Gavin's HHMI 2002 Web Workshop

Our objective in this workshop is to finish with
(1) a familiarity with the computing environment in which we will be working (off-and-on) in the HHMI summer program,
(2) a working understanding of what the World Wide Web is and how it works,
(3) an understanding of file system organization on a computer (this is easier than it sounds),
(4) knowledge of how to organize a basic Web site,
(5) some knowledge of how to use a Web editor (we'll use Dreamweaver)
(6) a basic understanding of what HTML is, and
(7) the ability to use the Web site maintenance form we'll be using in the program and after you leave

The Workshop

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Gavin's HHMI 02 Web Workshop
Last Modified: Fri May 31 08:40:08 EDT 2002
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©2002 Gavin LaRose, UM Math Dept