P,'max');             yields      [{1},{2,3},{2,5},{4,5},{6}]
  P:=chain(3) &* chain(4);
  antichains(P,3..3);              yields

SEE ALSO:  chains, extensions, ideals, J

FUNCTION:  atomic - test whether a lattice is atomic
PARAMETERS:  L = a lattice
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  The atoms of a lattice are the elements that cover the minimum element.
  A lattice is atomic if every element is expressible as a join of atoms,
  or equivalently, every element that covers only one element is an atom.

  A lattice is geometric if and only if it is atomic and upper semimodular.

  atomic(L) returns true or false according to whether the lattice L is
  atomic. The procedure *does not* test whether L is a lattice.
  atomic(L,X) does the same, if the vertex set of L is X.
  atomic(L,n) does the same, if the vertex set of L is {1,...,n}.
  L:=({},1) &+ ({},3) &+ ({},1);
  atomic(L);                           yields         true
  atomic(L);                           yields        false

SEE ALSO:  lattice, meet, modular

FUNCTION:  autgroup - automorphism group of a poset (or directed graph)
CALLING SEQUENCE:  autgroup(P,<options>);
PARAMETERS:  P     = a poset (or directed graph)
             X     = a set (the vertex set)
             n     = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
         <options> = 'permgroup' or 'gap'

  An automorphism of a poset P with vertex set X is a bijection x -> x'
  from X to X such that x < y in P if and only if x' < y' in P.

  autgroup(P,X) returns a list of generators of the automorphism group
  of P. Each automorphism is expressed as a set of equations of the form
  {x_1=y_1, x_2=y_2,...}, meaning that x_1 -> y_1, x_2 -> y_2,... is an

  autgroup(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  autgroup(P) does the same, assuming there are no isolated vertices.

  If the last argument is 'permgroup' and the vertex set is {1,...,n},
  then the output is expressed as a "permgroup" (see group[permgroup]).
  More explicitly, the result is an unevaluated procedure call

    permgroup(n, {<perm1>, <perm2>,...}),

  where the terms <perm_i> are generators of the automorphism group of P,
  expressed as permutations in disjoint cycle format. For a description
  of this format, see group[permgroup].

  If the last argument is 'gap' and the vertex set is {1,...,n}, then a
  sequence of commands that defines the automorphism group of P in the
  GAP language is output via printf. These commands may be pasted into a
  GAP session. For more on GAP, see <>.

  More generally, P may be the edge set of any directed graph without
  multiple edges.
  P:=({},3) &+ ({},2);
  autgroup(P,6);                  yields   [{2=3,3=2},{1=2,2=1},{5=4,4=5}]
  G:=autgroup(P,'permgroup');     yields
  group[grouporder](G);           yields                   6
SEE ALSO:  canon, isom, group[permgroup]

FUNCTION:  canon - canonically relabel a poset (or directed graph)
CALLING SEQUENCE:  canon(P);    canon(P,'natural');
                   canon(P,X);  canon(P,X,'natural');
                   canon(P,n);  canon(P,n,'natural');
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  Two posets P and Q with vertex sets X and Y are isomorphic if there is
  a bijection x -> x' from X to Y so that [x,y] is a relation in P if and
  only if [x',y'] is a relation in Q.

  Given a poset P with a vertex set X of size n, canon(P,X) returns a new
  poset isomorphic to P, with vertex set {1,...,n}, such that if (Q,Y)
  is any other poset isomorphic to (P,X), then canon(Q,Y) = canon(P,X).
  The output is a poset that need not be naturally labeled--there may be
  relations [i,j] with i>j.

  canon(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  canon(P) does the same, assuming there are no isolated vertices.

  The algorithm operates correctly with arbitrary directed graphs.

  If the optional flag 'natural' is supplied, then the output will be a
  canonical relabeling of the poset P that is natural. More generally,
  this option can be used with any acyclic directed graph.
  P:=chain(2) &* chain(3);
  canon(P,6);          yields   {[6,2],[4,1],[2,1],[5,3],[6,4],[3,4],[5,6]}
  canon(dual(P));      yields   {[6,2],[4,1],[2,1],[5,3],[6,4],[3,4],[5,6]}
  canon(P,'natural');  yields                  {[2,4],[1,4],[2,3]}
SEE ALSO:  autgroup, isom, rm_isom

FUNCTION:  chain - total order of specified length
PARAMETERS:  n = a positive integer

  chain(n) returns the covering relation of the chain 1 < 2 < ... < n.

  In the exceptional case n=1, it returns the poset structure {},1
  (representing a poset with no relations and vertex set {1}).

  chain(4);            yields        {[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]}
  chain(1);            yields               {},1
SEE ALSO:  chains

FUNCTION:  chains - list/count chains in a partially ordered set

CALLING SEQUENCE:  chains(P,<option>);

PARAMETERS:  P    = a poset
             X    = a set (the vertex set); or, a linear extension of P
             n    = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
         <option> = at most one of the following:
            (1) a range, such as 2..7
            (2) the name 'max'
            (3) a variable name, such as q

  A chain in a poset P with vertex set X is a list [x_1,x_2,...,x_k] of
  vertices such that x_1 < x_2 < ... < x_k in P.

  chains(P,X) returns a list of all chains in the poset P.
  chains(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,2,...,n}.
  chains(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The chains are listed in a lexicographic order so that chain C precedes
  chain D if D contains the "last" vertex of the symmetric difference of C
  and D. Here, "last" is determined by some linear extension of P; i.e.,
  a linear ordering of X such that if x < y in P, then x precedes y in the
  linear ordering. So for example, all chains that include the last vertex
  of the linear extension appear after all chains that do not.

  In order to force the use of the lexordering induced by a particular
  linear extension of P, the vertex set X may be specified as a list in
  the desired order, rather than as a set.

  Optionally, if the last argument is a range a..b, then only those chains
  whose sizes fit within this range are listed.

  Optionally, if the last argument is the name 'max', then only maximal
  chains are listed.

  Optionally, if the last argument is a variable name, such as q, then
  the result is the generating series for chain sizes (not lengths); i.e.,
  the sum of q^nops(C) over all chains C in P. Note that the f-polynomial
  of the poset obtained by adjoining maximum and minimum elements to P
  is q*chains(P,X,q) (see 'f_poly').

  chains({[a,b],[b,c]},{a,b,c});    yields
  chains(P,[1,3,2,4]);          yields    [[],[1],[3],[2],[1,2],[4],[3,4]]
  chains(P,[1,2,3,4]);          yields    [[],[1],[2],[1,2],[3],[4],[3,4]]
  P:=({},1) &+ ({[1,2]},3) &+ ({},1);
  chains(P,'max');              yields          [[1,4,5],[1,2,3,5]]
  chains(P,6,q);                yields         1+6*q+8*q^2+5*q^3+q^4
  chains(P,[1,2,3,4,5],3..3);   yields

SEE ALSO:  antichains, extensions, f_poly, ideals, zeta

FUNCTION:  char_poly - characteristic polynomial of a (graded) poset
CALLING SEQUENCE:  char_poly(P,q);
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             q = a variable name or expression

  Let P be a ranked poset with vertex set X and a minimum element
  (call it 0) such that all maximal elements of P have rank r.
  The characteristic polynomial of P is the generating series

    F(q) = SUM  M[0,x] * q         ,

  summed over all vertices x in X, where M is the Mobius function of P.
  The coefficients of the characteristic polynomial are known as the
  Whitney numbers of P of the first kind.

  char_poly(P,X,q) returns the characteristic polynomial of the poset P.
  char_poly(P,n,q) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  char_poly(P,q) does the same, assuming P has no isolated vertices.

  If P does not have a minimum element, an error is signaled. However,
  no error is signaled if P is not ranked or not all maximal elements
  have the same rank. In this case, the result is a fake characteristic
  polynomial relative to the quasi-rank function provided by the
  filtration of P (see 'filter').

  char_poly(J({},3),z);              yields     z^3 - 3*z^2 + 3*z - 1
  P:=({},1) &+ ({},3) &+ ({},1);
  factor(char_poly(P,5,q));          yields          (q-1)*(q-2)
SEE ALSO:  filter, mobius, ranked

FUNCTION:  closure - transitive closure of an acyclic digraph
PARAMETERS:  R = an acyclic relation or digraph
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  If R is a set of ordered pairs [a,b] representing the edge set of an
  acyclic digraph, then closure(R) returns the transitive closure of R;
  i.e., the smallest set S containing R such that whenever [a,b] and
  [b,c] belong to S, then so does [a,c].

  More generally, if R is the edge set of any digraph D, then closure(R)
  returns the transitive closure of the acyclic subgraph of D induced by
  the vertices that cannot reach a cycle of D via some directed path.

  closure(R,X) does the same, if the vertex set of R is X.
  closure(R,n) does the same, if the vertex set of R is {1,...,n}.

  closure({[1,2],[2,4],[1,3],[3,5],[4,6]});    yields
  closure({[a,b],[a,c]},{a,b,c,d});            yields      {[a,b],[a,c]}
SEE ALSO:  covers

FUNCTION:  connected - connected components and poset connectivity test
CALLING SEQUENCE:  connected(P);    connected(P,'C');
                   connected(P,X);  connected(P,X,'C');
                   connected(P,n);  connected(P,n,'C');
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             C = a name (optional)

  If P is a poset with vertex set X, then connected(P,X) returns true or
  false according to whether P is connected. More generally, if P is the
  edge set of any directed graph, connected(P,X) determines whether the
  graph is weakly connected.

  connected(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  connected(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  Optionally, if the last argument is an unassigned name, such as C,
  then in addition to testing the weak connectivity of P, the procedure
  assigns to C the set of vertex sets of the connected components of P.

  For extracting the subposet of P induced by one of its connected
  components, use the 'subposet' function.

  P:=chain(2) &u chain(3);
  connected(P,'C'),C;          yields     false, {{1,2}, {3,4,5}}
  P:=chain(2) &* chain(3);
  connected(P);                yields             true
  connected(P,7);              yields             false
SEE ALSO:  ranked, subposet

FUNCTION:  covers - covering relation of an acyclic digraph
PARAMETERS:  R = an acyclic relation or digraph
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  If R is an acyclic set of ordered pairs [a,b], then covers(R) returns
  the covering relation of R, i.e., the smallest subset C of R with the
  property that for every pair [a,b] in R, there exists a directed path
  [a,c_0], [c_0,c_1], ..., [c_k,b] to a from b through edges in C.

  More generally, if R is the edge set of any digraph D, then covers(R)
  returns the covering relation of the acyclic subgraph of D induced by
  the vertices that cannot reach a cycle of D via some directed path.

  covers(R,X) does the same, if the vertex set of R is X.
  covers(R,n) does the same, if the vertex set of R is {1,...,n}.

                                   yields      {[a,b],[b,d],[d,e],[c,d]}
  covers(Q,5);                     yields         {[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]}
SEE ALSO:  closure

FUNCTION:  &u - disjoint union of posets
CALLING SEQUENCE:  S1 &u S2 &u S3 ...;
                   &u(S1, S2, S3,...);
PARAMETERS:  S1, S2, ... = a sequence of two or more poset "structures"

  A poset structure S is any one of the following:
     P     where P is a poset--i.e., a set of covering relations
    (P,X)  where P is a poset with vertex set X
    (P,n)  where P is a poset with vertex set {1,2,...,n} 

  If P and Q are posets with disjoint vertex sets X and Y, their union
  (or direct sum) is defined to be the poset with vertex set X union Y,
  with x < y if and only if both are in X and satisfy x < y in P, or both
  are in Y and satisfy x < y in Q.

  Whenever the posets package is loaded via the 'with' command, a neutral
  operator  &u  for constructing disjoint unions is defined. Assuming
  that P and Q are posets without isolated vertices, the operation P &u Q
  (and more generally, P &u Q &u R, etc.) will produce the disjoint union
  of P and Q (and R ...). The output of this computation will be a poset
  that is *isomorphic* to the union of P and Q, not necessarily *equal*
  to the union of P and Q. In particular, the vertex set of the result
  will be {1,2,...,p+q} if P has p vertices and Q has q vertices.

  Whether or not the vertex sets of P and Q are actually disjoint, they
  are treated as if they were. 

  To allow for posets with isolated vertices, the operator &u also
  accepts poset structures of the form (P,X) or (P,n). The former is used
  to indicate that the vertex set of P is X, and the latter to indicate
  that the vertex set is {1,...,n}. If any of the arguments passed to &u
  are of this form, then the result returned will also be of this form.

  chain(2) &u chain(3);            yields         {[1,2],[3,4],[4,5]}
  ({[a,b],[b,c]},{a,b,c,d}) &u chain(2);
                                   yields        {[1,2],[2,4],[5,6]}, 6
  S:=chain(2),3; &u(S,S,S,S);      yields  {[1,2],[4,5],[7,8],[10,11]}, 12
SEE ALSO:  &+, &*

FUNCTION:  distributive - test distributivity of lattices
CALLING SEQUENCE:  distributive(L);    distributive(L,'S');
                   distributive(L,X);  distributive(L,X,'S');
                   distributive(L,n);  distributive(L,n,'S');
PARAMETERS:  L = a lattice
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             S = a name (optional)

  A lattice L is distributive if the meet and join operations satisfy
  the distributive laws, or equivalently, if L is isomorphic to J(P),
  where P is the subposet of L formed by its join-irreducible elements.

  distributive(L) returns true or false according to whether the lattice L
  is distributive. The procedure *does not* verify whether L is a lattice.
  distributive(L,X) does the same, if X is the vertex set of L. 
  distributive(L,n) does the same, if {1,...,n} is the vertex set of L. 

  If the last argument is an unassigned name S, then the procedure will
  return true or false as above, and in addition, assign to S the set of
  join-irreducible elements of L.

  The algorithm for testing distributivity is based on a criterion of
  Greene and Markowsky: L is distributive if and only if it is (a) ranked,
  and (b) the rank of L equals both the number of join irreducibles and
  the number of meet irreducibles.
  L:=chain(3) &* chain(2);
  distributive(L,'S'),S;            yields          true, {2,3,4}
  isom(J(P,S),L);                   yields              true
  L:=({},1) &+ ({},3) &+ ({},1);
  distributive(L);                  yields              false
SEE ALSO:  J, lattice, meet, modular, ranked, subposet

FUNCTION:  dual - dual of a poset (or directed graph)
CALLING SEQUENCE:  dual(P);   dual(P,X);   dual(P,n);
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset (or any set of ordered pairs)
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  If P is a set of ordered pairs, then dual(P) returns the set in which
  each member [a,b] of P is replaced with [b,a].

  Any additional arguments are ignored.

  dual(P);                     yields     {[2,1], [3,1], [4,3]}
  dual(P,5);                   yields     {[2,1], [3,1], [4,3]}

FUNCTION:  eulerian - test whether a poset is Eulerian
CALLING SEQUENCE:  eulerian(P);    eulerian(P,'R');
                   eulerian(P,X);  eulerian(P,X,'R');
                   eulerian(P,n);  eulerian(P,n,'R');
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             R = a name (optional)

  A poset P with vertex set X is Eulerian if it is bounded (i.e., has
  a maximum and minimum element), ranked, and the Mobius function of P
  at [x,y] is (-1)^(rank(y)-rank(x)) for all x <= y in P (see 'mobius').

  eulerian(P,X) returns true or false according to whether P is Eulerian.
  eulerian(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,2,...,n}.
  eulerian(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  Optionally, if the last argument is an unassigned name R and the poset
  is ranked and bounded, then as a side effect the procedure assigns to R
  a list [X_0, X_1, ..., X_m], where X_i is the set of vertices of rank i.

  P:=({},1) &+ ({},2) &+ ({},2) &+ ({},1);
  eulerian(P);                      yields                true
  eulerian(P,7);                    yields               false
  eulerian(J({[1,2]},3),'R'),R;     yields    false, [{1},{2,3},{4,5},{6}]

SEE ALSO:  mobius, ranked

FUNCTION:  extensions - linear extensions of a poset (or acyclic digraph)
CALLING SEQUENCE:  extensions(P);
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  A linear extension of a poset P with vertex set X is a linear ordering 
  [x_1,...,x_n] of X so that x_i < x_j in P implies i < j.

  extensions(P,X) returns a list of all linear extensions of the poset P.
  extensions(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  extensions(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The procedure also operates correctly on acyclic digraphs.

  To quickly generate a single linear extension, use map(op,filter(P,X)).

  To quickly count the linear extensions of P, use W(P,X,1,1).

  extensions({[1,2]},3);              yields   [[1,2,3], [1,3,2], [3,1,2]]
  extensions({[1,2]});                yields            [[1, 2]]
  extensions({[a,b],[a,c]},{a,b,c});  yields       [[a,b,c], [a,c,b]]
SEE ALSO:  filter, W

FUNCTION:  filter - filtration of a poset (or directed graph)
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset (or more generally, an acyclic digraph)
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  The filtration of a poset P is an ordered partition [F_1,...,F_r] of
  the vertex set of P defined recursively as follows: F_1 is the set of
  minimal elements of P, and [F_2,...,F_r] is the filtration of P - F_1.

  filter(P,X) returns the filtration of a poset P with vertex set X.
  filter(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  filter(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  Note that map(op,filter(P,X)) is a linear extension of P.

  More generally, if D is a directed graph with vertex set X and F_1 is
  the set of vertices of D with out-degree 0, then filter(D,X) returns
  either [] (if F_1 is empty) or [F_1,F_2,...,F_r] (if F_1 is nonempty),
  where [F_2,...,F_r] is the filtration of D - F_1.

  Note that D is acyclic if and only if every vertex of D occurs in the
  filtration of D.

  The algorithm is based on a variation of topological sort.
  See Knuth, TAOCP Volume I, Section 2.2.3.

  filter(J({},3));                yields      [{1}, {2,3,5}, {4,6,7}, {8}]
                                  yields           [{a,c,d}, {b}, {e}]
SEE ALSO:  extensions, ranked, strongcomps

FUNCTION:  flag_f - flag f-polynomial of a bounded, ranked poset
           flag_h - flag h-polynomial of a bounded, ranked poset
CALLING SEQUENCE:  flag_f(P,z);      flag_h(P,z);
                   flag_f(P,X,z);    flag_h(P,X,z);
                   flag_f(P,n,z);    flag_h(P,n,z);
PARAMETERS:  P = a bounded, ranked poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             z = a variable name

  Let P be a ranked poset with vertex set X, and assume it is bounded;
  i.e., P has a minimum and a maximum element. The flag f-polynomial
  of P is defined to be the sum of

     z[rank(x_1)] * z[rank(x_2)] * ... * z[rank(x_k)],

  where x_0 < x_1 < ... < x_k ranges over all chains in P of any length
  k such that x_0 is the minimum element of P and x_k is the maximum
  element of P. In particular, if the maximum element has rank r>0, then
  every term in the sum includes the factor z[r].

  The flag h-polynomial of P may be expressed in terms of the flag
  f-polynomial F(z[1],...,z[r]) as follows:

    (1-z[1])* ... *(1-z[r]) * F( z[1]/(1-z[1]), ..., z[r]/(1-z[r]) ).

  flag_f(P,X,z) returns the flag f-polynomial of the poset P, expressed
  in terms of the variables z[1], z[2],..., z[r], where r=rank(P).
  flag_f(P,n,z) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  flag_f(P,z) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The syntax for computing the flag h-polynomial is the same.

  If the poset is not ranked or not bounded, an error is signaled.
  In particular, a poset with isolated vertices and nops(X)>1 will
  always trigger an error.

  If the variables z[1],...,z[r] are all specialized to the same value,
  the flag f-polynomial specializes to the f-polynomial and the flag
  h-polynomial specializes to the h-polynomial (see 'f_poly').

  The W-polynomial W(Q,Y,q,t) is the flag h-polynomial of J(Q,Y) with
  the variables z[1],...,z[r] specialized so that z[i]=q^i*t.

  P:=({},1) &+ ({},3) &+ chain(2);
  flag_f(P,z);                  yields
  flag_h(P,z);                  yields        z[3]+2*z[1]*z[3]
  flag_h(chain(4),4,q);         yields              q[3]

SEE ALSO:  chains, f_poly, h_poly, ranked, omega, W, zeta

FUNCTION:  f_poly - f-polynomial of a bounded poset
           h_poly - h-polynomial of a bounded poset
CALLING SEQUENCE:  f_poly(P,z);      h_poly(P,z);
                   f_poly(P,X,t);    h_poly(P,X,t);
                   f_poly(P,n,t);    h_poly(P,n,t);
PARAMETERS:  P = a bounded poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             t = a variable name or expression

  Let P be a poset with vertex set X, and assume that P is bounded;
  i.e., P has a minimum and a maximum element. The f-polynomial of P is
  defined to be the sum of f_k * t^k, where f_k denotes the number of
  chains of length k from the minimum element to the maximum element
  (i.e., 0 < x[1] < ... < x[k-1] < 1, if 0 is the minimum and 1 is the
  maximum). In particular, f_2 is the number of non-extreme vertices,
  and except for the case of a singleton poset, f_1=1 and f_0=0.

  The h-polynomial of P is related to the f-polynomial f(P,t) by the
  rule h(P,t) = (1-t)^d * f(P,t/(1-t)), where d = degree(f).

  f_poly(P,X,t) returns the f-polynomial of the poset P, evaluated at t.
  f_poly(P,n,t) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  f_poly(P,t) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The syntax for computing the h-polynomial is the same.

  If the poset is not bounded, an error is signaled. In particular, a
  poset with isolated vertices and nops(X)>1 always triggers an error.

  The f-polynomial f(P,t) and the chain polynomial C(P,t) (see 'chains') 
  are related: (1+t)^2 * f(P,t) = t * C(P,t), unless P is a singleton.
  The f-polynomial is also related to the zeta polynomial (see 'zeta').

  The h-polynomial of J(P) at t is the W-polynomial of P at (q,t)=(1,t).
  That is, h_poly(J(P,X),t) = W(P,X,1,t) (see 'W').

  P:=({},1) &+ (chain(2) &u chain(3)) &+ ({},1);
  f_poly(P,t);                           yields       t+5*t^2+4*t^3+t^4
  h_poly(J({},3),z);                     yields          z+4*z^2+z^3
SEE ALSO:  chains, flag_f, flag_h, W, zeta

FUNCTION:  ideals - list/count order ideals in a partially ordered set
CALLING SEQUENCE:  ideals(P,<option>);
PARAMETERS:  P    = a poset
             X    = a set (the vertex set); or, a linear extension of P
             n    = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
         <option> = at most one of the following:
            (1) a range, such as 2..7
            (2) a variable name, such as q

  Let P be a poset with vertex set X. An order ideal of P is a subset I
  of X such that if x is in I and y < x in P, then y is in I.

  ideals(P,X) returns a list of all order ideals of P.
  ideals(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,2,...,n}.
  ideals(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The ideals are listed in a lexicographic order with ideal I preceding
  ideal J if J contains the "last" vertex of the symmetric difference of
  I and J. Here, "last" is determined by some linear extension of P;
  i.e., a linear ordering of the vertex set X such that if x < y in P,
  then x precedes y in the linear ordering. So for example, all ideals
  that contain the last vertex appear after all ideals that do not.

  In order to force the use of the lexordering induced by a particular
  linear extension of P, the vertex set X may be specified as a list in
  the desired order, rather than as a set.

  Optionally, if the last argument is a range a..b, then only those
  order ideals whose sizes fit within this range are listed.

  Optionally, if the last argument is a name, such as q, then the result
  is the generating series for order ideals; i.e., the sum of q^nops(I)
  over all order ideals I of P.

  Note that ideals(P,X,q) is the rank generating function for J(P,X).

  ideals(chain(3));                 yields          [{},{1},{1,2},{1,2,3}]
  ideals({},[a,b,c]);               yields
  ideals({[1,3],[2,3]},4,3..4);     yields     [{1,2,4},{1,2,3},{1,2,3,4}]
                                    yields     [{1,2,3},{1,2,4},{1,2,3,4}]
  ideals(chain(2) &* chain(3),q);   yields   1+q+2*q^2+2*q^3+2*q^4+q^5+q^6

SEE ALSO:  antichains, extensions, J

FUNCTION:  isom - test posets (or directed graphs) for isomorphism
PARAMETERS:  S1,S2 = poset structures (or directed graphs)
               f   = a name (optional)

  A poset structure S is any one of the following:
      P    where P is a poset--i.e., a set of covering relations
    (P,X)  where P is a poset with vertex set X
    (P,n)  where P is a poset with vertex set {1,2,...,n} 

  Two posets P and Q with vertex sets X and Y are isomorphic if there is
  a bijection x -> x' from X to Y so that [x,y] is a relation in P if and
  only if [x',y'] is a relation in Q.

  isom(P,X,Q,Y) returns true or false according to whether the posets P
  and Q are isomorphic. More generally, P and Q may be edge sets of
  arbitrary directed graphs without multiple edges. If the vertex set of
  P (or Q) is {1,...,n}, then one may substitute n for X (or Y) in the
  argument list. If P (or Q) has no isolated vertices, then X (or Y) may
  be omitted.

  isom(P,X,Q,Y,'f') does the same, and additionally, if P and Q do turn
  out to be isomorphic, assigns to f an isomorphism X -> Y. The isomorphism
  is expressed as a set of equations {x_1=y_1, x_2=y_2, ...}, meaning that
  x_1 -> y_1, x_2 -> y_2,... is an isomorphism. In particular, subs(f,P)=Q.

  The algorithm works by repeatedly refining ordered partitions of X
  and Y so that P and Q are isomorphic only if there is an isomorphism
  that respects the partitions. It terminates when the blocks of the
  partitions are singletons. It is similar to the algorithm used in Nauty
  (see <>).

  Reference: B. McKay, Congressus Numerantium 30 (1981), 45--87.

  P:=chain(2) &* chain(3); Q:=chain(3) &* chain(2);
  isom(P,Q);                    yields                 true
  isom(P,Q,8);                  yields                 false
  isom(P,7,Q,7,'f'): f;         yields     {1=1,2=4,3=2,5=3,4=5,6=6,7=7}
  isom(P,dual(P));              yields                 false
SEE ALSO:  autgroup, canon, rm_isom

FUNCTION:  J - lattice of order ideals of a poset
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set); or, a linear extension of P
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  Let P be a poset with vertex set X. An order ideal of P is a subset I
  of X such that if x is in I and y < x in P, then y is in I. The set of
  all order ideals of P forms a partial order (in fact, a distributive
  lattice) with respect to inclusion.

  J(P,X) returns (the covering relation of) an abstract poset that is
  isomorphic to the lattice of order ideals of P. The vertex set of the
  output is {1,2,...,m} for some m, and corresponds to the listing order
  used by 'ideals'. That is, ideals(P,X)[i] is vertex i of J(P,X).

  J(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  J(P) does the same, assuming that there are no isolated vertices.

  The listing order used by 'ideals' is controlled by the choice of a
  linear extension of P; i.e., a linear ordering of the vertices such that
  if x < y in P, then x precedes y in the linear ordering. In order to
  force a specific choice for the linear extension, the vertex set X may
  be specified as a list in the desired order, rather than as a set.

  The order ideals of P are in bijection with the antichains of P.

  J({},3);               yields     {[1,2],[1,3],[1,5],[2,4],[2,6],[3,4],
  L:=J(J({},2));         yields     {[1,2],[2,3],[2,4],[3,5],[4,5],[5,6]}
  distributive(L);       yields                      true
                         yields              {[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]}
  J({[a,b]},[a,b,c]);    yields
  J({[a,b]},[c,a,b]);    yields
SEE ALSO:  antichains, ideals, distributive, extensions, lattice

FUNCTION:  lattice - test whether a poset is a lattice or semi-lattice
CALLING SEQUENCE:  lattice(P);    lattice(P,'semi');
                   lattice(P,X);  lattice(P,X,'semi');
                   lattice(P,n);  lattice(P,n,'semi');
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  A poset P is a lattice if every pair of elements has a greatest lower
  bound (the meet) and a least upper bound (the join).

  lattice(P,X) returns true or false according to whether the poset P
  with vertex set X is a lattice.
  lattice(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  lattice(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  If the final argument is the name 'semi', then the procedure returns
  true or false according to whether P is a meet semi-lattice; i.e.,
  whether every pair of elements has a greatest lower bound.

  Use the dual of P to test whether P is a join semi-lattice.

  The algorithm used for lattice-testing relies on the fact that it
  suffices to check that there is a maximum element and that the meet
  of x and y exists when there is a z covering x and y. Reference:
  Bjorner-Edelman-Ziegler, Discrete Comput. Geom. 5 (1990), p. 265.

  To compute meets (or joins) in lattices, use the 'meet' function.
  L:=chain(2) &* chain(3);
  lattice(L,6);                  yields         true
  lattice(L,7);                  yields         false
  M:=({},3) &+ L;
  lattice(M);                    yields         false
  lattice(dual(M),'semi');       yields         true
SEE ALSO:  distributive, dual, meet, modular

FUNCTION:  Lattices - list nonisomorphic lattices
PARAMETERS:      n      = a positive integer (must be <= 10)
             <property> = a Boolean procedure

  For n <= 10, Lattices(n) returns a complete list of (covering relations
  of) nonisomorphic lattices on n vertices. Each lattice in the list uses
  the vertex set {1,2,...,n}, and is naturally labeled--every relation
  [i,j] that occurs satisfies i<j. The lattices are stored in a partially
  compressed format--there may be a noticeable delay in producing the list.

     n  nops(Lattices(n))  length(Lattices(n))
     1          1                   7
     2          1                  15
     3          1                  23
     4          2                  67
     5          5                 223
     6         15                 839
     7         53                3599
     8        222               17803
     9       1078               99995
    10       5994              647783

  If <property> is a Boolean (i.e., true/false-valued) procedure, then
  Lattices(n,<property>) will return the sublist of Lattices(n) consisting
  of those lattices L such that <property>(L) is true. Built-in examples
  of such procedures include: atomic, distributive, modular, and ranked.

  Any additional arguments beyond the second will be passed on to the
  testing procedure. Thus for example, Lattices(6,f,a,b,...) will produce
  the list of lattices L on 6 vertices such that f(L,a,b,...) is true.
  Lattices(3);                     yields        [{[1,2],[2,3]}]
  Lattices(7)[26];                 yields
  nops(Lattices(6,ranked));        yields               9
SEE ALSO:  Posets, atomic, distributive, modular, ranked

FUNCTION:  meet - compute meets in lattices, maximal lower bounds in posets
CALLING SEQUENCE:  meet(P);    meet(P,V);
                   meet(P,X);  meet(P,X,V);
                   meet(P,n);  meet(P,n,V);
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             V = a list of vertices of P (optional)

  Given elements a,b,... of a poset P, their meet is defined to be the
  greatest lower bound of a,b,..., if one exists. Otherwise, the meet is

  If P is a poset with vertex set X, meet(P,X) returns a symmetric table as
  follows. For each pair of vertices i,j of P that possess a lower bound
  (not necessarily a *greatest* lower bound), there is a table index (i,j)
  whose corresponding entry is *some* maximal lower bound for i and j. The 
  procedure does not determine if there is only one maximal lower bound--
  i.e., a true meet.

  meet(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  meet(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  In the second form, if the final argument is a list V of vertices of P,
  the procedure returns a maximal lower bound for the vertices in V, if one
  exists. If V has no lower bounds in P, then the value NULL is returned.

  Use the dual of P to compute joins or minimal upper bounds in P.
  M[4,6], M[3,6];                     yields             2, 1
  meet(P,[a,c,d]);                    yields             NULL
  P:=({},2) &+ ({},2);
  M[1,5], M[3,4];                     yields          M[1, 5], 2
SEE ALSO:  distributive, dual, lattice, modular

FUNCTION:  mobius - Mobius function of a poset
CALLING SEQUENCE:  mobius(P);    mobius(P,[a,b]);
                   mobius(P,X);  mobius(P,X,[a,b]);
                   mobius(P,n);  mobius(P,n,[a,b]);
PARAMETERS:  P  = a poset
             X  = a set (the vertex set)
             n  = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
            a,b = vertices of P (optional)

  The Mobius function of a poset P is an integer-valued function on the set
  of pairs (a,b) such that a <= b in P (or equivalently, on the intervals
  of P). Its defining property is that for all a <= b in P, the sum of
  mobius(a,c)  over a <= c <= b is 0 for a < b, and 1 for a = b.

  mobius(P,X) returns the Mobius function of the poset P with vertex set X,
  in the form of a 'sparse' table; indices of the table are the pairs (a,b)
  such that a <= b in P.

  mobius(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  mobius(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  In the second form, if the final argument is a list [a,b] of two vertices
  of P, the procedure returns the Mobius function of P at (a,b). If it is
  not true that a <= b in P, then 0 is returned.

  If P has a minimum element 0 and maximum element 1, then

  mobius({[a,b],[a,c]},{a,b,c});         yields
  P:=({},1) &+ ({},4) &+ ({},1);
  mobius(P,[1,6]);                       yields            3
  mo[1,8], mo[2,3];                      yields          -1, 0
SEE ALSO:  char_poly, eulerian, subinterval, zeta

FUNCTION:  modular - test modularity and semi-modularity of lattices
              modular(L);    modular(L,'lower');    modular(L,'upper');
              modular(L,X);  modular(L,X,'lower');  modular(L,X,'upper');
              modular(L,n);  modular(L,n,'lower');  modular(L,n,'upper');
PARAMETERS:  L = a lattice
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)

  A lattice L is upper (resp., lower) semi-modular if it is ranked, and the
  rank function r satisfies r[a] + r[b] >= r[meet(a,b)] + r[join(a,b)] for
  all vertices a and b (resp., with <= in place of >=). L is modular if it
  is both upper and lower semi-modular. L is geometric if and only if it is
  atomic and upper semi-modular.

  modular(L) returns true or false according to whether the lattice L is
  modular. If the final argument is 'upper' (resp., 'lower'), the procedure
  tests only for upper (resp., lower) semi-modularity. 

  modular(L,X) does the same, if the vertex set of L is X.
  modular(L,n) does the same, if the vertex set of L is {1,...,n}.

  The procedure *does not* test to see whether L is actually a lattice.
  L:=({},1) &+ ({},3) &+ ({},1);
  modular(L);                                         yields    true
  L:=({},1) &+ (chain(2),3) &+ ({},1);
  modular(L);                                         yields    false
  L:=({},1) &+ {[1,2],[1,3],[4,3],[4,5]} &+ ({},1);
  modular(L,'upper');                                 yields    true
  modular(L,'lower');                                 yields    false
SEE ALSO:  atomic, distributive, lattice, meet, ranked

FUNCTION:  omega - order polynomial of a poset
CALLING SEQUENCE:  omega(P,z,<options>);
PARAMETERS:  P     = a poset
             X     = a set (the vertex set)
             n     = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             z     = a variable name or expression
         <options> = any of the following, in any order:
            (1) 'ideals' or 'linear' (specifying an algorithm)
            (2) a subset of P (specifying descent positions)

  The order polynomial of a poset P with vertex set X is the unique
  polynomial F(z) such that for all integers m>0, F(m) equals the number
  of order-preserving maps from P to an m-element chain.

  omega(P,X,z) returns the order polynomial of P, evaluated at z.
  omega(P,n,z) does the same, if the vertex set of P is X={1,...,n}.
  omega(P,z) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  Note that omega(P,X,z) = zeta(J(P,X),z).

  Two algorithms are provided for computing order polynomials: 'linear'
  and 'ideals'. The 'linear' algorithm has minimal space requirements and
  a running time that is linear in the number of linear extensions of P.
  The 'ideals' algorithm is more appropriate for larger posets, and has
  worst-case time and space requirements that are quadratic in the number
  of order ideals of P. If neither algorithm is specified, the default is
  to use the 'linear' option for posets with <= 6 vertices, and the
  'ideals' option otherwise. 

  The second optional argument is a subset S of P. This option is for
  computing the order polynomials of *labeled* posets, in the following
  sense. Let L be a labeling of the poset P with vertex set X; that is,
  an integer numbering of the vertex set X without repetitions. Let S be
  the subset of the covering relation of P consisting of all pairs [a,b]
  such that b covers a in P and L[a] > L[b]. The order polynomial of P
  with respect to L is the unique polynomial F(z) such that for all
  integers m>0, F(m) equals the number of order-preserving maps f from P
  to an m-element chain such that f(a) < f(b) whenever [a,b] is in S.
  If S = {}, we obtain the usual order polynomial as defined above.

  If there does not exist a labeling L of P for which S is the set of
  covering pairs [a,b] such that L[a] > L[b], then S is inadmissible and
  an error is signaled.

  factor(f);                          yields    1/24*z^2*(z+3)*(z+2)*(z+1)
  factor(f);                          yields     1/24*z*(z-1)*(z+2)*(z+1)
  factor(f);                          yields    1/24*z^3*(z+3)*(z+2)*(z+1)
  omega({[a,b],[a,c]},{a,b,c,d},3);   yields                42
  P:=chain(9); S:=chain(5);
  9!*omega(P,q,'linear',S);           yields
                                  q^9 - 30*q^7 + 273*q^5 - 820*q^3 + 576*q

SEE ALSO:  extensions, ideals, J, W, zeta

FUNCTION:  &+ - ordinal sum of posets
CALLING SEQUENCE:  S1 &+ S2 &+ S3 ...;
PARAMETERS:  S1, S2, ... = a sequence of two or more poset "structures"

  A poset structure S is any one of the following:
     P     where P is a poset--i.e., a set of covering relations
    (P,X)  where P is a poset with vertex set X
    (P,n)  where P is a poset with vertex set {1,2,...,n} 

  If P and Q are posets with disjoint vertex sets X and Y, their ordinal
  sum is defined to be the poset with vertex set X union Y, with x < y if
  and only if x < y in P, or x < y in Q, or x is in X and y is in Y.

  Whenever the posets package is loaded via the 'with' command, a neutral
  operator  &+  for constructing ordinal sums is defined. Assuming that P
  and Q are posets without isolated vertices, the operation  P &+ Q (and
  more generally, P &+ Q &+ R, etc) will compute the ordinal sum of P and
  Q (and R ...). The output of this computation will be a poset that is
  *isomorphic* to the ordinal sum of P and Q, but not necessarily *equal*
  to the ordinal sum of P and Q. In particular, the vertex set of the
  result will be {1,2,...,p+q} if P has p vertices and Q has q vertices.

  Whether or not the vertex sets of P and Q are actually disjoint, they
  are treated as if they were.

  To allow for posets with isolated vertices, the operator &+ also
  accepts poset structures of the form (P,X) or (P,n). The former is used
  to indicate that the vertex set of P is X, and the latter to indicate
  that the vertex set is {1,...,n}.

  one:=({},1); two:=({},2);
  P:=two &+ two;                   yields     {[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]}
  &+(one,P,one,one);               yields
SEE ALSO:  &u, &*

FUNCTION:  plot_poset - plot posets (or acyclic directed graphs)

CALLING SEQUENCE:  plot_poset(P,<options>);

PARAMETERS:  P     = a poset (or acyclic directed graph)
             X     = a set (the vertex set)
             n     = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
         <options> = any of the following, in any order:
            (1) 'dot', or dot=<filename>
            (2) 'proportional'
            (3) levels=<list>
            (4) stretch=<number>
            (5) ecolor=<color>, or ecolor=<table>
            (6) vcolor=<color> 
            (7) 'labels', or labels=<table> 
            (8) any options known to plots[display]

  plot_poset(P,X) plots the Hasse diagram of a poset P with vertex set X
  using Maple 2D graphics or (optionally) writes a description of P in
  the "dot" language for external processing by the Graphviz package.
  For information about dot and Graphviz, see <>.

  plot_poset(P,n) does the same, if {1,...,n} is the vertex set of P.
  plot_poset(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The procedure also operates correctly on acyclic directed graphs.

  The default layout algorithm for Maple 2D plots proceeds as follows.
  First, the vertex set is partitioned into levels according to 'filter',
  and the vertices within each level are ordered left-to-right by 'sort'.
  An initial layout is then chosen, with equal horizontal spacing between
  the vertices in each level and edges represented by straight lines.
  Finally, an adjustment algorithm is used to horizontally shift the
  positions of vertices until there are no "phantom" relations
  (i.e., line segments that pass through vertices of P).

  For dot plots, the default layout algorithm is dependent on the external
  software used to process the output.

  There are several options for controlling the form of the plot:

   Write to the terminal a description of the plot in the dot language,
   suitable for use by the Graphviz package. The default is a Maple plot.

   Same as above, except that the output is written to the named file
   using a Maple 'writeto' command. If there is an existing file with the
   same name, it is overwritten.

   Force the horizontal spacing between vertices in each level to be
   inversely proportional to the number of vertices in that level. This
   tends to produce better-looking plots for posets in which there is
   extreme variation in the number of vertices in consecutive levels. 
   This option is ignored in dot plots.

   Use the given list to partition the vertex set into levels. The i-th
   item of the list must be a set or list that specifies which vertices
   should appear at the i-th level. An error is signaled if the vertex
   set of P does not coincide with the union of the level sets. Another
   error is signaled if there is an edge [x,y] such that vertex x is in
   a level at or above the level of vertex y.

   In Maple plots, if the i-th level is specified as a list, then the
   left-to-right ordering of the list is preserved in the layout; if it
   is a set, the left-to-right ordering is determined by applying 'sort'.
   The default is levels=filter(P,X).

   In dot plots, the left-to-right ordering within each level is
   determined by the external software used to process the output.

   Stretch the vertical axis by the indicated factor. In some versions
   of Maple, similar effects may be achieved by selecting 'Unconstrained'
   from the 'Projection' menu of a plot, and then reshaping the window.
   This option is ignored in dot plots.

   Specify the color of the edges in the plot. The default color is set
   by the global variable `posets/default`[ecolor] and may be redefined
   by the user. The initial default value is 'red'.

   Specify individual colors for each (covering) edge of P. The entries
   of the table should be subsets of the covering edges of P, and the
   index corresponding to a given entry should be the desired color for
   the given set of edges. Any edge of P not occurring in one of the
   color-sets will be assigned the default edge color.

   Specify the color of the vertices and text labels in the plot. The
   default color is set by the global variable `posets/default`[vcolor]
   and may be redefined by the user. The initial default value is 'black'
   (in Maple V R4 or later) or 'white' (in Maple V R3 or earlier).
   Note that in dot plots, 'white' is probably not what you want.

   Specify that the vertices of P should be represented in the plot by
   their names, rather than by points (the default).

   Specify a label for each vertex of P. The indices of the table should
   be the vertices of P, and the corresponding entries are the desired
   labels. The entries must be of type 'string' (not names or numbers).
   If any vertex of P is missing from the table, an error is signaled.

  In Maple plots, any options not recognized by plot_poset are passed as
  arguments to plots[display]. In dot plots, these options are ignored.

  plot_poset(P,stretch=0.9,title=`Boolean Algebra on 4 Points`);


  P:=({},1) &+ rand_poset(20,0.3);

  P:=({},1) &+ ({},2) &+ ({},10) &+ ({},2) &+ ({},1);

  P:=J(chain(4),5); P:={op(P),[3,11],[11,8],[5,12],[12,9]};
  F:=filter(P); F:=subsop(2=[3,2],3={4,5},4=[11,6,7,12],F);

SEE ALSO:  colors, filter, plot[options], plots[display], writeto

FUNCTION:  Posets - list nonisomorphic posets
PARAMETERS:      n      = a positive integer (must be <= 8)
             <property> = a Boolean procedure

  For n <= 8, Posets(n) returns a complete list of (covering relations of)
  nonisomorphic posets on n vertices. Each poset in the list uses the
  vertex set {1,2,...,n}, and is naturally labeled--every relation [i,j]
  that occurs satisfies i<j.

    n   nops(Posets(n))     length(Posets(n))
    1           1                   7
    2           2                  19
    3           5                  79
    4          16                 395
    5          63                2239
    6         318               15131
    7        2045              124367
    8       16999             1277063

  If <property> is a Boolean (i.e., true/false-valued) procedure, then
  Posets(n,<property>) will return the sublist of Posets(n) consisting of
  those posets P such that <property>(P) is true. Built-in examples of
  such procedures include: connected, lattice, and ranked.

  Any additional arguments beyond the second will be passed on to the
  testing procedure. Thus for example, Posets(6,f,a,b,...) will produce
  the list of posets P on 6 vertices such that f(P,a,b,...) is true.

  Posets(2);                     yields              [{}, {[1,2]}]
  Posets(5)[15];                 yields        {[1,3],[2,3],[3,5],[1,4]}
  nops(Posets(4,connected,4));   yields                   10
  nops(Posets(4,connected));     yields                   14

SEE ALSO:  Lattices, connected, lattice, ranked

FUNCTION:  &* - direct product of posets
CALLING SEQUENCE:  S1 &* S2 &* S3 ...;
PARAMETERS:  S1, S2, ... = a sequence of two or more poset "structures"

  A poset structure S is any one of the following:
     P     where P is a poset--i.e., a set of covering relations
    (P,X)  where P is a poset with vertex set X
    (P,n)  where P is a poset with vertex set {1,2,...,n}

  If P and Q are posets with vertex sets X and Y, their direct product is
  defined to be the poset with vertex set X x Y (Cartesian product), with
  (x1,y1) <= (x2,y2) if and only if x1 <= x2 in P and y1 <= y2 in Q.

  Whenever the posets package is loaded via the 'with' command, a neutral
  operator  &*  for constructing direct products is defined. If P and Q
  are posets without isolated vertices, the operation  P &* Q (and more
  generally, P &* Q &* R, etc) will compute the direct product of P and Q
  (and R ...). The output of this computation will be a poset that is
  *isomorphic* to the direct product of P and Q, but not necessarily
  *equal* to the product of P and Q. In particular, the vertex set of the
  result will be {1,2,...,p*q} if P has p vertices and Q has q vertices.

  To allow for posets with isolated vertices, the operator &* also
  accepts poset structures of the form (P,X) or (P,n). The former is used
  to indicate that the vertex set of P is X, and the latter to indicate
  that the vertex set is {1,...,n}. If all of the arguments passed to &*
  are of this form, then the result returned will also be of this form.

  Q:=chain(2); P:=Q &* Q &* Q;
  isom(P,J({},3));            yields                true
  Q &* ({[a,b]},{a,b,c});     yields   {[1,2],[1,3],[2,4],[3,4],[5,6]}
  (Q,3) &* (Q,3);             yields
                                  {[1,2],[1,4],[2,5],[3,6],[4,5],[7,8]}, 9
SEE ALSO:  &u, &+

FUNCTION:  rand_poset - random poset generator
CALLING SEQUENCE:  rand_poset(n);
PARAMETERS:  n  = a positive integer
             p  = a number specifying edge probabilities (0 < p < 1)
           coin = a procedure for generating random coin tosses

  rand_poset(n) uses the Maple pseudo random number generator 'rand' to
  create a random poset on the vertex set {1,...,n} by the following
  algorithm: for each ordered pair (i,j) such that 1 <= i < j <= n, the
  procedure chooses to include or not include the relation i < j with
  equal probability. The covering relation of the poset generated by
  these relations is then returned.

  The distribution of posets induced by this algorithm is far from uniform.
  It tends to favor "long-and-stringy" posets.

  If the optional second argument is a numeric value p (0 < p < 1), the
  relation i < j with be included with probability p. Values of p less than
  1/2 will tend to counteract the "long-and-stringy" effect.

  If the optional second argument is a procedure 'coin', then random
  values are generated by calls to coin(). If coin() returns the value 1,
  then the relation i<j will be included; if any other value is returned,
  the relation will be omitted.
  #results depend on the current state of the random number generator
  rand_poset(10);                yields    {[1,3],[1,2],[2,6],[3,4],[4,6],
  rand_poset(9,0.3);             yields
  rand_poset(10,coin);           yields    {[1,5],[1,2],[2,6],[3,4],[3,5],

SEE ALSO:  covers, rand

FUNCTION:  ranked - test whether a poset is ranked
CALLING SEQUENCE:  ranked(P);    ranked(P,'R');
                   ranked(P,X);  ranked(P,X,'R');
                   ranked(P,n);  ranked(P,n,'R');
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             R = a name (optional)

  A poset P with vertex set X is ranked if there exists an integer-valued
  function r on X (the rank function) such that if y covers x in P, then
  r[y]-r[x]=1. Note that the rank function is not unique.

  ranked(P,X) returns true or false according to whether P is ranked.
  ranked(P,n) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,2,...,n}.
  ranked(P) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  Optionally, if P is ranked and the last argument is an unassigned name,
  such as R, then as a side effect the procedure will assign to R a list
  [X_0, X_1, ..., X_m], where X_i is the set of vertices of rank i, using
  the (unique) rank function with the property that the minimum rank in
  every connected component of P is 0.

  A poset P is graded if all maximal chains have the same length,
  or equivalently, if the poset ({},1) &+ (P,X) &+ ({},1) obtained by
  adjoining a maximum and minimum element is ranked.

  P:=({},1) &+ (chain(2),3) &+ ({},1);
  ranked(P,6);                       yields             false
  ranked(P);                         yields              true
  ranked(P &u dual(P),'R'),R;        yields
                                       true, [{1,8,10},{2,4,7,9},{3,5,6}]

SEE ALSO:  connected, filter

FUNCTION:  rm_isom - remove isomorphic copies from a list of posets
PARAMETERS:  L = a list or set of posets (or directed graphs) 

  Two posets P and Q are isomorphic if there is a bijection x -> x' from
  the vertices of P to the vertices of Q so that [x,y] is a relation of P
  if and only if [x',y'] is a relation of Q.

  If L is a list or set of posets (viewed as sets of covering pairs, then
  rm_isom(L) returns a sublist (or subset) of L with isomorphic copies
  "pruned out". That is, every member of L will be isomorphic to exactly
  one member of the returned list or set. If L is a list, then the result
  returned will be the sublist of L formed by the first representative
  from each isomorphism class that occurs. If L is a set, then the result
  returned will be a subset of L.
  There is no allowance for the specification of vertex sets; each poset
  is treated as if it has no isolated vertices.

  The procedure may also be applied to lists or sets of directed graphs.

  nops(rm_isom(L));                           yields         16
SEE ALSO:  autgroup, canon, isom

FUNCTION:  strongcomps - strongly connected components of a digraph

CALLING SEQUENCE:  strongcomps(G);    strongcomps(G,'Q');
                   strongcomps(G,X);  strongcomps(G,X,'Q');
                   strongcomps(G,n);  strongcomps(G,n,'Q');

PARAMETERS:  G = the edge set of a directed graph
             X = a set (the vertex set of G)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             Q = a name (optional)

  If G is a directed graph with vertex set X, strongcomps(G,X) returns
  a list of sets that partition X into strongly connected components.
  Two vertices x and y belong to the same strongly connected component if
  and only if there is a directed path in G from x to y and y to x.

  The components are listed in an order consistent with G: if there is
  an edge [x,y] in which x belongs to the i-th component and y belongs to
  the j-th component, then i <= j (as integers).

  strongcomps(G,n) does the same, if the vertex set of G is {1,...,n}.
  strongcomps(G) does the same, assuming that G has no isolated vertices.

  Optionally, if the last argument is an unassigned name, such as Q, then
  in addition to returning a list of strongly connected components of G,
  the procedure assigns to Q the edge set of the acyclic directed graph
  induced by G on the components: [i,j] is an edge in Q if i<>j and there
  is an edge [x,y] of G such that x belongs to the i-th component and y
  belongs to the j-th component.

  Use 'covers' to extract the covering relation of the poset Q generates.

  strongcomps(G,'Q'),Q;            yields   [{0},{a,b,c},{1}], {[1,2],[2,3]}
  P:=J({},3); P:={op(P),[8,3],[2,1]};
  strongcomps(P);                  yields          [{1,2},{5},{6},{3,4,7,8}]
  strongcomps(P,9,'Q');            yields      [{9},{1,2},{5},{6},{3,4,7,8}]
  covers(Q);                       yields                {[2,3],[3,4],[4,5]}
SEE ALSO:  connected, covers

FUNCTION:  subinterval - extract a subinterval from a poset
CALLING SEQUENCE:  subinterval(P,[a,b]);
PARAMETERS:  P  = a poset
             X  = a set (the vertex set)
             n  = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
            a,b = vertices of P, or a = -infinity, or b = infinity

  Let P be a poset with vertex set X. If a and b are vertices in X such
  that a <= b in P, then subinterval(P,X,[a,b]) returns the subposet of P
  formed by the vertices c in X such that a <= c <= b.

  If a = -infinity (resp., b = +infinity), then the subposet formed by
  the vertices c <= b (resp., c >= a) is returned.

  Otherwise, if either a or b is not a vertex in X, or if it is not true
  that a <= b in P, then NULL is returned.

  If the subposet Q to be returned has no relations (and thus has a single
  vertex c), then the poset structure {},{c} is returned.

  subinterval(P,n,[a,b]) does the same, if P has vertex set {1,...,n}.
  subinterval(P,[a,b]) does the same, if P has no isolated vertices.
  P:=chain(2) &* chain(3);
  subinterval(P,[1,4]);            yields     {[1,2],[1,3],[2,4],[3,4]}
  subinterval(P,[-infinity,5]);    yields           {[1,3],[3,5]}
  subinterval(P,[2,5]);            yields               NULL
  subinterval(P,7,[7,infinity]);   yields              {}, {7}
SEE ALSO:  subposet

FUNCTION:  subposet - extract an induced subposet from a poset
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             Y = a subset of the vertex set

  Let P be a poset with vertex set X. If Y is a subset of X, then the
  subposet of P induced by Y is the poset with vertex set Y and relations
  x < y for every x,y in Y such that x < y in P.

  subposet(P,X,Y) returns (the covering relation of) the subposet of P
  induced by Y. An error is signaled if Y is not a subset of X.
  subposet(P,n,Y) does the same, if {1,...,n} is the vertex set of P.
  subposet(P,Y) does the same, assuming P has no isolated vertices.
  P:=chain(2) &* chain(3);
  subposet(P,{1,2,4,5});          yields        {[1,2],[2,4],[1,5]}
  subposet(P,8,{1,4,5,7});        yields           {[1,4],[1,5]}
SEE ALSO:  subinterval

FUNCTION:  W - W-polynomial of a poset
CALLING SEQUENCE:  W(P,q,t,<options>);
PARAMETERS:  P     = a poset
             X     = a set (the vertex set)
             n     = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
            q,t    = variable names or expressions
         <options> = any of the following, in any order:
            (1) 'ideals' or 'linear' (specifying an algorithm)
            (2) a subset of P (specifying descent positions)

  Let P be a poset with a vertex set X of size n. A labeling L of P may
  be viewed as an assignment of distinct integers to the vertices in P.
  The labeling is "natural" if x < y in P implies L[x] < L[y].
  For each linear extension w of P (see 'extensions'), define

    D(L,w) = { 1 <= i <= n : L[w[i]] > L[w[i+1]] },

  using the convention that L[w[n+1]] = -infinity.
  It follows that D(L,w) always includes n (assuming n>0).
  The W-polynomial of (P,L) may be defined as the generating series

    W(q,t) = SUM  q^Sum(D(L,w)) * t^|D(L,w)|,

  where w ranges over all linear extensions of P.

  The W-polynomial depends only on P and the "descent set" of L; i.e.,
  the set of all covering pairs x < y in P such that L[x] > L[y].
  In other words, two labelings of P with the same descent set yield the
  same W-polynomial. In particular, all natural labelings of P (the case
  of an empty descent set) yield the same W-polynomial.

  W(P,X,q,t) returns the W-polynomial of P evaluated at q,t, relative
  to a natural labeling of P.
  W(P,n,q,t) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  W(P,q,t) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  To compute the W-polynomial of P relative to an arbitrary labeling L,
  the descent set S of the labeling may be optionally provided as an
  additional argument. This set must be a subset of P (i.e., a subset of
  the covering relation of the poset). If there is no labeling of P
  corresponding to the given descent set S, an error is signaled.

  Two algorithms are provided for computing W-polynomials: 'linear' and
  'ideals'. The 'linear' algorithm has minimal space requirements and a
  running time that is linear in the number of linear extensions of P.
  The 'ideals' algorithm is more appropriate for larger posets, and has
  worst-case running times that are quadratic in the number of order
  ideals of P. If neither algorithm is specified, the default is to use
  the 'linear' option for posets with <= 6 vertices, and the 'ideals'
  option otherwise. 

  Note that when the W-polynomial is evaluated at (q,t)=(1,1), the result
  is the number of linear extensions of P. In this case (i.e., when the
  supplied values for q and t are both 1), the procedure ignores any
  optional arguments and calls a special subroutine for fast counting of
  linear extensions.

  It can be shown that
                             2         n                    s  m
    W(q,t) = (1-t)(1-q t)(1-q t)...(1-q t) * SUM  N[s,m] * q  t,
  where N[s,m] is the number of order-reversing maps f from P to the
  m-element chain 1 < 2 < ... < m such that

    (1) the sum of f(x) over all x in X is s,
    (2) f(x) > f(y) whenever L[x] > L[y].

  In particular, specializing to the case q=1, one obtains

    W(1,t) = (1-t)^(n+1) * SUM Ord(m) * t^m,

  where Ord(m) is the order polynomial of P relative to L (see 'omega'). 

  Relative to a natural labeling, the W-polynomial of P is the flag
  h-polynomial of J(P,X) in the variables z[i]=q^i*t (see 'flag_h'),
  and W(1,t) is the ordinary h-polynomial of J(P,X) (see 'h_poly').

  factor(f);                  yields        q^4*(q^2+q+1)*(q^2+1)*(q+1)^2
  P:=chain(2) &* chain(3);
  W(P,q,t,{[1,2],[5,6]});     yields
                               q^9*t^2 + q^11*t^3 + 2*q^12*t^3 + q^13*t^3
                              yields                t + 5*t^2 + 2*t^3
                              yields                    q^18*t^4
  P:=chain(7) &* chain(7);
  W(P,1,1);                   yields           475073684264389879228560
SEE ALSO:  extensions, flag_h, h_poly, ideals, J, omega

FUNCTION:  zeta - zeta polynomial of a poset
PARAMETERS:  P = a poset
             X = a set (the vertex set)
             n = a positive integer (the number of vertices)
             t = a variable name or expression

  The zeta polynomial of a poset P with vertex set X is the unique
  polynomial Z(t) such that for every integer m>1, Z(m) is the number of
  weakly increasing sequences  x[1] <= x[2] <= ... <= x[m-1] in P.
  In particular, Z(2) is the number of vertices, and Z(3) is the number
  of (weakly) related pairs.

  zeta(P,X,t) returns the zeta polynomial of the poset P, evaluated at t.
  zeta(P,n,t) does the same, if the vertex set of P is {1,...,n}.
  zeta(P,t) does the same, assuming that P has no isolated vertices.

  The zeta polynomial is related to the chain polynomial (see 'chains')
  as follows: Z(m) is the sum of c_k * binomial(m-2,k-1) for k >= 1,
  where c_k denotes the number of k-element chains in P.

  The order polynomial of P (see 'omega') is the zeta polynomial of J(P).

  If P has a minimum element 0 and a maximum element 1, then the zeta
  polynomial Z(t) has several significant features:

  (1) Z(m) is the number of weakly increasing chains of length m
  from 0 to 1; i.e., 0 <= x[1] <= ... <= x[m-1] <= 1.

  (2) Z(m) is the sum of f_k * binomial(m,k), where f_k denotes the
  number of chains of length k from 0 to 1 (see also 'f_poly').

  (3) Z(-1) is the value of the mobius function on the interval
  from 0 to 1; i.e., zeta(P,-1)=mobius(P,[0,1]).

  zeta({[a,b],[b,c]},{a,b,c,d},q);        yields        1+1/2*q+1/2*q^2
  zeta(J({},3),t);                        yields              t^3
  P:=({},1) &+ ({},3) &+ ({},1);
  zeta(P,-1);                             yields               2
SEE ALSO:  chains, f_poly, mobius, omega

© 2009 John R. Stembridge