First, what is Javascript? Javascript is a programming
language that Netscape and Internet Explorer know
how to interpret. Because they can understand it, we are able to
write little programs that are actually contained in the Web page that
we are writing. These programs can change what we see in the page, or
how the page interacts with the viewer.
To actually use it, in the long run we would have to all learn how to
be programmers. But that's a bit much to expect for a workshop like
this, so we'll just look at a couple of fun applications that we can
"cut and paste" to use: first, a Goto Select Button,
second, rollover buttons/images (note that
you can do these automatically using DreamWeaver!), and third, simple quiz checking.
An example "goto" select button:
This is accomplished with remarkable simplicity. To do it, we need to
create a select form element which uses a javascript
property of the window to change the window location when the
value of the form is changed:
onChange="window.location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="10javascript.html"> you are now here
<option value="index.html"> goto workshop home
<option value="08resources.html"> goto resources.html
Replace the 10javascript.html
, index.html
and 08resources.html
with the URLs of the pages
that you want to go to. The text to the right of the
tags, obviously, is that which is
displayed in the element.
Do you believe me? Select view
page source
on your browser and find these in this
have to scroll down a bit to find the example form element.
An example of "image rollovers":
Note that Dreamweaver will set all of this up for you. Read on for
an explanation of just how it does it!
This is a little trickier. Three things are really going on here:
(1) each image is a link,
(2) a mouseover event swaps the image
for a different image when we run the mouse over the image, and
(3) a mouseout event swaps the image
back when we move the mouse off the image. Let's take each of
these in turn:
(1) Making the image a link can easily be done
with the HTML
<a href="index.html"><img src="images/button1off.gif"></a>
which displays as . To get rid of the blue border, add a
attribute to the image, and if we're being
really good about the HTML we're doing, we should also specify the
height and width of the image so that the browser knows how much space
to allocate to the image (I found the size out by using gimp,
which is like Photoshop; any old image (or web) editor should
tell you this if you look in the right place):
<a href="index.html"><img src="images/button1off.gif" border="0"
height="20" width="80"></a>
displays as:
So far, so good. Now, let's add the
(2) mouseover and
(3) mouseout events. No problem: we
name the image so that the javascript can change the image,
and add the event handlers to the anchor tag:
<a href="index.html" onMouseOver="imageOn('1');"
onMouseOut="imageOff('1');"><img src="images/button1off.gif"
border="0" height="20" width="80" name="button1"></a>
Note: (i) we've made the name of the button
"button1", and (ii) the onMouseOver and
OnMouseOut handlers call the javascript functions imageOn and imageOff
with the number of the button. Thus the HTML code that produced the
example above is that shown below.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><a href="index.html" onMouseOver="imageOn('1');"
onMouseOut="imageOff('1');"><img alt="home"
src="images/button1off.gif" height="20" width="80" name="button1"
<td><a href="08resources.html" onMouseOver="imageOn('2');"
onMouseOut="imageOff('2');"><img alt="resources"
src="images/button2off.gif" height="20" width="80" name="button2"
I wrapped the images in a table with no border or spacing to eliminate
spaces between them and keep them together on the page; in this case,
it probably isn't necessary. Finally, what's the javascript for
this? The code I used is the following:
<script language="javascript">
<!-- //
// ------- javascript for rollovers --------
// variable definitions for rollovers
var numbuttons = 2; // change the "2" to the number of buttons
var height = 20; // change the "20" to the height of the buttons
var width = 80; // change the "80" to the width of the buttons
var imageDir = "images"; // directory where images are found
var imageName = "button"; // name of images; appending the button number &
// "off.gif" gives the "off" button; appending
// the number and "on.gif", the "on" button
// preload images
var onbutton = Array(numbuttons+1); // all the rest of this should
var offbutton = Array(numbuttons+1); // take care of itself
for ( var i=1; i<num; i++ ) {
onbutton[i] = new Image(width,height);
onbutton[i].src = imageDir + "/" + imageName + i + "on.gif";
offbutton[i] = new Image(width,height);
offbutton[i].src = imageDir + "/" + imageName + i + "off.gif";
// function to turn images on
function imageOn(imgNum) {
eval("document.button" + imgNum).src = onbutton[imgNum].src;
// function to turn images off
function imageOff(imgNum) {
eval("document.button" + imgNum).src = offbutton[imgNum].src;
// ----- end javascript for rollovers ------
// -->
- This requires that you name your buttons "button1", "button2",
and so on.
- It requires that you plug in the number of buttons you have in
the "numbuttons" line.
- It requires that you plug in the height of your buttons in the
"height" line.
- It requires that you plug in the width of your images in the
"width" line.
- It requires that you plug in the directory and name of your
buttons in the "imageDir" and "imageName" lines.
- It requires that your "on" buttons be named the name you just
gave with button-number and "on.gif" appended, and similarly for
"off" buttons -- so if you said your image directory was
"images/buttons" and your button name was "dicey-roller", then
the script assumes that the "off" image for button 4 is
Check it out in the source code for this page. No, really.
An example "select button" quiz:
Here we have a series of questions, all of which have multiple choice
answers provided by the select form elements shown. When the user
selects an answer, the javascript code checks their answer, increments
the number of right/wrong answers they have given, and displays a
helpful message regarding their success. Again, there are two parts
to this: the HTML for the form, and the javascript supporting it.
First, the HTML:
<form name="quiz">
Coding HTML by hand is:
<select onChange="checkAnswer('1');" name="problem1">
<option value="0"> [no answer]
<option value="1"> euphoric
<option value="2"> boring
My truthfulness is:
<select onChange="checkAnswer('2');" name="problem2">
<option value="0"> [no answer]
<option value="1"> questionable
<option value="2"> impeccable
Number right: <input type="text" name="numberright" size="1" value="0">
Number wrong: <input type="text" name="numberwrong" size="1" value="0">
<img src="images/blank.gif" height="50" width="100" name="rightwrong">
What's IMPORTANT here?
- Name the form tag "quiz":
<form name="quiz">
- Name each select "problemN", and have it call the "checkAnswer"
function when it changes:
<select name="problem1"
. The number in the
(' ')
for checkAnswer must be the problem
- Make the options on the select elements have "values" 0, 1, 2,
etc., as shown.
- Make the first (default, not correct) entry of each select have
value 0.
- Include a text form element named "numberright" and another
named "numberwrong".
- Include an image named "rightwrong".
Ok, how about the javascript? The javascript for this
(again, put this in the head
section of your document) is
the following:
<script language="javascript">
<!-- //
// ----- javascript for game tallying -----
// array of correct answers
var correct = new Array(1,2);
var rightwrongHeight = 50; // height of right/wrong/blank images
var rightwrongWidth = 100; // width of right/wrong/blank images
var rightSource = "images/right.gif"; // right image
var wrongSource = "images/wrong.gif"; // wrong image
var blankSource = "images/blank.gif"; // blank image
var delay = 3; // # seconds before swapping image to blank
var right = new Image(rightwrongWidth,rightwrongHeight);
var wrong = new Image(rightwrongWidth,rightwrongHeight);
var blank = new Image(rightwrongWidth,rightwrongHeight);
right.src = rightSource;
wrong.src = wrongSource;
blank.src = blankSource;
var numright = 0;
var numwrong = 0;
// initialize number right and wrong
function initRightWrong() {
document.quiz.numberwrong.value = 0;
document.quiz.numberright.value = 0;
function checkAnswer(probNum) {
if ( eval("document.quiz.problem" + probNum).selectedIndex !=
correct[probNum-1] ) {
document.rightwrong.src = wrong.src;
document.quiz.numberwrong.value = numwrong;
} else {
document.rightwrong.src = right.src;
document.quiz.numberright.value = numright;
setTimeout("document.rightwrong.src=blank.src;", delay*1000);
// ----- end of javascript for game tallying -----
// -->
NOTE: to use this, you need to
- put the correct answers, in order, in the
called correct,
- set the height, width, and names of the right, wrong, and blank
images. Stealing my blank image would be fine.
- set the delay in seconds that you want before the 'right' or
'wrong' message image vanishes.
One more thing: to be sure that you start with the
and numberwrong
form elements
looking right, you might want to change your <body>
tag to:
<body onLoad="initRightWrong();">
Side note: this isn't a particularly secure quiz: anyone looking at
the page source can find out what the right answers are.
Gavin's HHMI 02 Web Workshop: Javascript Samples
Last Modified: Fri May 31 11:04:44 EDT 2002
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©2002 Gavin LaRose, UM Math