Portrait photo Michael Zieve
Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan
zieve at umich.edu

2011 Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Basic Information
Michael Zieve's 2011 REU program was part of the larger REU program in the math department at the University of Michigan. Due to the students' schedules, the program was only four weeks long. Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation

Zachary Scherr   (PhD student)
Michael Zieve   (Associate Professor)

Geoff Iyer   (University of Michigan junior)
Feiqi Jiang   (University of Michigan junior)
Molly Logue   (University of Michigan freshwoman)
Dominic Spadacene   (University of Michigan junior)

Feiqi and Geoff

Subsequent developments
Molly and Dominic won second prize at the 2011 OSU Young Mathematicians' Conference.
Geoff began graduate school at UCLA in 2012.
Feiqi began graduate school at Columbia in 2012.
Molly won an NSF graduate fellowship and began graduate school at Wisconsin in 2014. She is now a software engineer at Deepfield.
Dominic now does software development and data analytics at Enthought.

Geoff Iyer, Feiqi Jiang and Michael Zieve, Sets of periodic points of polynomial mappings of rings
Molly Logue, Dominic Spadacene and Michael Zieve, Slowly growing backwards orbits of rational functions

Zieve REU's:  2002    2010    2011   2012   2014    2015    2017    2019