Large-Degree Asymptotics of Rational Painlevé-II Functions. Critical behavior.
Robert J. Buckingham and Peter D. Miller
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati
Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
This paper is a continuation of our analysis, begun in [J45], of the rational solutions of the inhomogeneous Painlevé-II equation and associated rational solutions of the homogeneous coupled Painlevé-II system in the limit of large degree. In this paper we establish asymptotic formulae valid near a certain curvilinear triangle in the complex plane that was previously shown to separate two distinct types of asymptotic behavior. Our results display both a trigonometric degeneration of the rational Painlevé-II functions and also a degeneration to the tritronquée solution of the Painlevé-I equation. Our rigorous analysis is based on the steepest descent method applied to a Riemann-Hilbert representation of the rational Painlevé-II functions, and supplies leading-order formulae as well as error estimates.