Portrait photo Michael Zieve
Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan
zieve at umich.edu

2002 Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Basic Information
Michael Zieve's 2002 REU program was part of the Director's Summer Program at the National Security Agency.

Kate Gruher   (University of Chicago)
Andrew Snowden   (University of Maryland)
and three other students who cannot presently be named

Subsequent developments
Kate won the 2003 Schafer prize, and got her PhD in 2007 at Stanford.
Andrew got his PhD in 2009 at Princeton, and is now a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Michigan with a Sloan Fellowship, an NSF Career Grant, and several other honors.

The students wrote an outstanding and important paper, which unfortunately cannot be included here since it is classified. Those familiar with IDA may infer the significance of the work from the fact that I gave an IDA FOCUS talk based in part on the students' paper.

Zieve REU's:  2002    2010    2011   2012   2014    2015    2017    2019