Math 654, Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Fall 2008

course description
lecture notes
hw1 due: Thurs Sept 25
hw2 due: Thurs Oct 23
hw3 due: Thurs Nov 6
hw4 due: Tues Nov 25
hw5 due: Tues Dec 9
Research in Fluid Dynamics: Meeting National Needs, NCTAM Report on Fluid Mechanics, Winter 2006
Ludwig Prandtl's Boundary Layer, by John D. Anderson Jr., Physics Today, December 2005
Vortices and tall buildings: A recipe for resonance, by Peter A. Irwin, Physics Today, September 2010 (simulation)
Notes on using MATLAB [pdf]
Student Data Form Form FAQ
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"You need the willingness to fail all the time. You have to generate many ideas and then you have to work very hard only to discover that they don't work. And you keep doing that over and over until you find one that does work." - John Backus, lead developer of Fortran
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