Journal Articles
Testing for dense subsets in a graph via the partition function (2020)
(with A. Barvinok)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2020
Preprints & Conference Papers
Using GANs to Generate Private Synthetic Data (2023)
Technical Report
Traversal Sequences of Breadth-First and
Depth-First Search (2022)
A Partition Function on the Boolean Cube (2020)
Community Detection Through Polynomials (2017)
(with N. Charalambides)
Presented at the Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) Research Forum
Bergman Kernel Zeroes for a Range of Weights (2014)
Presented at the 34th Annual WKU Math Symposium - Property Testing Video Link
Conference Slides
Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transactions (2021)
(with R. Mokhlissi, and M. Salinger)
Presented at Erdős Institute Data Science Bootcamp
Counting Cliques with Polynomials (2020)
Presented at 2nd Annual Mathematics Continued Conference, University of Connecticut
Approximating Partition Functions (2019)
Presented at Student Analysis Seminar, University of Michigan
Kernel Spaces in Machine Learning and Regret Analysis of Multi-Armed Bandits (2016)
Presented at Student AIM seminar, University of Michigan
Approximate Aggergation of Ranking Data (2021)
(with Z. Zhang)
Higher Algebra and Semi-Definite Programming (2020)
Functional Data, Differential Privacy, and Machine Learning (2018)
Notes on Self-Concordant Barrier Functions in Machine Learning (2017)
Weak Convergence in Probability (2016)
(with O. Khalil, R. Luo, and X. Huang)