Math 656

Office Hours: Mon: 4-5pm, Wed: 4-6pm, and by appointment.


Office: 4064 East Hall.

Weeks 1, 2: Chapter 1 of F. John, or Chapter 3 of Evans
Problems: F. John, Chap. 1 Prob. 1 (b), (c), 2, 6 (Due Sept. 16)
Weeks 3, 4: Chapter 1 sec. 7, Chapeter 2 sec 3, 4, Chapter 5 sec 1 of F. John, or Chapter 3, Chapter 2 sec 4 of Evans
Problems: Due Sept. 30
Weeks 5, 6, 7: Chapter 5 sec 1, Chapter 4 of F. John, or Chapter 3, Chapter 2 sec. 4, sec. 2 of Evans
Problems: Due Oct. 21
Weeks 8, 9: Chapter 7 of F. John, or Chapter 2 sec. 2.2.5, sec. 3 of Evans
Problems: Due Nov. 4
