Math 572, Winter 2024
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

course information, references, notes

hw1 due: Tues Jan 30
hw2 due: Tues Feb 13
hw3 due: Tues Feb 27
hw4 due: Thurs March 21
hw5 due: Thurs April 4
hw6 due: Tues Apr 23

notes on using MATLAB
The Origins of Matlab, by Cleve Moler, December 2004

articles from March 2005 SIAM News
John von Neumann Birthday Centennial, J.F. Grcar
On John von Neumann and his Role in the Development of the Computer, William Aspray
Life with Father, Marina von Neumann Whitman
John von Neumann: The Early Years, the Years at Los Alamos, and the Road to Computing, Peter Lax
Interview with Peter Lax, AMS Notices, February 2006
Germund Dahlquist
Student Data Form Form FAQ
Fellowships, Graduate Study, Internships
Numerical Methods Resource Page
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