Portrait photo Michael Zieve
Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan
zieve at umich.edu

2012 Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Basic Information
Michael Zieve's REU program took place July 2, 2012–August 31, 2012 at the University of Michigan, and was part of the Michigan math department's larger REU program. Funding was provided by the National Science Foudation, the Chinese National Science Foundation, the government of Vietnam, the University of Michigan, Bryn Mawr College, and Haverford College.

Alex Carney   (undergraduate, became a Marshall Scholar after the summer)
Sijun Liu   (PhD student)
Chris Lyons   (Assistant Professor)
Danny Neftin   (Assistant Professor)
Robert Walker   (PhD student)
Ben Weiss   (Postdoctoral Researcher at Technion, moved to Bates College after the summer)
Michael Zieve   (Professor)

Hanna Astephan   (University of Michigan junior)
Thao Do   (Stony Brook University sophomore)
Jared Hallett   (Williams College sophomore)
Xiangyi (Henry) Huang   (Peking University sophomore)
Yuwei (Annie) Jiang   (Peking University sophomore)
Lucia Mocz   (Harvard University junior)
Salvatore (Solly) Parenti   (University of Michigan sophomore)
Ruiwen Shu   (Peking University sophomore)
Qingyun (Bill) Sun   (Peking University sophomore)
Zhihao (Gavin) Tang   (Peking University sophomore)
Joseph Evergreen Snow Varilone   (University of Michigan junior)
Jiuya Wang   (Sun Yat-sen University junior)
Nick Wasylyshyn   (University of Michigan sophomore)
Elliot Wells   (University of Michigan sophomore)
Yuhou (Susan) Xia   (Bryn Mawr College junior)
Ben Zinberg   (MIT sophomore)

Group picture: ZT/SP/XH/NW/YX/JH/HA/MZ/EW/TD/BZ/YJ/QS/JV/LM (missing RS/JW)
XH/YX/QS/JH/EW/YJ/TD and the audience for their talk
On the beach: QSSP/JHSP/NW/EW
Picnic at Gallup Park: BZ/TD
Picnic at Nichols Arboretum: EW/-/-/BZ/-/QS/JH/LM/YX/YJ
Frisbee on campus: RS/SP/ZT/QS/-/HA/EW/-/JH/JW
TD/YX with their Schafer prizes

Subsequent Developments
Susan was the runner-up for the 2013 Schafer prize.
Thao received honorable mention for the 2013 Schafer prize.
Elliot and Jared received Goldwater scholarships.
Jared received a Churchill scholarship.
Elliot began graduate school at Brown in 2014, getting his Master's degree in 2016 before accepting a job elsewhere
Hanna began graduate school at Utah in 2014.
Jiuya began graduate school at Wisconsin in 2013.
Lucia and Susan began graduate school at Princeton in 2013.
Nick began graduate school at Penn in 2014.
Qingyun began graduate school at Stanford in 2014.
Ruiwen began graduate school at Wisconsin in 2014.
Solly began graduate school at Wisconsin in 2014.
Thao began graduate school at MIT in 2014.
Xiangyi transferred to CalTech to finish his undergraduate studies, and then joined Citadel LLC in 2015 as a quantitative researcher.
Yuwei began graduate school at NYU in 2014.
Zhihao began graduate school at Hong Kong University in 2014.

Hanna Astephan, Danny Neftin, Solly Parenti, Qingyun Sun, Nick Wasylyshyn, Michael Zieve, and Ben Zinberg, Relations between value sets of polynomials over fields.
Bob Beals, Ruiwen Sun, Zhihao Tang, Jiuya Wang, Joe Wetherell, and Michael Zieve, Computing the intersection of subfields of a function field.
Thao Do, Jared Hallett, Xiangyi Huang, Yuwei Jiang, Ben Weiss, Elliot Wells, and Michael Zieve, On the functional equation f(u)=g(v) in complex polynomials f,g and meromorphic functions u,v, I: the irreducible case.
Alex Carney, Thao Do, Jared Hallett, Qingyun Sun, Ben Weiss, Elliott Wells, Susan Xia, and Michael Zieve, On the functional equation f(u)=g(v) in complex polynomials f,g and meromorphic functions u,v, II: the reducible case.
Thao Do, Jared Hallett, Qingyun Sun, Ben Weiss, Elliott Wells, Susan Xia, and Michael Zieve, On the Diophantine equation f(x)=g(y).
Chris Lyons, Lucia Mocz, Danny Neftin, and Qingyun Sun, Families of high-rank elliptic curves over function fields.
Danny Neftin, Michael Zieve, and Ben Zinberg, Prime-degree Davenport pairs.
Solly Parenti, Nick Wasylyshyn, and Michael Zieve, Improved Chebotarev estimates over function fields.
Nick Wasylyshyn, Michael Zieve, and Ben Zinberg, Common values of polynomials at roots of unity.

Zieve REU's:  2002    2010    2011   2012    2014    2015    2017    2019