Web Editors


Writing Web Pages
Ok, so how do we write Web pages? Let's think of some analogous cases

To work with   We use a
  Formatted text
Tabular numerical data
Web Page
    Word Processor
Image Editor
Presentation Program
What do you think? Is this too obvious? Similar to the wealth of Word processors out there, like Microsoft Word, Corel Wordperfect, ClarisWorks, StarOffice and KOffice, there are a wealth of programs to make it easy to write Web pages.
wordprocessor image Let's think for a moment what these do. Part of a Microsoft Word document is shown to the left. Some of the text is italic, some is bold, and we've changed the size of the font. There's a "Format" menu that lets us change the formatting (indent, etc.) of paragraphs, and we can insert things like bulleted (which sounds too violent, doesn't it? Let's call them "emphasis dotted") lists, etc. How does the word processor do this? It inserts little clues in the document so that it knows how to display it.

How is editing a Web document different? In many senses, it isn't -- we can use an editor to write the page and insert all of the clues that tell how to display it. The clues telling how to display a Web page are called HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The thing that makes HTML documents different from, say, Word are that (1) HTML was developed by, and must be readable by many different people with different browsers on many different platforms, and (2) at its heart, HTML is a content-description, not formatting, language.

Note that (1) is different from, say, a Word document -- which is only read by Microsoft Word, and (2) means that HTML wasn't designed to produce heavily formatted documents. Not that we are stopped from doing this. HTML is also pretty simple.

A Simple Example
Let's consider three views of an HTML file: the actual HTML markup, how it displays, and what it looks like in a Web editor (for this example we show Adobe PageMill).

 <title>sample doc</title> 
 <body bgcolor="purple"

HTML Markup
netscape image
In Netscape
pagemill image
In Pagemill

What do you think? That doesn't look too hard, does it? We'll use DreamWeaver as our Web editor for our workshop, which has a bunch of useful features which make maintaining a Website pretty easy!

(of course, I actually use emacs to do my Web pages...)

Important Stuff
  • Web pages are just files with HTML markup in them, which we can produce easily "by hand" or with a Web editor.
  • HTML tries to be a describe content not provide heavy formatting capability.
  • Because of this, it is often useful to have a general understanding of what the underlying HTML is even when we're using a Web editor.

Gavin's HHMI 02 Web Workshop: Web Editors
Last Modified: Fri May 31 08:44:35 EDT 2002
Comments to glarose@umich.edu
©2002 Gavin LaRose, UM Math Dept