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Need help with Math 115?

If you need help with understanding the material of Math 115, or with the individual homework exercises, here are two excellent places to turn to get it.

Your Instructor

Your instructor's office hours are there for your benefit, so feel free to take advantage of them. No appointment is necessary.

The Math Lab

The Math Lab is a free mathematics tutoring service in B860 East Hall open to all University of Michigan students. No appointment is necessary; just walk in and sign up. See the Math Lab home page for the hours that the Math Lab is open.

Here are several things you should know to use the Math Lab to your best advantage.

The Math Lab is often very busy during the evening, with a backlog of students waiting for tutoring, so your best bet for getting fast help is to go during the daytime.
Similarly, the Math Lab is often very, very busy during the week leading up to a uniform exam, so don't put off getting help there until just before an exam.
The best way to get good, fast help for Math 115 is to go to the Math Lab during the times one or more Math 115 instructors are in the Math Lab and specifically ask to see a Math 115 instructor. To find those times, see the Math Lab tutoring schedule.
The Math Lab does offer some help with group homework, but their policy is to give only broad suggestions on ways to think about group homework exercises. Another Math Lab policy is that they cannot give any help at all on group homework unless at least three members of the homework team are present. The presumption is that after getting some gentle guidance on how to proceed with a homework exercise, the group will then work together to find the solution while the suggestions are fresh in their minds.
Bob Megginson, University of Michigan, Department of Mathematics.
Copyright © 1999 University of Michigan Department of Mathematics. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 14, 1999