Room and time: 1412 Mason Hall, 2:10 - 3 p.m., MWF

Organizational information    ·    Syllabus and Homework Assignments

Final examination and solutions (PostScript file)

Solutions and comments for HW#4 & HW#5 (PostScript file)
Solutions and comments for HW#9 (PostScript file)
Solutions and comments for HW#10 (PostScript file)
Solutions and comments for HW#11 (PostScript file)

Extra credit problem explanation and first four problems
Extra credit problems II (#5-#9)
Extra credit problems III (#10-#12)
Extra credit problems IV (#13-#15)
Extra credit problems V (#16-#17)
Extra credit problems VI (#18-#23) (PostScript file)
Extra credit problems VII (#24-#26) (PostScript file)
Extra credit problems VIII (#27-#32) (PostScript file)
Extra credit problems IX (#33-#40) (PostScript file; includes comments on beta distribution)
Extra credit problems X (#41-#48)

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