DFIELD7 m-file
pplane m-file
Eulertest m-file
Gaussian elimination class Oct 12.
For Boyce and Diprima section 2.3 Problem 8.
m-File creating the function whose root is needed: retire.m.
m-File calling the matlab root finder fzero, : boyce2_3no8.m
For Boyce and Diprima section 2.3 Problem 15.
m-File creating the function on the right of the differential equations: sardine.m.
m-File calling the matlab ODE solver ode45, and plotting the answer: BoyceDiPrima2_3no15.m
For a mass on a spring in a gravitational field.
m-File creating the function on the right: gravityspring.m
m-File invoking ode45 and giving ploting options: ode45gravspr.m
Compute an inverse matrix by running this m-file
Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix in Miller 128/10 m-file
An improved euler code for HW12 problem m-file
Math 216 dfield computer lab.
Math 216 pplane computer lab.
Level sets of energy for the undampled pendulum. m-file
Internet DFIELD site.
John POLKING's home page.
Matlab tutorials