Math 471, Fall 2009, Numerical Methods, Section 002

Instructor: Robert Krasny, 4830 East Hall, (734)-763-3505,
Time/Location: MWF 2-3pm, 1084 East Hall
course description
hw1 due: Mon Sept 21
hw2 due: Mon Oct 5
hw3 due: Wed Oct 21
hw4 due: Fri Oct 30 (computing project 1 due: Mon Nov 9)
hw5 due: Fri Nov 13
hw6 due: Wed Nov 25 (computing project 2 due: Wed Nov 25)
hw7 due: Mon Dec 7
hw8 due: Mon Dec 14
Lecture Notes
chapter 1 finite precision arithmetic
chapter 2 rootfinding
chapter 3 numerical linear algebra, boundary value problems
chapter 4 computing eigenvalues
chapter 5 polynomial approximation and interpolation
chapter 6 numerical integration
Exam Review Sheets
midterm exam final exam
notes on using MATLAB
Matlab resources for students
The Origins of Matlab, by Cleve Moler, December 2004
Interview with Peter Lax, AMS Notices, February 2006, "... the astonishing phenomenon of the interaction of solitons was discovered by numerical calculations ..."
Numerical Methods Resource Page
Disasters Attributable to Bad Computing, by Doug Arnold
Collection of Software Bugs, by Thomas Huckle
Student Data Form Form FAQ
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