griess atop broken tree, in yellow gloves

Robert L. Griess, Jr.


Nonassociative Algebras and Loops

Lecture at the Mile High Conference on Nonassiciative Mathematics, 25 June, 2009

Some background articles for that conference lecture: Nonassociativity in VOA theory and finite group theory

A vertex operator algebra related to $E_8$ with automorphism group $O^+(10,2)$, article in The Monster and Lie Algebras, ed. J. Ferrar and K.Harada, deGruyter, Berlin, 1998. pdf

GNAVOA, I. (studies in groups, nonassociative algebras and vertex operator algbras), (about 25 pages) article in Vertex Operator Algebras in Mathematics and Physics, with S. Berman, Y. Billig and J. Lepowsky, Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 39, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 2003. pdf, dvi

The monster and its nonassociative algebra, in Proceedings of the Montreal Confeence on Finite Groups, Contemporary Mathematics, 45, 121-157, 1985, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI.

--- by other authors

I. Frenkel, J. Lepowsky and A. Meurman, {\itshape
Vertex Operator Algebras and the Monster}, Pure and Applied Math., Vol.
{\bfseries 134}, Academic Press, 1988.

J. H. Conway, A simplified contruction of the Fischer-Griess monster group, Inventiones Mathematicae, 1984. (The appendices are recommended)

articles of Masahiko Miyamoto since mid 90s

Vertex operator algebras (VOAs)
Monster and Monster-related
Finite subgroups of Lie groups
Sporadic groups
Finite simple groups
Group cohomology, group extensions
Discrete math