Math 216

Differential Equations Spring 2019
- Schedule
- Syllabus
- Lab Manuals
- Office Hours
- Written Homework
- Practice Problems
- Help!
Off-site Links:
Web Homework
Canvas Site
Math Lab
Tutor List
Math Careers
Wolverine Access

Written Homework Sets

The written homework problems are similar to problems from your textbook. They are to be written up neatly, and will be evaluated for both mathematical correctness and clarity of explanation. Be aware that because of time constraints, it is possible that only a random subset of the assigned problems will be graded. Note that some of the written homework problems are specifically chosen to push your understanding and help prepare you for other components of the course (e.g., exams).

Note that one problem from each assignment is directly drawn from the work you are doing in the current lab.

The work you hand in must be your own.

See the course syllabus for your section for the due dates. Note that assignments are due at the beginning of class. Note also that problem numbers indicated in the homework are those from the 3rd edition of the text. If you are using a different edition it is likely that the same problem exists, but you should be sure to check that you are working the correct problem.

©2018 The Regents of the University of Michigan
Last Modified: Thu Jun 6 17:30:00 EDT 2019